Chapter 361
Gently two words came out.

Gong Tianfeng, who was suddenly fierce like a wolf, immediately stood back obediently.

For Quan Jiayun, Gong Tianfeng was completely convinced at this time.

What is a broken throat?
Sure enough, it was a wise decision that she didn't choose to take revenge back then, otherwise, how could she have the prestige she has today.

It's such a cool feeling to beat someone up.

It's a pity that Gong Tianfeng couldn't speak at this time, and could only express her admiration for Quan Jiayun with a pair of fanatical eyes.

Seeing the enthusiasm in Gong Tianfeng's eyes, Quan Jiayun raised his hand and stroked Gong Tianfeng's hair like a reward for an obedient pet, then slightly lifted his eyelids, and looked at the group of prisoners watching with a somewhat playful expression shine.

"Is there anyone else who needs my service?"

Quan Jiayun especially emphasized the word "serve", but when she glanced around, none of the men who surrounded her made a sound.

When they saw this weak little beauty yesterday, they all thought that she was at the bottom of the food chain and that she was a plaything to be bullied.

But whoever sees the ugly girl who beat up so fiercely just now standing behind the girl with an obedient pet, no one dares to underestimate this girl.

The girl just pointed out a second-tier and fourth-tier martial artist who didn't have boiling blood, and she could beat three second-tier, fifth- and sixth-tier warriors with boiling blood. Then, if the girl made this ugly girl boil, wouldn't it be the peak of the second-tier ninth-tier? Wugan can also fight?

Thinking of this future, for a while, no one made a sound.

After all, the people who came around were not big figures from the prison, but just middle- and low-level people who ran errands for others.

It's normal to cringe in the face of stronger people.

This place was originally a prison where the weak were prey to the extreme.

After all, there are three men's lessons learned here.

Seeing that no one made a sound, Quan Jiayun was too lazy to look at these people, just put his hands in the pockets of the prison uniform, and walked forward as if taking a walk, Gong Tianfeng obediently followed behind.

Wherever she passed, the crowd made way for her.

Travel like a queen.

From the high place of the prison, Li Ge watched this scene with binoculars, a pair of light green eyeballs were terribly bright, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was even more overflowing.

As expected, she is indeed the daughter-in-law he fancy, and she can be so powerful without doing anything.

However, the daughter-in-law is too powerful, which also makes Li Ge feel a sense of crisis.

It seems that he has to enter the third-tier martial artist as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too ugly to be left behind by his wife.

Quan Jiayun had already noticed the sight of someone upstairs, but she didn't look over, as if there was no such thing, Quan Jiayun strolled forward.

In late autumn, although the sun at noon is bright, it does not bring the slightest scorching temperature. It shines on the body and is warm.

Quan Jiayun casually looked at everything around him, then walked towards the cypress tree beside the playground, intending to take a nap on the tree.

However, before Quan Jiayun could arrive, two tall men stood in front of him, and they begged Quan Jiayun with a reasonable attitude: "Miss, our Ninth Master is here to invite you."


Generally speaking, the title of Master Yong would not be too rubbish, Quan Jiayun guessed that it was probably a certain head of the prison.

But Quan Jiayun didn't intend to go at all.

"Don't go."

Quan Jiayun said two words lightly, staggered around the two people, and continued walking towards where she was going.

It can be said that they completely ignored them.

Seeing the girl's reaction, the two burly men's expressions immediately sank unhappily.

(End of this chapter)

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