The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 323 Tell me a chapter

Chapter 323 Say something

"Put your hands up."

As the officer spoke, he pulled his waist and showed the gleaming handcuffs.

These handcuffs are pure black and made of the hardest alloy steel available. They are specially prepared for powerful warriors, and can guarantee that warriors below the third level cannot be broken.

Quan Jiayun looked at the handcuffs above, pursed his lips and smiled.

This smile is very light.

But under such a serious scene, it was enough to show her carelessness about this matter.

The faces of several officers sank immediately.

The leading officer even had murderous intent in his eyes, looking at this thin-skinned and tender-skinned little girl who didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth.

"Amused what I said? Or are you trying to resist arrest?"

The atmosphere suddenly turned down, full of tension.

Quan Jiayun rolled his eyes, looked away from the handcuffs, and looked at the fierce officer. The officer was condescending, and looked at her with eyes like looking at a small bug.

When other people saw this tense scene, some sneered in their hearts, and some were worried for her.

Instructor Luo was the one who was worried, his whole heart was raised in his throat, for fear that Quan Jiayun would really resist arrest.

If she really resists arrest, the security bureau has the right to execute her on the spot.

Although he didn't like the girl's arrogant personality, he couldn't just watch her court death. After all, she was still a student in his class.

Instructor Luo was about to speak.

Also impatient, Principal Zhang who was afraid that Quan Jiayun would do something stupid, took him one step ahead.

Zhang Kang'an stared at Quan Jiayun and shouted angrily: "Quan Jiayun, you are not fast..."

Quan Jiayun rolled his eyes, smiled and lazily interrupted Principal Zhang's words.

"I said, why are you so anxious? Who said I would resist arrest? As a qualified citizen, of course I have to cooperate with the work of the higher authorities."

Quan Jiayun stood up while speaking, and stretched out his white hands to the officer in front of him.

With that elegant and calm posture, it was as if she was not going to the Security Bureau, but to go out for an afternoon tea.

Her performance was once again eye-catching.

The officer stared at her, then snorted secretly.

Count her wise.

With two clicks, heavy handcuffs were placed on Quan Jiayun's slender wrists.

Quan Jiayun didn't care about the handcuffs on his hands, looked at the officer in front of him with a smile and said, "Before I leave, I have two words I want to say to Principal Zhang alone, it's okay!"

The officer stared at Quan Jiayun for two seconds, and then said, "I'll give you 1 minute."

He is not afraid of her tricks.

Hearing this, Zhang Kang'an looked at Quan Jiayun slightly, what did she want to tell him?
Could it be that he wanted him to report to the general for her?Or should he tell her father?

In fact, she doesn't need to say these two things, he will do it, and even if he doesn't say it, they will get the news soon.

With such doubts, Zhang Kang'an followed Quan Jiayun to the pharmacy warehouse in the school doctor's office. Quan Jiayun approached Principal Zhang and spoke, and stuffed something into Principal Zhang's hand.

Thirty seconds later, Zhang Kang'an looked at Quan Jiayun in astonishment.

He never thought that this is what she asked him for help?

Quan Jiayun smiled at him.

"Principal Zhang, please help me do what I said no matter what."

"If Principal Zhang has any problems with this matter, you can go to General Si and say that this is the compensation I asked him for. After all this matter is over, I will return this favor to Principal Zhang."

Zhang Kang'an looked at the calm and calm girl in front of him, and his astonishment gradually calmed down.

Although he wanted to ask, what was her intention in doing this.

Could she still...

But Zhang Kang'an has been the principal for so many years, and his temperament is also calm. He clenched the things in his hands, looked at Quan Jiayun and replied in a deep voice: "Since it does not violate any regulations, I have agreed to your request."

(End of this chapter)

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