The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1990 Let Everyone Know How Excellent You Are

Chapter 1990 Let Everyone Know How Excellent You Are
Quan Jiayun looked at Zhang Kang'an and said with a smile: "You still believe that person, I'm not coming back to school, but I have something to announce, so please ask Principal Zhang to call all the teachers and students in the school..."

While speaking, Quan Jiayun looked at the message on the communicator and said, "We will arrive at the auditorium in 3 minutes."

Then everything will be in place.


Recruit all teachers and students?

What kind of event is this?
Zhang Kang'an looked at Quan Jiayun's lips pursed, and asked cautiously: "Can you show me the truth?"

No idea, he was really a little flustered.

Quan Jiayun didn't answer, but just changed his form. Zhang Kang'an, who watched her change face, was dumbfounded, especially when he saw such a face that everyone knew, he was really stupid.

Although he knew that she was powerful, he didn't know that she was so powerful.

That famous person is actually her too! ! !
Zhang Kang'an really turned into a stone sculpture.

Quan Jiayun knocked on the table and said: "Why are you in a daze? Let me know. In addition, the mass media have already arrived. Let them in."

Zhang Kangan came back to his senses, and quickly responded: "Yes."

Then he glanced at the face excitedly and complicatedly, and immediately went out, but Zhang Kang'an was still a little numb with excitement after going out, he didn't expect that he would face such a big news in advance.

Fortunately, he is in the third rank, and he is no longer the old man before, otherwise his heart would not be able to bear it.

Zhang Kang'an licked his dry lips, leaned against the wall and let out a breath to calm himself down, and then he started to act.

Zhang Kang'an's actions were naturally quick. On the one hand, he notified the guard room and called every school leader to make arrangements. On the other hand, he turned on the radio himself and spread the notice to every corner of the school.

All the teachers and students were stunned.

"Is there a meeting in the auditorium? What kind of meeting is it? It's not the opening ceremony, and there is no big event."

"Yeah, it's so weird, how could the conference be held at this time."

"It's something urgent."

"But what's the big emergency?"

Although they were puzzled, the students didn't dare to disobey them. They discussed and hurried to the auditorium. Ji Ruohua, Jiang Yuyu and others guessed in the direction of Quan Jiayun, did Sister Yun do it?
However, they didn't dare to confirm, and rushed to the auditorium with doubts.

As soon as they arrived at the auditorium, they realized that there were still many media present, and they were shocked again. This is only the chief battle that so many media are present. What is going on?

In the suspicion of all the media reporters and the live broadcast team, the bright auditorium was quickly filled.

The leaders of all the schools also stood there nervously, looking forward to it, because they had also been notified by the principal that an important event would be announced soon.

Backstage at this time, Si Chengtian arrived after finishing the affairs over there. He straightened the collar of Quan Jiayun who was about to go on stage, feeling a little sour in his heart.

Because once her true identity is revealed, she is bound to attract men's eyes even more.

Of course he was sour. After all, she was so good, he just wanted to keep it for himself, and he didn't want more people to see her.

But compared to this little emotion, Si Chengtian's heart is full of pride and pride for her.

An outstanding person should be applauded by everyone, instead of covering her light, and her light cannot be blocked.

Si Chengtian stared at her proudly, causing Quan Jiayun to raise his eyebrows.

"Why are you looking at me so disgustingly?"

Si Chengtian smiled, kissed her gently at the corner of her eyes, then took a step back, and said to Quan Jiayun: "Go, let everyone know how good you are."

(End of this chapter)

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