The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1979 Don't want to ask anything

Chapter 1979 Don't want to ask anything
Not this time.

That is to say, I dare not show up now.

Quan Jiayun rolled his eyelids, and said lazily: "Oh, so, it seems that it is useless to keep you now."

Quan Jiayun said that with a swipe of the sword in her hand, it reached between the man's eyebrows and stabbed in, showing her decisive temper of killing at the slightest disagreement.

She came here to find people in the prison to test the functions of the bugs.

Now the bug function has been tested.

There is no need for this man to stay, because it is obvious that this man will not say anything, and he is now using the state of the bug's remote control, so he can't force him to ask anything.

In this way, there is no need to waste her time.

Although the man knew Quan Jiayun a lot, but her style of attacking as soon as she said she would kill him caught him off guard. Before the sword penetrated, the man quickly said: "Wait a minute."

As soon as Quan Jiayun's castration stopped, he lifted his eyelids and looked into those slightly white eyes lazily, saying: "If you have something to say, say it quickly, and don't say anything boring, I've always been impatient, I am impatient to listen to some boring words, I only have a chance for you to say three words."

The man's white eyes stared at Quan Jiayun, his face pulled stiffly, as if he wanted to smile slightly, but his unattractive face, paired with this stiff smile, was ugly.

And in this ugly smile, the man said slowly: "Sure enough, seeing is worth seeing. Miss Quan really has an extraordinary personality, and she doesn't change her face when she encounters such a thing. But, you really don't want to ask anything?" ?”

Quan Jiayun looked at him and said, "The first sentence is nonsense."

The person who controlled the man in the distance was brewing good emotions, because Quan Jiayun's words fluctuated again, he had to admit that this is really an extremely special woman.

The people in the distance used the prison man's visual nerves to stare at Quan Jiayun and said calmly: "The game must be fair, now I have the upper hand, and I am willing to let you go. Apart from my identity, I can answer you a question. "

Hearing this dismissive tone, Quan Jiayun sneered.

Does she need this one answer from him?

The other party looks down on who.

Quan Jia looked at the man and said, "The second sentence is nonsense."

The man stared at Quan Jiayun's face for two or three seconds, twitched his face, and said with a smile: "Okay, since you are self-cultivated and disdain my answer, then I will wait for you Find me, and I hope all your loved ones won't die by then.'

Quan Jiayun smiled slightly.

"Okay, the third nonsense sentence is also over."

Quan Jiayun moved his wrist, and when the tip of the sword was about to freeze the worm with ice, the worm suddenly exploded by itself.

At the moment of the explosion, Quan Jiayun saw the man's silent words.

That's six words.

"You don't need to do it."

With the mouth closed, the bug has completely exploded, turning into countless white mist.

Because the worm had already covered the man's central nervous system, when the worm exploded, the man's brain nerves, that is to say, the place where the soul was fostered, were almost destroyed.

Quan Jiayun looked into the situation of this person's brain and found that it was almost the same as Quan Zhengcheng's situation.

The only difference is that it may have exploded because of it, and the remaining white mist can still be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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