The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 334 Let's Play

Chapter 334 Let's Play

Of course, just being able to see through the opponent's trajectory, if your body's reaction nerves are very slow and the speed is very slow, then seeing through the movements is not of much use, and you will still be beaten.

But this kind of situation will not happen to Quan Jiayun.

Although her physical fitness is not as good as that of a second-tier fighter, she is still at the level of a first-tier and seventh-tier fighter. Therefore, Quan Jiayun stepped back and dodged like a panic, and escaped the woman's attack.

Although the woman was surprised, she didn't think too much about it. She raised her right leg and kicked Quan Jiayun's head fiercely.

Quan Jiayun tilted his head back and then dodged again.

Seeing the fight here, everyone turned their eyes to this side, and when they saw this, everyone shook their heads tut-tut.

This little beauty really can't do it, being beaten by Sister Feng, she has no power to parry at all, although she dodges the attack, but in the eyes of others, she avoided it because of danger.

I can't see how much patience there is.

In the open area in the middle, the two people who were fighting stopped fighting when they heard the movement here.

Seeing the dangerous situation of the little beauty here, both of them became anxious. If they were seriously injured when they came here, no matter how they played, they had to play it before fighting.

"Gong Tianfeng, stop, she is mine."

The two roared and rushed over, but before they joined the battle, at this moment, the bell rang for the end of the briefing, and everyone quickly walked back to their cells.

Gong Tianfeng also stopped attacking, and walked back to the cell.

For her, it was just right, she slowly tidied up the little bitch after entering the cell.

When those two people heard the bell, they stopped in resentment, and shouted at Gong Tianfeng's back: "Gong Tianfeng, I'll put your ugly words first. You can hit her if you want, but don't ruin her face, otherwise I will It's not over with you."

"Be gentle, if you are seriously injured, I don't mind teaming up with this bastard to deal with you."

Gong Tianfeng almost bit the skin of his lips when he heard this, these stinky men who only look at faces act like idiots when they see a beautiful woman, and threaten her! !She will kill them one day.

"You're a fucking bastard."

The two looked at Quan Jiayun cursingly, their eyes were glued to Quan Jiayun's body, and their words were extremely presumptuous, "Little beauty, I will wait for your master to pamper you at night."

Speaking of the small eyes and small nose, he looked like an ordinary man, and he smacked his mouth obviously, his appearance was as ugly as he wanted.

The other tall and thin man's eyes were even more revealing, and his hands were still moving underneath.

"My father can... you."

Hearing these vile and trash talk, a bloodthirsty light flashed across Quan Jiayun's eyes, pampering her? ?

She will pamper them in the evening.

Quan Jiayun's thick eyelashes drooped, and then walked into cell 106 under the pitiful, mocking and malicious eyes of everyone.

As soon as you step through the door, the bell is over.

With a heavy click, the iron fence door automatically closed.

Gong Tianfeng folded her arms and leaned against the bedpost, like a poisonous snake staring at her prey.

Seeing this scene, Quan Jiayun had no expression on his face.

The next second, under Gong Tianfeng's watchful eyes, Quan Jiayun pulled down the cloth curtain that he usually used when wiping himself and changing clothes, and with a swish, the gray cloth fell down, blocking all view from the outside.

Gong Tianfeng narrowed his eyes slightly watching this scene.

Is this little girl going to kneel down and beg her for mercy?
Quan Jiayun turned his head, looked at the disfigured woman, raised the corner of his mouth, and slowly revealed a sinister smile that went down to the bone.

"Now let's play!"

 Good night, Qiu recommends Tiao Tiao, and by the way, recommend a good-looking article "Supreme Absolute Favor: Evil Venerable, Stay Away" Author: Fei Wu Qingyang, introduction: "Monster, you and I will never owe each other again!" The snake girl tore off the belt of a certain evil venerable, and ran away happily.A certain evil venerable was furious immediately: "Search! Search all over the Cangxuan Continent and find that spirit snake for me!" He knew that she was a witch, but he still kept her on top of his heart, and anyone who bullied her would be killed without mercy. !


(End of this chapter)

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