The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1988 1 Definitely Punish Well

Chapter 1988 Must be punished well

At this time, these people do not know that their future will undergo earth-shaking changes from now on.

Many years later, when these people were all in high positions, looking back on this day, many people were sincerely glad that they stood up at that time, otherwise, they would not have achieved what they are now.

Now Quan Jiayun looked at these people, smiled and said: "No need, just wait here, there will be something to be notified later, I hope you won't be too surprised."

Quan Jiayun blinked at them as he spoke.

This appearance made her fans scream in their hearts.

Sister Yun is still so charming! !

Quan Jiayun didn't know the crazy barrage in these people's hearts, she turned around and walked towards the teaching office after she finished speaking, Yang Deyi gave the others a hateful look, and led them to follow immediately.

But because of Quan Jiayun's strong aura and strolling in front, more than a dozen of them followed behind, just like the bodyguards behind the boss, many people laughed lowly.

Without his people reminding him, Yang Deyi soon realized that this was wrong.

He gritted his teeth resentfully, moved quickly, and walked in front of Quan Jiayun.

But it was useless for him to walk ahead, his aura couldn't suppress Quan Jiayun at all, so he was still walking in front like a little brother who opened the way.

Of course, he himself didn't realize all this. He who was walking in front, after seeing that Quan Jiayun didn't dare to follow, finally relieved the gloom in his heart a lot.

He immediately turned on the communicator and reported to the dean.

Just like that, a group of people arrived at the teaching office in a mighty way. It turned out that not only the teaching director, but also Principal Zhang was also there, and Yang Deyi's eyes lit up immediately.

I knew that this was a serious matter. A student who had been away from school for more than a year and entered the school privately was called breaking into the school.

Yang Deyi took a step forward and immediately said: "Principal, director, I brought this Quan Jiayun who ran back without authorization, and the two school leaders must punish her properly."

Hearing this, Zhang Kang'an wanted to give the student a kick.

Originally, because the other party was the chief, he usually gave her a good face and valued it, but it turned out that such a blind person dared to run in front of him and say that she should be punished.

Zhang Kang'an's face darkened, he looked at Yang Deyi and said, "Are you the principal, or am I the principal, and you have arranged for me the result first, what if I don't punish you?"

Yang Deyi didn't expect that Principal Zhang, who had always liked him, would talk to him like this.

In the past, because he was the chief, and because he must have a promising relationship in the future, Principal Zhang always spoke kindly, why is he so unsympathetic today?

Yang Deyi was stunned for a moment, looked at Principal Zhang's heavy face, secretly clenched his fingers into fists, and then said: "Principal, that's not what I meant, of course it's up to you to handle this matter."

Yang Deyi changed his voice when he said this, "I only said that because this person is really bad. I won't say anything about what she committed in school before. I only said that she left school without authorization for a year and a half. She has already left her status as a student, if she comes back, it will not only be unfair to the students who abide by the rules, but also question our school, questioning whether the back door has been opened."

Yang Deyi didn't know why Principal Zhang hated him, and whether he wanted to shield Quan Jiayun, but he was not afraid, so he was coming back dignifiedly.

Even the headmaster can't mess around.

This matter is wrong in the first place, as long as he announces it, there will be voices of opposition along the way, and he must remind the principal of this.

(End of this chapter)

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