The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 338 Okay, It's Yours

Chapter 338 Okay, It's Yours
Quan Jiayun, who had just woken up, still had a bit of laziness on his face, and matched with the picturesque and delicate facial features, standing there, he had an outstanding and good-looking temperament.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

They were not just stunned by how good-looking Quan Jiayun was.

What was even more shocking was that her face was still so fair and beautiful, without any marks on her face, and from the way she walked, there was no sign of injury at all.

Not only that, she came with Sister Feng, and Sister Feng walked a step behind her, as if she was a follower.

What's happening here?
Has she not been beaten?
This question mark popped up in everyone's mind.

Then they thought, could it be that she won the battle and subdued Sister Feng? ?

No, no, no, it's impossible, how could such a delicate woman do such a thing, presumably the threat from Brother Li and Brother Wang was effective, so Sister Feng must have shown mercy to her!
If they thought so, Brother Li and Brother Wang thought so too.

The two stared greedily at that pretty face, expressing their satisfaction with Sister Feng's wit and wit.

Quan Jiayun glanced past the two of them lightly, and glanced at the cafeteria.

The scale and decoration of this cafeteria cannot be compared with the school cafeteria. There is no decoration in the space, only a few rows of fixed long iron tables are placed there. Dozens of people are crowded to the brim, and some even squat in a corner without a seat. eat.

Quan Jiayun glanced at it, and then walked directly to the window for cooking.

A few prison guards stood there with guns in the window. They didn't care about serving food. The prisoners did the cooking themselves. They just closed all the windows at the appointed time.

Quan Jiayun glanced in with some disgust.

In the big basin in the window, there is only one meat and three vegetables, and this meat is all the worst leftovers of monsters.

However, dislikes are dislikes, but Quan Jiayun will not be coquettish and refuse to eat. She took the two vegetarian dishes and took a piece of fruit, then turned around and walked over to the table here.

At this time, the tables were full and there were no empty seats at all.

Seeing this scene, Quan Jiayun's eyes flickered slightly.

At this time, the little-eyed Brother Li spoke up.

"Little beauty, there is no place to sit. It's okay. Your grandfather has a place here. Come." Li Ge patted his thigh, and looked at Quan Jiayun with a greasy smile.

At the table opposite him, the tall Wang Ge who was fighting with him before, is now surrounded by a hot beauty, so he didn't make a sound, but his eyes were still staring at Quan Jiayun.

It turned out that the two reached a consensus that Brother Li gave him the beauties he had kept around before, and let him use them first, and exchange them back tomorrow.

Next to Brother Li, another man smiled and said, "Brother Li, you are too talkative, how can it be so easy to sit in this seat, at least let her sit like this."

The man talked and hugged the woman next to him, and there was a show of one kind or another.

The cafeteria erupted with screams and laughter, and the men shouted excitedly, "Yes, that's it."

Facing such a grand wave of sound, Quan Jiayun glanced at the small-eyed man lightly, and then grinned sweetly.

"Okay then, just sit with you."

Quan Jiayun said as he walked over with a plate, that brother Li felt numb when he saw Quan Jiayun smiling at him.

He pushed the man next to him, and said eagerly: "Go away, get out of the way, don't touch my little beauty."

Beside, Gong Tianfeng watched Quan Jiayun walking towards Li Guangping, and his hand holding the plate was shaking with excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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