Chapter 375
Seeing the backs of the two leaving, Quan Jiayun turned around and walked towards the cell. The two prison guards who led her hurriedly said: "Miss Quan, Boss Li just asked you to go in and wait for him."

"Is there? Why didn't I hear it?" Quan Jiayun frowned, and looked at the two prison guards indifferently.

Faced with this faint but rather domineering gaze, the two prison guards immediately faltered.

Because Boss Li has nothing to say, this is his future daughter-in-law, let them all be smarter.

Facing the words of the boss and her at this time, they weighed it up, and naturally wisely chose to obey the future boss and wife.

They replied obediently: "No, we got it wrong."

Quan Jiayun returned to the cell with satisfaction.

When Li Ge sent his future father-in-law back, he naturally didn't see his future daughter-in-law. Facing the empty office, Li Ge was not angry, but smiled lowly.

I knew she wasn't so obedient.


On the other side, Quan Zhengcheng returned to the inner city and returned to the military headquarters as usual.

Every team that went on missions in the wilderness area had received missions from the military headquarters, and they would naturally have to return to their missions when they returned, which was related to the acquisition of military exploits.

In addition, half of the spoils must be handed in. Of course, contributing half of the spoils can get the corresponding military contribution value, which can be exchanged for corresponding resources in the military department.

Of course, you can also not pay, but if you don't pay, there will be no military contribution value.

For most soldiers, hunting back by themselves is not necessarily what they need, and they can be exchanged for finished products, so most of them are willing to hand over half of the spoils in exchange for contribution points.

Quan Zhengcheng was handing in the spoils to the Minister of Military Resources Department.

Outside the military headquarters, Si Chengtian's special car arrived.

Seeing this car, the soldier at the door immediately stepped forward and respectfully opened the door.

Shiny black military boots stretched out from the car, and then Si Chengtian got out of the car.

He was still dressed in a neat and meticulous double-breasted black military uniform, with snow-white gloves on his hands, the interweaving of black and white made his handsome face even more stern.

He took his slender legs and strode into the military headquarters.

Adjutant Han and several other lieutenant generals and major generals quickly followed his pace from the other side.

Si Chengtian walked quickly, and soldiers stopped to salute him wherever he passed.

On the second floor, Si Chengtian turned his footsteps and was about to turn right when suddenly, a soldier standing at the front desk of the resource department on the left came into his field of vision, and his eyes couldn't help but move slightly.

Although there was only one profile, but his memory was as good as Si Chengtian's, he recognized Quan Zhengcheng at a glance.

As for Quan Zhengcheng, Si Chengtian met several times at the large-scale military meeting once a month, so he was not impressed.

The last time I was more impressed, it was because I learned that he forced his daughter into the Sixth District Military Academy. Because of this, he even criticized this bad style by name at the military meeting.

Seeing him again at this time, Si Chengtian suddenly had a deeper impression in his mind.

Quan Jiayun, the girl's father.

Thinking of this, the leg that had already turned right turned to the left as if consciously.

Si Chengtian was taken aback by this subconscious move, and then walked over firmly.

The lieutenant generals and major generals who followed Si Chengtian didn't know the general's intentions, so they were a little confused.

Only Han Shaoqin saw the direction the general was going with his eyes, and he understood immediately. Isn't that Quan Jiayun's father, Quan Zhengcheng?He has investigated the information clearly.

Hehehe, is the general going to say hello?Adjutant Han was amused, and hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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