The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 352 How to let go

Chapter 352 How to let go

Accompanied by Gu Yehui's gorgeous and elegant perverted voice, the tip of the black sword slowly slid down from the center of Ye Lingfeng's eyebrows following Gu Yehui's hand...

This movement is extremely light, but for Ye Lingfeng, a second-level and sixth-level warrior, the defense of flesh and blood is useless. Where the tip of the sword slides, red blood oozes out, like a line of blood running across the middle of his face .

Ye Lingfeng's body trembled with fear, but he still didn't flinch and give up. Instead, he faced Gu Yehui's mocking eyes and asked, "Then how are you willing to let my sister go?"

"How to let it go."

Gu Yehui rubbed his chin with his left hand, with a thoughtful expression on his handsome face, "I have to think about this."

From behind, Ye Xinyun only knew what was going on when he heard now.

This Gu Yehui had warned his elder brother not to take action against Quan Jiayun, otherwise the entire Ye family would be slaughtered.

However, she kept frantically urging her brother to attack Quan Jiayun, so her brother framed Quan Jiayun and sent him to prison.

Then, the other party knew that it was later.

After sorting out all this, Ye Xinyun stared blankly, looking at Ye Lingfeng's tall and straight back standing upright to protect her, his whole body trembling uncontrollably...

Was it because she caused the Ye family to die?

Was it because of her mother that she ended up being dismembered like this?

Was it all because of her obsession?

She just wanted Quan Jiayun to die badly! !
She didn't want her mother to be killed!She doesn't want her brother to die either! !
Ye Xinyun's delicate face was full of pain and bewilderment, she tightly grasped the clothes on her chest, feeling that she was almost out of breath.

At this moment, Gu Yehui's elegant voice sounded again in the large space.

"Well, let your sister kill you with her own hands, and I will spare your sister's life."

Gu Yehui looked at Ye Lingfeng with a pair of star-like peach blossom eyes with a deep smile.

He remembered that Quan Jiayun liked to do such things. He heard what she said to that girl last time, so tonight he will do the same.

It's such a joy to watch a family kill each other and watch them struggle.

He likes this kind of thing too.

Oh, their hobbies are really the same.

Thinking of Quan Jiayun, the curvature of the corners of Gu Yehui's mouth became more obvious, and his peach blossom eyes became even brighter.

Ye Lingfeng and Ye Xinyun's brothers and sisters froze at the same time when they heard Gu Yehui's words.

Both of them looked at the handsome young man in disbelief.

Gu Yehui withdrew his sword with a smile, looked at Ye Lingfeng and said, "Why, don't you want me to give you this chance?"

don't want?

All he wanted was an opportunity.

How can I not.

Ye Lingfeng looked at the smiling eyes of the handsome young man in front of him, and replied without hesitation: "Yes."

Gu Yehui retracted the sword in his hand, sat down on the sofa, leaned lazily on the sofa, and made a please gesture with his slender hands.

"Then start your show."

Ye Lingfeng drew the knife from his waist.

This is the first magic weapon Ye Lingfeng bought after earning money. It is extremely sharp. It has helped him kill many monsters and helped him earn a considerable fortune. Now let this knife that has been with him for many years stab into him In my own body, it is not considered to have treated it badly.

Gently touched his favorite knife that had been with him for several years.

Ye Lingfeng murmured in his heart.

Brother, it's up to you to send me the last ride.

(End of this chapter)

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