Chapter 242
The man obviously didn't know anything about Quan Jiayun hiding in the mustard space. He was concentrating on practicing his swordsmanship. Quan Jiayun watched this scene quietly, with some appreciation in his deep eyes. meaning.

Good swordsmanship.

It's just that the quality of the sword in his hand is a little low. If he replaced it with a top-grade spiritual weapon sword, the power of the sword technique he used would be several times greater.

Quan Jiayun just quietly admired this scene of dancing swords at night.

Turning around and taking a wrong step, the man's handsome face also fell into Quan Jiayun's eyes, and the corners of Quan Jiayun's mouth slightly raised. This appearance matched his white robe very well.

However, if it wasn't for his sword dance there, which was so vigorous and powerful, his gentle and jade-like temperament would have made people misunderstand that he was just a weak scholar.

Just as Quan Jiayun was quietly enjoying this pleasing scene, another person came from the courtyard.

Quan Jiayun glanced sideways. The person who came was a young man dressed in green clothes. His eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to those of the sword-wielding man, but they still had the sharpness of a young man. At first glance, he looked like a very proud boy. .

The young man stood aside and stopped moving forward, staring at the man's dancing swordsmanship with piercing eyes, revealing obvious admiration and longing in his eyes.

It's a pity that the man under the tree's swordsmanship has come to an end.

Ten seconds later, the man under the tree put away his sword move, and in an instant, the sweet-scented osmanthus flowers that had been moved by the man's sword move fell to the ground like a goddess scattering flowers.

The man brushed the sweet-scented osmanthus off his clothes, put away his sword, turned around, and looked straight at the young man with a pair of black eyes as calm as water.

Seeing the man's eyes, the young man immediately put away the disappointment in his heart, stepped forward and said, "Old Ancestor, Father called back and said that he used the technique you taught him on the girl from the Chen family, but I don't know if he practiced it or not. For some reason, the girl from the Chen family not only did not improve, but got worse. Now her life is hanging by a thread. Now the Chen family has detained her father, saying that she will not let my father go unless his daughter is cured. It’s a bit of us being down and fooling the world, not a bit of real skills.”

When it came to the end, the boy's tone was full of great resentment.

Hearing this, the man's expression didn't change much. He turned his eyes and looked to the southeast, where the Chen family lived.

The young man looked at the side face of the patriarch, his eyes flickered, and he asked tentatively: "Patriarch, the Chen family is too much, should we send someone to wipe out his family?"

The man frowned slightly, looked back at the young man and said, "Yujie, I told you last time, I told you to restrain your temper a bit, didn't you listen?"

The young man was dissatisfied, but facing the man's indifferent but substantive gaze, he didn't dare to argue anymore, he lowered his head and said sullenly: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I will definitely follow the teachings of my ancestors from now on."

The man stared at the figure with his head lowered, and said softly: "Okay, you can go back to the house, I will deal with this matter myself."

"Yes." The boy left quickly.

After the boy left, a sigh escaped from the man's lips.

Although he said he obeyed the teachings, he was still dissatisfied in his heart, and it seemed that this temper would not change for a while.

The man shook his head.Then he threw the sword into the air, and then stepped on the sword and disappeared into the sky like a stream of light.

Quan Jiayun looked at the back of the man going away, his eyes flickered.

Patriarch, it seems that this man is the core figure of the Luo family.

(End of this chapter)

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