Chapter 374

Quan Jiayun didn't know that it was Quan Zhengcheng who wanted to see her.

I thought it was Li Ge who was abusing his power and called her to have afternoon tea again. Just as he was feeling upset and thinking about how to deal with this kid later, he heard Quan Zhengcheng's voice faintly coming from inside.

Quan Jiayun was surprised, and when he was about to listen carefully, the discussion inside stopped.

Apparently the people inside also noticed her coming.

Before Quan Jiayun could reach the door, Quan Zhengcheng had already rushed to the door, and then rushed to Quan Jiayun with a brisk stride, palmed his daughter's shoulders with both hands, and looked at her carefully.

Although from Li Ge's mouth, he already knew that his daughter was fine, but after confirming it with his own eyes, Quan Zhengcheng's heart was completely settled.

He looked Quan Jiayun up and down, and then said: "It's fine, it's fine."

Quan Jiayun resisted the conditioned reflex of wanting to throw Quan Zhengcheng's hand out, looked at the father who the original owner hadn't seen for the last time, looked at his unshaven face, looked at the bloodshot eyes in his eyes, felt Sigh slightly, pity the hearts of parents all over the world.

This is a rush to get the news!
It is estimated that there will be no rest for a day and a night.

If it was her father, it would be the same if he heard that something happened to her.

Because of this, Quan Jiayun's expression softened a little, she stretched out her hand and gently hugged Quan Zhengcheng, it could be regarded as giving her father a hug instead of the original owner!

His daughter's actions made Quan Zhengcheng's eyes sour.

He gently stroked his daughter's hair and said, "Dad is here, don't worry, with me here, I won't let you go to jail."

Quan Zhengcheng had already made up his mind, even if his daughter really killed that man, he would have to find a way to deal with it.

Quan Jiayun withdrew his hand, took a step back and looked at Quan Zhengcheng and said, "I can handle this matter myself, don't worry, I am not guilty, and the military court can't convict me, and I will leave the prison in a dignified manner."

This look is confident and calm.

Quan Zhengcheng immediately remembered the last time, the last time she said she would not be fired, she had the same look in her eyes.

He didn't believe her then, but she did what she said.

This time, she said she could handle it.

On the one hand, Quan Zhengcheng was pleased with his daughter's growth, but on the other hand, he felt overwhelmed by the fact that his daughter didn't need his help. So, has she already reached this point in her own right?

Quan Zhengcheng suppressed the snack and said, "Dad believes in you, and when the time comes, Dad will prepare your favorite meal and wait for you."

This time, Quan Zhengcheng was willing to give her enough trust.

"just wait."

Quan Jiayun smiled slightly, and there was no arrogance in the smile.

Li Ge who was at the side looked at it with gusto, thinking, the daughter-in-law is so pretty when she smiles, no matter how she looks at her, why didn't he notice this when he saw her for the first time yesterday.

Quan Jiayun gave Li Ge a sideways look.

Quan Zhengcheng didn't notice Li Ge's expression, looked at his daughter and said, "Okay, I'll wait, be careful these few days, I'll go back and report to the military department first."


Quan Jiayun responded and did not hold back, but Li Ge who was at the side said: "Why don't you go into the room and talk a little more?"


Although Quan Zhengcheng also wanted to chat, he also knew that there was nothing to talk about between him and his daughter, and it would be embarrassing for them to face each other.

Li Ge followed suit and said, "Then I'll see you off."

Quan Zhengcheng glanced at him, then at his daughter who was next to him with a calm expression, and did not refuse.

Because he didn't want to leave this kid to chat with his daughter, after all, he was spying on his daughter, who would have thought that Quan Zhengcheng would want to slap this kid with his belt the next second if he said Li Ge.

"Jiayun, sit down first, I'll come as soon as I go."

 Sent in the fourth watch, thank you for today's Dark Moon Taoxi, the paranoid weirdo's reward, and General Si will appear tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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