Chapter 243
Quan Jiayun didn't follow her to the theater. Although she was very interested in this Jindan cultivator, she hadn't forgotten her purpose of going out. Compared with becoming stronger, other things can be put aside for the time being. And she didn't want to court death either.

It is enough to take a walk around to understand the general situation.

Those who have lost their homes will come to deal with them later.

Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes and smiled, then turned around the small world and quietly left Luojia.

After leaving Luojia, Quan Jiayun went to the next city.

This time Quan Jiayun didn't go to the shop to ask in person, firstly she was hungry, and secondly she wanted to relax.

If you have money, you should ask the people below to do it, so why do you have to do everything yourself.

So she sat in the private room of the most prestigious high-end restaurant here, and after ordering a table of dishes, she told the manager who served her: "For the errand fee of 2 yuan, help me find two people to go to the shop over there and ask." , where there are demon pills for sale, if there is definite news to report back, a tip will be added."

When Manager Wang heard Quan Jiayun's words, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, this young man wants to buy a demon pill?

Subconsciously, Manager Wang glanced at Quan Jiayun, but no matter how he thought about it, Manager Wang immediately replied with a smile on his face: "No problem, I'll send someone there right away."

Seeing this situation, a waiter who was waiting to serve at the side struggled for a while, and said in a hurry: "My guest, please forgive me, you really want to buy the demon pill, why don't you wait for the Ruyi Club's auction Yes, no need to waste the money."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room had different expressions.

Manager Wang reacted the most. He turned his head to the side, gave the waiter a hard look, and said angrily, "You have a place to speak here. What nonsense are you talking about here? Go down."

"No, let her talk." Quan Jiayun raised his eyelids, propped his chin with both hands, and looked at the waiter who spoke.

It was a young woman in her 23s and [-]s, with a standard oval face. Although she was not very beautiful, she stood there in a black and white suit from a restaurant, and she had a dignified temperament.

Ye Hongyan looked back at the young man and said frankly: "I have a younger brother who works as a medicine salesperson in one of the stores, so I understand the situation quite well. There is really no one in the stores here that has a demon. Dan sold, there was one on the market last month, but it was bought by Young Master Chen."

"Young Master Chen?" Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows playfully when he heard this surname.

Such a coincidence, it wouldn't have any connection with the Chen family mentioned in Luojiakou.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to know who Young Master Chen was, Ye Hongyan was surprised, and then added, "It's just Chen Haixuan, the third young master of the Chen family."

Although Quan Jiayun still doesn't know who it is, it's not too late to ask later.

Then she lazily turned her head and said to the manager: "Since that's the case, there's no need to call someone. Go and do your work! The waiter will stay."

Manager Wang didn't want to say anything, but when he left the house, he was still unhappy. Although tens of thousands of yuan was not much, it was really annoying to let that woman mess up for nothing. Why didn't he know when? Here comes such a Lengtouqing.

After Manager Wang left, Quan Jiayun tilted his head, looked at the woman with a half-smile, and said viciously, "Although you stepped forward and gave me the news, the series of consequences you chose to stand up, such as I will not help you if you are scolded or fired, because this is your own choice."

Ye Hongyan looked at those eyes with a smirk, and his heart fluctuated somewhat.

But her big mood didn't change, she replied calmly: "I never thought of asking you to help, since I dare to stand up, I can bear all the consequences."

(End of this chapter)

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