The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 303 Naming Quan Jiayun

Chapter 303 Naming Quan Jiayun

When this topic ignited the circle of friends and spread all over the place, those people in the civilian area were even more excited than the martial artists.

Those warriors of Tier [-] and Tier [-] may just laugh at this matter, and they can't say they care too much, but for these ordinary people, this is the second way.

They are not warriors, so their social status is lower than warriors.

But now, they have another chance, how can they not be excited.

In a civilian area of ​​the East China base, when a group of ordinary people gathered together and looked forward to the future, a voice came in, trembling.

"Who is Quan Jiayun you just mentioned?"

A group of people turned their heads and looked at them, only to see that it was an old man with white temples and brows and a pale face, who looked to be in his early fifties, with several hideous scars on his face, apparently he had been chopped with a knife before. In addition, the pupil color of one eye of the old man is still a little strange. If you look carefully, you can see that it is a fake pupil.

Someone said: "Quan Jiayun, who created his own qigong method, old man, your information is too late."

"I just finished work, so I don't know yet. Tell me about that Quan Jiayun who created his own exercises."

Immediately, someone enthusiastically asked the old man about science.

"Quan Jiayun from the Sixth District Military Academy of the Southwest Base..."

The old man listened to these words silently. When he heard that the girl was only 16 years old, his eyes dimmed. It was not until he heard Quan Zhengcheng's name that his expression changed again.

"You said her father was Quan Zhengcheng."

"That's right, it's called Quan Zhengcheng. I heard that he is a colonel under General Si Chengtian of the Sixth District. This Quan Jiayun can be said to be the son of a tiger father. The blue is better than the blue. After this, the achievements in the future will definitely be great. Will be younger than father..."

The old man didn't listen to the latter words.

Because his mind was already stuck in the past.

Quan Zhengcheng, 16 years old...

It really was right.

After a long time, the old man let out a sigh of emotion. He really didn't expect Quan Zhengcheng and his wife to really name the child Quan Jiayun.

At that time, he thought that the other party was just a joke.

After all, no one knows whether the belly is a boy or a girl.

In a flash, 17 years have passed, and the girl is already 16 years old, even older than when his daughter left. Time really flies, if his daughter is still alive, she will be an old girl now.

The old man did not continue to listen.

He got up, with a lonely smile on his face, and staggered away.


When this matter was hotly discussed in various places, those cultivation families and some casual cultivators hidden in the world also exploded.

For them, the publicity of Qigong is a very incredible thing.

You must know that everyone obtains the exercises that can be cultivated, and they hide it for fear that others will know it. Who would do such a holy thing.

Make the exercises public and let everyone practice together?

So what if you get a little reputation for a while?
"Who did it? Are you crazy about wanting to be famous?"

"It is said that it was a girl named Quan Jiayun from the Sixth Military Academy. She said that she created it herself. There are only exercises for opening spiritual veins and refining qi, and there are no exercises for cultivation in the foundation period."

"Create it yourself? How is that possible? Where did she get the exercise? Immediately ask someone to investigate that girl to find out what's going on."

When the other monks were surprised and sent someone to investigate Quan Jiayun, Luojia was also shocked.

After Luo Zhongtong reported the incident to Luo Yinxun, he asked the ancestor, "Ancestor, should we send someone to investigate this Quan Jiayun?"

(End of this chapter)

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