The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1987 Let's Go Too

Chapter 1987 Let's Go Too
Yang Deyi looked at Quan Jiayun light and flirtatious, and got angry because he didn't take him seriously.

He hated this woman before, what would a woman do if she was so strong.

A woman should obediently stand behind a man and support him.

Instead of taking pleasure in bullying men all day long like her, she doesn't look like a woman.

She was simply too annoying, and even having a good face couldn't save him from his bad feelings for her.

Now, when he has worked so hard to finally take the position, how can she come back! !

She can't come back.

He also would never allow her to come back and destroy everything he finally had.

Yang Deyi straightened his face, stared at Quan Jiayun and said, "It's ridiculous, what do I have to be afraid of? You thought you were able to overwhelm a group of students a year and a half ago, but now you can do it now? It's different now,"

Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "In this case, why are you nervous?"

After all, Yang Deyi was still an impulsive young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, and when he faced Quan Jiayun, he didn't realize that in his heart, besides his disgust for Quan Jiayun, he also had a kind of fear.

But he himself did not want to admit it.

This led to his furious denial.

"I'm not nervous!"

"I'm just questioning your return as the chief. According to the rules, no matter how good you are, you still haven't returned to school to re-study. I don't know how you got in. Anyway, go see the teaching office with me right now."

Quan Jiayun was not angry when he heard this, but just wanted to laugh.

She looked at the young man and asked with a smile, "Aren't I going?"

Yang Deyi stepped forward awe-inspiringly, and those students he chose to follow him immediately followed him.

So, the momentum came out immediately, and then Yang Deyi stared at Quan Jiayun proudly and said: "You know, the chief can order all the students, it can be said that he has special rights than the instructor, if you don't go, all the students here will kill you Drag it."

As soon as these words came out, Instructor Luo frowned, and Ji Ruohua and the others became angry immediately. They were about to speak for Quan Jiayun, but Quan Jiayun raised his hand to suppress the conversation.

Quan Jiayun looked at Yang Deyi and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

Seeing that Quan Jiayun really succumbed, those students who secretly waited for the two to fight and see the excitement were immediately disappointed. Isn't Quan Jiayun so daily?Why are you so cowardly?

Could it be that she didn't make any progress after being away for a year and a half, but instead became useless?
Ji Ruohua and the others didn't think so, they didn't care why Quan Jiayun agreed to go, they immediately said: "Sister Yun, we will go with you too, and support your return to the principal with real name."

"I'll go as well."

"I'll go as well."

More fanboys and girls stood up to express their opinions. Wang Chao, Shan Wenhao and others who had fought against Quan Jiayun once also stood up.

There were quite a few mighty ones, more than a hundred people stood up at once.

You know, there are only 300 students in the whole third year.

Of course, Yang Deyi gave those who jumped out a hard look, and then recorded them in the little notebook in his heart, waiting to deal with them later.

Quan Jiayun turned her head to look at these people who supported her, and smiled slightly. After all, she did not live up to the half-year student time, and lived without failure.

After such a long time, there are still such a group of people who are loyal to her, which is also considered a proud thing.

Quan Jiayun glanced slightly, remembering these faces.

They can remember her like this.

Then she will give them a step and help them go straight to Qingyun.

(End of this chapter)

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