The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1991 is Quan Jiayun

Chapter 1991 is Quan Jiayun
Facing his boss Cheng Tian's supportive gaze, Quan Jiayun raised the corner of his mouth, smiled at him, then turned around, walked across the corridor to the front desk without hesitation.

At this time in front of the stage, Zhang Kang'an was looking nervously and excitedly at the audience who didn't know. Applause welcomes her."

Seeing Principal Zhang's excited appearance, everyone was applauding, and they looked back curiously. What kind of heavyweight made Principal Zhang so excited?

Is it General Si?

Those who watched the live broadcast in the live broadcast room were equally curious.

Because the titles of the live broadcasts all have the word shocking, so they are also curious about who the heavyweights are.

Just as everyone stretched their necks and looked back, the sound of shoes stepping on the floor hit everyone's hearts with a unique signal.

I'm coming! !

While everyone's hearts were pounding, a slender leg stepped out of the darkness first.

Seeing this slender leg, everyone's expectations jumped to the highest point. After being notified, the media's live broadcast team has already focused their cameras on that side, waiting for someone to show up.

In the eyes of everyone who didn't dare to blink, in the next second, someone came out of the shadows, and the whole person was exposed under the bright lights of the auditorium.

It was a woman with a high ponytail.

She has skin as fair as snow, delicate facial features, and eyes as bright as stars, so even if she only wears a very simple set of white clothes and black trousers, standing there still takes away the brilliance of the lights,
Seeing this beautiful and eye-catching woman, the people at the scene and those watching the live broadcast, many people were in a daze for a moment.

This looks familiar.

This is?

Ji Ruohua and the others were already excited.

"Sister Yun, it's really Sister Yun"

Others also spoke up.

"Quan Jiayun, it's Quan Jiayun."

When someone reminded them, everyone suddenly realized and found the existence of this girl from their memories.

Isn't this the same person who once dominated the school?
But at the same time as they recognized it, everyone's expressions suddenly became a little subtle, and some of them even became uproarious in a low voice.

What kind of joke is this, the so-called heavyweight is Quan Jiayun?

Many people can't believe it.

Although Quan Jiayun was once an extremely bright new star, and was known by countless people because of the qigong method, which instantly expanded her reputation, but within two months after she left school, everyone's attention to her declined.

After all, this is an era in which heroes are created by the times and new stars emerge frequently.

If you can't stand at the highest point, you can easily be photographed on the beach by bright new stars and not be remembered.

Although the cultivator appeared in the world, Quan Jiayun, who was once forgotten, reappeared in front of everyone.

However, that was all scolding.

Calling her a liar, saying that she created her own exercises, but secretly passing on the qigong exercises, she dared to say that she created them herself.

It can be said that during that period of time, they were all criticizing Quan Jiayun's words, only because she hadn't shown up for a long time, and there was a force suppressing these public opinions, gradually these rumors stopped.

Now, she still dares to show up! !
The media and live broadcast teams at the scene took a peek at each other. They were all smart people, and there was no uproar. After all, all they received were internal notifications. They believed that there must be something inside.

(End of this chapter)

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