The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 321 The Evidence All Points to Her

Chapter 321 The Evidence All Points to Her
Quan Jiayun was not polite either, and found a seat to sit down. Soon, the video captured by surveillance began to play on the big screen.

Start in the cafeteria.

Looking at the video, after Quan Jiayun easily knocked down Huang Jianbo with a few moves, Principal Zhang, Instructor Luo, Instructor Zhou, all pupils were slightly dilated.

Doctor Han looked at the calm and calm girl in the video in amazement.

Although he had heard a lot about her in the past few days, he still didn't see the impact so intuitively, especially remembering that half a month ago, when she came to him, she was always silent and gloomy.

But now it has become so dazzling.

How can a person change so much in such a short period of time?If it's not a change, then she used to pretend?But it's not like, Han Yibin doesn't want to believe that he was cheated by her before.

In silence, the video broadcast until Huang Jianbo staggered out of the cafeteria door.

Then the screen switched to the outside.

The three boys chased them out.

On the screen captured in the subsequent video, just as the three boys said, they carefully supported Huang Jianbo all the way to the school doctor's office, and never slapped Huang Jianbo on the way.

Huang Jianbo trembled violently a few times on the way.

Especially when he was approaching this building, he spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.

Afterwards, Dr. Han gave Huang Jianbo first aid, but failed to save him.

The whole process is under surveillance, without any doubts.

In other words, no matter who looked at the whole process, they could only draw one conclusion, that is, after Quan Jiayun beat Huang Jianbo, Huang Jianbo was too seriously injured to survive.

After the video was played, the atmosphere in the room became more serious.

Instructor Luo was quite upset at this time, because after watching the whole process, he found that he couldn't find a point to help Quan Jiayun talk.Because all the evidence points to Quan Jiayun.

Instructor Zhou looked sideways at Quan Jiayun and shook his head in disappointment.

The fact is so obvious, she just didn't admit it.

This student is really hopeless.

Zhang Kang'an's mood was also quite heavy at this meeting. He turned his head, his piercing eyes fell on Quan Jiayun, and asked, "Quan Jiayun, what do you have to say about this?"

Facing the gazes of everyone, Quan Jiayun's expression was still calm, and there was no sign of panic at all.

She said: "No, but I still maintain what I said before, I didn't kill him."

The faces of the three boys became even more angry when they heard this, but at this moment in front of the principal and the two instructors, they did not dare to speak without permission.

Instructor Zhou has no such scruples.

He looked at Quan Jiayun, as if he was looking at a stubborn person, with a little anger on his resolute face, "You still don't admit it? Quan Jiayun, the evidence is all on your face. You have to go to the military court for this." It’s also irresistible.”

Quan Jiayun looked at this Instructor Zhou and snorted, "Why would I admit to something I haven't done before?"

Hearing what she said, Instructor Zhou sneered, "The evidence is here, so you can't deny it. I think the people from the Security Bureau will be arriving at this time, so you can tell them!"

Zhang Kang'an looked sideways at Instructor Zhou, and said with a startled tone, "Have you notified the Security Bureau?"

Zhou Yunjing looked back at Principal Zhang and said, "Yes, there is such an important case as the death of a student in the school. Naturally, I notified it as soon as possible. Is there something wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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