The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 351 Don't I Know?

Chapter 351 Don't I Know?
In the next second, Ye Xinyun uttered a piercing scream with horror on his face, and at the same time his body retreated suddenly.

Back in panic, bang, Ye Xinyun uncontrollably fell to the ground again.

The younger sister's scream brought Ye Lingfeng back from his stupor.

He glanced at his younger sister who was still struggling to retreat on the ground. He walked vigorously to cover her mother's body, and fixed his eyes on the handsome young man who was walking towards this side, with anger and fear in his eyes.

He clenched his fists and secretly circulated the blood in his body to defend, but he didn't have the courage to rush forward to fight.

Because the opponent's methods are too weird, he can use sword energy to hurt people with a single slash in the air.

He has only heard of such a method on Tier [-] warriors. Tier [-] warriors can injure people with a palm through the air, but he has never heard of it with a sword.

With such means, can he have the power to fight?

Because of this timidity, Ye Lingfeng could only stand there staring at Gu Yehui, and said hoarsely: "Forgive my sister, I did everything I did to Quan Jiayun. She never participated in it and has nothing to do with her." .”

At this time, Ye Lingfeng also knew that it was impossible not to admit that he framed Quan Jiayun.

Especially in the face of someone like the God of Death, so he confessed directly, just to save his sister's life.

Ye Xinyun, who was terrified, reacted when she heard the words Quan Jiayun. She raised her head to look at her brother's back, and then at the handsome chief in front of him, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

Quan Jiayun?
This person came here to avenge Quan Jiayun?
What exactly is going on?

When Gu Yehui heard Ye Lingfeng's words, his eyes slid over Ye Xinyun who was leaning against the wall, and his thin lips curled up slightly.

"Forgive her?"

"You are really a good brother. You are still thinking about your sister at this time. What a great family relationship! I am a little touched."

An exaggerated tone like singing an opera resounded strangely in the room.

Ye Lingfeng, Ye Xinyun, the two brothers and sisters didn't feel relieved when they saw the handsome young man holding his heart, but felt a chill down their backs.

Gu Yehui put down his hand covering his heart, then looked at Ye Lingfeng in distress and said: "But what to do, I said before, if I find out that you did something to her, I will slaughter your Ye family completely."

"Aren't you trying to let me ruin the preface?"

"It's not good. I'm the one who promises the most, and you are so disobedient that you dare not take my words to heart."

Gu Yehui raised his hand, and the black sword tip touched Ye Lingfeng's eyebrows.

The icy sword tip made Ye Lingfeng tremble and almost couldn't stand up. Seeing Gu Yehui's upright expression now, Ye Lingfeng roared crazily in his heart.

Re-promise ass.

The previous order was withdrawn as soon as he said it would be withdrawn.

Now it is said that he is the most important.

Of course, Ye Lingfeng didn't dare to show this, and he understood this person's volatile temper.

He swallowed, forced his composure to look at this treacherous and frightening young man and said, "I will give you the property of the Ye family, and I will give you my life. At the same time, I will tell you who is cooperating with me to frame Quan Jiayun?" Yes, all in exchange for my sister's life, is that enough?"

Hearing this, Gu Yehui shook his head.

"How can this be?"

He looked at Ye Lingfeng sneeringly and said: "First, I don't think much of the property of the Ye family. Second, your life is mine now. Third, whoever framed Quan Jiayun with you, do you think I can't do it?" do you know?"

 The first watch and the third watch will be later, and I keep seeing people asking me to start a group, okay, just open a group and come in and play, 231438075
(End of this chapter)

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