Chapter 335 Lie Down
Qingyou's tone seemed to be playing around, but Gong Tianfeng's face changed slightly at this moment.

Looking at this wicked smile, she felt her scalp go numb, which was the body's natural emergency response when she sensed danger.

If we say that this young girl gave people the impression that she was a clean, angel-like young lady.

So now she is standing there with an evil smile, under her clean skin, there is an extremely dark aura that makes people subconsciously raise their hearts, like an angel who has fallen into hell.

Gong Tianfeng suppressed the bad feeling in his heart, then laughed grinningly, staring at Quan Jiayun firmly.

"Who do you want to scare, are you scared to be an old lady?"

Gong Tianfeng circulated his Qi and blood, poured all his strength into his fist, and rushed towards Quan Jiayun with the sound of howling wind and astonishing momentum,
"Lie down for the old lady."

Facing such a strong attack, Quan Jiayun smiled lightly.

"Let me tell you now how many flaws your attack has."

"Left neck."

While uttering these words lightly, she slipped her footsteps, turned sideways to avoid the attack, and slapped the opponent's neck with a palm.

Gong Tianfeng was a step late in returning to defense, and Quan Jiayun had already slapped his neck, because this place didn't have so much muscle protection, and Gong Tianfeng's blood surged immediately after receiving this blow.

She opened her eyes wide in horror.

how can that be! !
The opponent must have hit her by luck.


Gong Tianfeng gritted his teeth, misplaced his footsteps, and kicked Quan Jiayun's leg at a low altitude, at the same time, a left uppercut went straight to Quan Jiayun's face.


Quan Jiayun tilted his head and kicked Gong Tianfeng's mischievous leg. At the same time, he kicked his body back with force, and at the same time, he flew up another kick and swept across the temple of Gong Tianfeng's head.


Suffering this heavy blow, the optic nerve was blocked for a moment, Gong Tianfeng's eyes went dark, and his unbalanced body flew up and hit the iron fence.

Bang, this movement made the iron fence tremble.

People in other cells couldn't see the details, and they shook their heads when they heard the huge movement.

It seems that the little beauty was beaten badly!
What a pity!

inside the cell.

"The back of the head."

Accompanied by the sound of bang, Quan Jiayun stepped forward in an instant, and before Gong Tianfeng's body fell, he grabbed Gong Tianfeng's hair and slammed Gong Tianfeng's head into the iron fence behind.

Blood seeped out from the scalp at the back of Gong Tianfeng's head, and the concussion in his brain made Gong Tianfeng's whole body numb for a moment.

Not to mention the countless stars swirling in his mind.

She couldn't even utter a scream of pain.


Quan Jiayun withdrew his hands, lifted his knees and bent his legs, and slammed into Gong Tianfeng's abdomen hard.

In an instant, Gong Tianfeng's internal organs and six abdomen seemed to be rolling.

Gong Tianfeng took a deep breath, and finally let out a beast-like moan from his throat. The sound made one's scalp tingle, and one could tell how painful it was just by listening to the sound.

The woman in the corner was completely dumbfounded watching this one-sided brutal battle.

The whole person has a feeling of being subverted.

I thought that the scene of the beautiful girl being beaten did not happen, but the powerful Sister Feng was beaten like a dog by that beautiful girl, without even the ability to resist.

How strong is this girl!
He actually said that he can hit wherever he wants.

Even if it is announced in advance, you can't avoid it.

The woman stared at Quan Jiayun's back, her hands and feet were cold, but her heart was burning, as if watching an incredible miracle.

(End of this chapter)

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