Chapter 322 Arrest
What's wrong?
Zhang Kang'an was choked up by these words. Logically speaking, there was nothing wrong with it, it was this process.

However, because of Quan Jiayun's particularity, he was thinking whether to ask the general for instructions first to see the general's decision.

After all, judging from the general's attitude yesterday, he could see that the general seemed to value Quan Jiayun a little bit.

Although Quan Jiayun created a new exercise, it did contribute to the country.

But for things like awarding a military medal to a student, and announcing the promotion of exercises, there is no need for the general to come forward in person, but General Si still came, which is thought-provoking.

Then there was the Xu Xihua incident, Xu Xihua was fired, but Quan Jiayun had nothing to do, although according to the situation, it was extremely normal for General Si to handle it like that.

However, Zhang Kang'an, who is good at observing, noticed that Adjutant Han beside the general was very protective of Quan Jiayun, as if he was indescribably flattering.

In the end, Quan Jiayun didn't know what she did to anger General Si, but she came out with all her tail.

This situation is obviously extremely abnormal.

So even though he knew that General Si was the most upright and that this kind of situation usually followed the rules, he still wanted to ask for instructions first.

After all, once the security bureau comes.

This matter has become a big deal.

At that time, even if the general wanted to preserve Quan Jiayun, he had to take public opinion into account.

But without waiting for his notification, Instructor Zhou had already notified the Security Bureau in advance.

In this situation, Zhang Kang'an can't do anything, after all, he still doesn't have the ability to let the people from the Security Bureau go back.

When Zhang Kang'an was silent, Zhang Kang'an's communicator rang. He listened to it, then glanced at Quan Jiayun, and said, "People from the Security Bureau have entered the school."

Zhang Kang'an had just received a notification from the security department, and instructor Zhou's communicator also rang. It was a call from the security bureau, asking for an accurate location.

Instructor Zhou quickly located the location.

Seeing this situation, instructor Luo looked a little heavy, but the three boys looked happy, while Han Yibin's eyes were still looking at the girl with interest.

In this situation, she still looked calm, as if she was not being arrested by the Security Bureau.

Isn't she afraid at all?

In the silence, people from the Security Bureau soon arrived. They were several tall men in military uniforms.

As soon as they entered the school infirmary, they brought great pressure to the whole room, which was the pressure brought by a few powerful warriors.

"Who called the police?"

As soon as he entered the door, one of them had a scar between his brows. It seemed that an officer in his early thirties showed his ID card from the Security Bureau.

Instructor Zhou stood up immediately.

"it's me."

The officer looked at him and asked again, "Details."

Instructor Zhou immediately narrated the ins and outs to the security bureau.

Several military officers listened to Instructor Zhou's confession, and methodically inspected the corpse to collect evidence, including recording the statement.

After finishing all the series of things, they turned their gazes to Quan Jiayun who was sitting there as if nothing had happened.

Seeing them looking over, Quan Jiayun lightly raised his eyes and looked at them.

The officer who asked the question before looked at her performance, narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a sharp light in his eyes.

"Quan Jiayun, all the evidence points to the fact that you intentionally killed your fellow students. Therefore, you are now being arrested for intentional homicide. If you have any excuses, let us know when you go back."

(End of this chapter)

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