Chapter 367
Yu Jiusi's request was within the reasonable range of the transaction. Quan Jiayun was easy to speak when collecting money to do things. She looked at Yu Jiusi concisely and said, "Yes."

Yu Jiusi used all his knowledge without hesitation.

In fact, Quan Jiayun was not familiar with their boxing and palming techniques.

The reason why she can see the flaws and correct them is not only because of her strong spiritual sense, but also because she is very knowledgeable.

After familiarizing with so many advanced boxing techniques, palm techniques, and leg techniques, teaching them is not the same as a college student teaching elementary school students, as the saying goes.

And the reason why Quan Jiayun knows so much is also the result of her gaining wisdom after suffering a loss.

Because monks mainly fight with spells, magic weapons and supernatural powers, they basically don't know how to fight in close quarters.

Therefore, monks basically don't practice any boxing and palm techniques. They disdain to be like body trainers. Affected by this, she was the same at the beginning, her skills were not good.

But one time when she was fighting a monk, both sides' spiritual power was exhausted, and the importance of skill came out at this time.

After suffering such a loss, she specially hid her cultivation and sneaked into a great body training sect for this purpose, and worked as a disciple in it for half a year, and secretly peeped at the various exercises in it.

Afterwards, she would not forget to follow their exercises whenever she ransacked other body-training monks.

In this way, she has the unfathomable ability to shock others today.

Far away, the other prisoners didn't know exactly what was going on here. After all, the gang of northerners stood in the middle of the playground like a wall, blocking the view behind the trees.

After ten minutes.

Yu Jiusi looked at Quan Jiayun with a ruddy complexion and said, "Yao Dan, here it is for you."

Yu Jiusi quickly handed the well-wrapped demon pill to Quan Jiayun from the inner pocket of the prison uniform.

When Quan Jiayun received it, he knew whether it was a demon pill or not.

So she didn't open it, but weighed it twice, looked at Yu Jiusi and said, "Demon Pill, is there any more?"

any left?

Hearing this question, the corners of Yu Jiusi's mouth twitched.

Can he say that she thinks too highly of him, how can he have too many demon pills?

That's something that can only be born in the belly of a third-order monster, and it's not a common product.

Yu Jiusi shook his head and said, "No, this one was also secretly hidden by me when I was on a mission last time."

He originally intended to use it for the battle against Hao Shuai, but now it is worth a lot in exchange for improving his combat power.

Just because it is very valuable, so after replying, Yu Jiusi looked at the girl and said flatteringly: "However, if you need it, I will come and release it for you later."

"let's discuss it later."

Quan Jiayun was not disappointed when he heard this answer.

Let's go step by step, let's build the foundation first.

Quan Jiayun turned around and left.

Seeing this, Yu Jiusi hurriedly said: "By the way, what should I call you?"

Quan Jiayun replied indifferently: "Quan Jiayun, call him whatever you want."

As long as it's not Yunyun, Jiajia, or Xiaoyun, Xiaojia, etc., she doesn't care so much about what others call her.

When Yu Jiusi heard the name Quan Jiayun, he felt familiar for a while, as if he had heard it somewhere before, but he didn't remember it for a while.

It wasn't until Quan Jiayun walked a few steps that he realized how familiar the name was.

Yu Jiusi suddenly opened his eyes wide.

That's right, the military school girl who created her own exercises is also called Quan Jiayun.

(End of this chapter)

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