The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 304 What a Big Face

Chapter 304 What a Big Face
Luo Yinxun, who was dressed in a white robe, sat there, narrowing his lacquered eyes slightly.

After a while, he said in a low voice: "No need, just take a look at the qi exercises that this woman has revealed to the public."

"Yes." Luo Zhongtong deling withdrew.

Luo Yinxun got up and walked in front of the window, looking at the moonless sky today, with a hint of thought on his handsome face.

The publicity of the qigong method will not affect the overall situation for a while, but it can also have a certain impact. At least the world knows that there are monks.

Originally, he planned to wait for him to advance to Nascent Soul, and Luojia would shine in the world as a thunderbolt, causing a sensation, but he didn't expect that someone would first disclose the existence of the monk.

Quan Jiayun?
At this moment, not only Luoyinxun knew the name, but countless people in the six major bases also knew the name.

Although it is still far from the point where no one in the world knows the king, the name Quan Jiayun has gained popularity and let the public know that there is a Quan Jiayun in the Sixth District Military Academy who created his own qigong method.

Regarding this incident, Quan Jiayun, the person involved, was very calm and was practicing in the small world.

She didn't want people to know the name, she wanted people to know and fear her as a person.

And to do this, she must be stronger.

It is said that if you want to be famous in front of others, you must be troubled by others.

Therefore, Quan Jiayun basically did not slack off in cultivation.

On Saturday, the qigong practice incident continued to ferment.

In the school, Quan Jiayun was not affected much, so he still had to do what he should do.

After the morning exercise, Quan Jiayun was stopped by Mo Xinxin. Seeing that it was her, Quan Jiayun frowned.

"Why, has a decision been made?"

Mo Xinxin looked at the girl in front of her, glanced around, lowered her voice and said, "Quan Jiayun, are you sure that if I do something to either of my parents, you will spare me? How can I believe that you won't do it when the time comes?" Will you change your mind?"

With a smile in his eyes, Quan Jiayun looked at Mo Xinxin in his spare time.

"Then what do you want? A guarantee? What's the use of me just assuring you? You should know that such a thing is more fragile than anything else. I can go back anytime if I want to. So, on this matter, you can only Trust me I won't change my mind."


How can she believe it!

She didn't want to kill her parents, and she would die in the end.

Mo Xinxin stared at Quan Jiayun with burning eyes and said, "I want to make an oath. If you swear by your parents, I will believe you."

Hearing this, Quan Jiayun smiled lightly, with a hint of mockery.

"Swear by my parents? How big is your face?"

Quan Jiayun snorted coldly, looked down at Mo Xinxin with a cold tone.

"No one is qualified to make me swear on my parents, understand?"

"I said before that you can only believe that I will not change my mind on this matter. If you don't believe it, you don't have to choose. You can die calmly. After all, you are begging me from beginning to end."

"So, now tell me your answer, who do you choose to live?"

Quan Jiayun's words made Mo Xinxin's face turn pale in an instant.

When she came to Quan Jiayun, she had already made a decision, she just wanted a guarantee, but this devil didn't even give her a guarantee.

Quan Jiayun looked indifferently at the change of Mo Xinshen's face, and said coolly, "I'll give you 15 seconds, I won't accompany you after a long time, and I will answer after I think it through. As I said, there is only one chance to choose." , there is no second time."

After finishing speaking, Quan Jiayun kindly reported the number for Mo Xinxin.

"one two Three……"

(End of this chapter)

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