Chapter 337
At this time, the people in the other cells listened to the movement here, but it was still quiet except for the silence.

"It must have been knocked out, and there was no sound."

"It's probably like this. That little beauty looks like a weak chicken at first sight. I don't even feel the breath of a warrior from her. How did she get sent here?"

"You don't feel right. Just relying on her embarrassing dodge of that old lady, ordinary people can't do it, but it's not strong enough to be true."

"Why hasn't that ugly bitch opened the curtain? She beat someone before and never closed the curtain."

"who knows."

A group of idle people stared at the gray curtain and discussed various things.

In the monitoring room, two prison guards were sitting there as usual on duty. At this moment, Li Ge walked in.

"Boss Li."

The prison guard immediately stood up and saluted.

Li Ge glanced at the row of screens on the wall, stared at the place where the curtain was drawn in Room 106 on the first floor, and asked aloud: "How long has the curtain in Room 106 been drawn down?"

"It's been over an hour."

Li Ge pulled his lips and smiled.

He took a serious look at her file before, only to realize that she is the Quan Jiayun who created her own exercises, and she persisted in the record for three hours during the interrogation, no wonder she was so calm after entering the prison.

However, can she fight a second-order warrior during the Qi refining period?

Li Ge was really curious about this.

However, there is no monitoring in the cell, because the cameras will be destroyed by the prisoners soon, no matter how severe the criminal law is, it can't be stopped, so the money is never wasted.

Looking forward to dinner time tonight.

Li Ge turned around with a long leg and walked out of the monitoring room.


Time passed quickly and it was time for lunch and the wind in the afternoon.

As soon as the bell rang, a group of prisoners rushed out impatiently. Few of them were willing to stay in that small space for a second longer.

It's so noisy.

Quan Jiayun lazily opened her eyes, sat up on the bed, stretched her legs out of the bed, and when she was about to jump down, she saw Gong Tianfeng standing beside her holding her shoes.

What does she want to do?

Quan Jiayun slightly raised his eyebrows.

Seeing the girl looking over, Gong Tianfeng took the shoes and stepped forward to put them on for the girl.

Quan Jiayun looked down at the woman without rejecting or kicking her away, a faint smile flashed across her eyes, this woman is surprisingly not too stupid.

Gong Tianfeng stepped aside after putting on Quan Jiayun's shoes.

Quan Jiayun jumped off the bed and went to the sink to wash his face.

At this time, no one came here, because there are regulations on the time for eating, and if you don't go there at that time, the prison will be closed.

For warriors, a sufficient amount of food in a day can ensure good combat effectiveness.

Only with fighting power can we ensure that we will not be bullied by others.

Therefore, no one came to trouble anyone at this time, and they all ran to the cafeteria immediately.

For prisoners who have not been convicted, the cafeteria is separate from the real prisoners, but there are not too few people.

Because the military court only holds six sessions a day.

And there are more than a dozen martial artists sent here every day because of fighting and wounding, so there are quite a few people stranded here. Now there are dozens of prisoners who have not been convicted.

In other words, according to the order, Quan Jiayun's case will not go to court until more than a week later.

When Quan Jiayun Shi Shiran followed Gong Tianfeng to the cafeteria, most of the people had already prepared their meals and occupied their seats.

The appearance of Quan Jiayun made the noisy cafeteria instantly quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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