Chapter 360
On the playground, the other prisoners who were walking towards this side all looked in disbelief when they saw this scene.

A warrior of the second-tier and fourth-tier fights three warriors of the second-tier, fifth-tier and sixth-tier. They read it right, right? !And all of this seems to be directed by the little beauty next to him? ? ?
Seeing people gathered around, one of the men's eyes flashed red, and he roared and started to boil blood.

The other two also started to boil blood.

With this boiling blood, their cultivation base can rise several times in a short period of time, and the strength of their fists is suddenly different, overwhelming with a suffocating strength.

Subconsciously, Gong Tianfeng wanted to boil his blood, so he heard the girl's faint voice ringing in his ears.

"No need, keep fighting."

Gong Tianfeng, who had tasted the sweetness before, did not question Quan Jiayun's words, she completely obeyed Quan Jiayun's orders, like a weapon controlled by Quan Jiayun from afar.

This weapon fiercely resisted the three blood-boiling warriors.

A punch is more powerful than a punch, and a punch is faster than a punch.

At first, the three men still had the strength to resist.

In the end, the three men didn't even have the power to fight back, so they could only be beaten passively.

Because they can't tell which one of the shadows of so many fists is real and which one is fake, they can only spread their energy and blood all over their bodies and do their utmost defense.

But it's useless, Gong Tianfeng's punches are no weaker than theirs, even if they don't hit the weak parts of the body, every punch on them can still make them scream in pain.

Not long after, the three men were all bruised and swollen, with blood flowing everywhere.

They were completely horrified.

Is your mother really a second-tier and fourth-tier martial artist?

Obviously this ugly old woman was not good at the beginning, but after being taught by that little beauty, she became so powerful.

At this time, they also realized that they had to get rid of the girl next to them first.

The three male soldiers were divided into three groups, and they wanted to attack Quan Jiayun.

Quan Jiayun looked at this scene without changing his face, just moved his lips a few times, and the three men were beaten back by Gong Tianfeng.

The people around were completely stunned when they saw the scene of the woman hanging and beating three men, and Gong Tianfeng's punch.

Gong Tianfeng, who punched, was so excited that his eyes were red.

This is something Gong Tianfeng has never done, and it is also something she has never imagined.

However, all of this is happening right before her eyes.

She literally beat up three boiling blood warriors.

Gong Tianfeng played heartily and vigorously.

For a total of 3 minutes, the three men fell to the ground and sprayed blood, their bodies twitched in pain, and they couldn't get up again.

Gong Tianfeng glanced at the people next to him with fierce eyes.

Although the other prisoners were not scared back by Gong Tianfeng's look, they were really shocked.

They are all fighters and they all know boxing techniques. Everyone can tell that Gong Tianfeng is using the Five Tiger Fist.

But this set of boxing, which is not considered superior, was completely changed after being pointed out by the girl next to him.

Not only has the power been increased by more than three times, but there is no flaw in it.

Looking at the beautiful girl in the gray prison uniform, who did not hide her light at all, the contemptuous gazes in the eyes of everyone no longer looked at Quan Jiayun's eyes flickering.

Is this girl Wang Yuyan from Tianlongbabu?
A few pointers can turn the tide of battle.

Facing everyone's eyes, Quan Jiayun acted like he didn't feel it, and shouted at Gong Tianfeng: "Come back."

(End of this chapter)

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