Chapter 368 Be Careful
Is she that girl?With this thought, Yu Jiusi immediately vetoed it.

This should be the same name.

How could an idol who was trained by the military go to jail? ?
But thinking so, after Yu Jiusi caught up with Quan Jiayun, he still couldn't help but speak.

"Quan Jiayun from the Sixth District Military Academy?"

Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced at Yu Jiusi, "Oh, you also know that, you can hear outside voices even in prison?"

Yu Jiusi replied: "Yes, there is a movie theater."

Although all kinds of communication devices in the prison have been confiscated, the prisoners have no way to communicate with the outside world.

But there is also a movie theater, where the news will be played after screening by the prison.

Yu Jiusi remembered that he laughed at the news when he saw the news. He didn't think a girl was so magical.

He thought it was launched by the military to create an idol for the military academy and the public, and the girl was actually just a puppet manipulated by the military.

But now, Yu Jiusi only felt that his face hurt.

If it was her, it would not be surprising to create her own exercises or something, she is fully capable of that.

After being severely slapped in the face by a girl today, Yu Jiusi finally understood the truth that people should not be judged by their appearance. Of course, there is one more thing, the news may not be all fake.

After knowing the other party's identity, Yu Jiusi was particularly curious about the other party's imprisonment. How could a promising military student be imprisoned? What did she do?

However, Yu Jiusi also knew what to ask and what not to ask.

He found a topic in the prison to chat with Quan Jiayun.

It can be regarded as introducing her to the factions and other situations in the prison.

Quan Jiayun listened to the information inside the prison dispensably.

The three walked out of the northern faction's human wall in this way.

Then, the northern faction, the southern faction, and all the prisoners on the playground saw the jaw-dropping scene that followed.

The most ostentatious Jiuye walked beside the little beauty, talking to the little beauty with a courteous look, while the little beauty had a calm expression, showing no enthusiasm at all, and responded one way or another. .

But just like that, that Jiu Ye was not angry at all, and still had a smiling face.

All the prisoners were dumbfounded.

When did Master Jiu become so considerate?

If you want to say that lust is obsessed, it's not like that!

Because he was too surprised, he was dumbfounded when he looked at this side. The prisoner who was passing the ball made a mistake, and the ball flew straight towards Quan Jiayun with a whirlwind.

"Be careful."

Yu Jiusi was about to grab it, but a plain white hand was one step ahead of him.

The ball landed in Quan Jiayun's palm, and then on her fingertips.

The specially made basketball flew up at Quan Jiayun's fingertips. In the next second, Quan Jiayun squinted his eyes, grabbed the ball and aimed it at the distant basket and casually shot it.

All the prisoners looked at her with disdain in their hearts.

What kind of airs are you playing.

She doesn't aim at the nearest basket to shoot, and she throws something at the other side of the basket. Isn't this a joke.

Immediately, a prisoner wanted to intercept the ball thrown by Quan Jiayun.

However, Quan Jiayun's ball is a high-altitude arc. Although the jumping ability of warriors is much better than that of ordinary people, they can't fly without a cushion.

So, he could only watch the ball fall with such a super high arc, completing a perfect hollow ball.

When the ball bounces through the hoop to the ground.

There was a moment of silence on the playground.

Especially those prisoners who were disdainful in their hearts before, now they only have one thought in their minds.

(End of this chapter)

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