Chapter 1978
When it penetrated into the man's brain, the man whose limbs were bound and could not make much movement, at this moment let out a painful gurgling from the throat with his jaw removed.

Obviously, such an invasion is also extremely painful for him.

Quan Jiayun stared at the insect's actions intently.

The ice worm feeds on the brain fluid and cold air of beasts, and occasionally the vitality inside plants.

So what about this bug?
Why does it fly to drill into the brain?Controller?
Under Quan Jiayun's attention, the worm that reached the wild boar's brain stopped moving when it reached the nerve center, and it covered the entire center like liquid water.

Two or three minutes passed, the man's throat gradually stopped the unpleasant gurgling sound, and he closed his eyes as if he was lost in thought, but it didn't take long for him to close his eyes, and then the man's eyes opened again, and this time the man Weird white threads appeared on his eyeballs.

If you blink in the blink of an eye, you won't notice the difference if you don't pay attention.

And the owner of these eyes is 'looking' at her now, which is different from the way a man looked at her before, because these eyes don't have that obscene look now, they are just looking at her.

Sensing this gaze, Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes and immediately recognized that this man was no longer the man before.

This seems to be under control.

Quan Jiayun looked down at the man's expression from above, took out his sword and chopped off one of the man's palms.

This time the man didn't even cry.

It was as if the worm in his brain had isolated its pain-sensing nerves, so that he couldn't feel any pain. Even after the palm fell, his white eyeballs rolled, and even raised a slightly larger arc at the corner of his mouth.

He opened his mouth, it was a silent mute.

"Close your jaw for me."

Quan Jiayun stared at him for two seconds, and was about to make a move, but Si Chengtian didn't want her to touch such dirty things. Si Chengtian lightly tapped the back of the knife, and the man's jaw was closed.

The man moved his mouth, looked at Quan Jiayun, Jie Jie laughed twice, and made a hoarse and ugly voice: "Quan Jiayun, I know you."

The man spoke very slowly, jumping out word by word, like a slow zombie.

Obviously, the opponent's control of this body with insects is not good, so this slow effect is caused.

Being called out by her real name directly by this man, Quan Jiayun didn't show a look of surprise at being called out.

She looked down at the man from above, and said leisurely: "Do you know that I am amazing? I am Quan Jiayun, the first chief of the military academy, who spread the qigong method, and there are a lot of people who know my name."

The man looked at Quan Jiayun and said: "I also know that you are Jiang Shanxue. I know you very well."

Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, there are more!"

The man said again: "I also know that you are a cultivator of Duoshe, and I also know that what you cultivate is the perfect five-element golden elixir."

Quan Jiayun clapped his hands and said: "Wow, that's amazing. I know so much about me. I'm so scared. By the way, do you want to report yourself, or just hide behind this skin and dare not do anything?" What a coward."

The man Jie Jie laughed.

After a few ugly laughs, he slowly jumped out word by word: "You don't need to provoke me, we will meet, but not at this time."

(End of this chapter)

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