The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 376 Please rest assured

Chapter 376 Please rest assured

Resource department front desk.

The soldier at the counter noticed the general and his party first, and he immediately saluted with respect.

Seeing the reaction of the soldiers inside, Quan Zhengcheng quickly turned around, his eyes touched the general and his party, and he also raised his hand to make a standard salute gesture.

Si Chengtian raised his hand in return and put it down, and the others also put it down.

Quan Zhengcheng continued to be busy with his own affairs, but the general and his party that he thought were just passing by walked straight to his side.

Did the general come to the resource department on a special trip?

Quan Zhengcheng thought about it and stood aside.

The soldier who was in charge of recording in the Ministry of Resources was a young man in his twenties, and he looked at Si Chengtian a little nervously. He had been working here for less than half a year, and he had never seen the general so closely.

Generally, whatever resources the general needs are sent directly by the minister.

Seeing that Quan Zhengcheng stepped aside, Si Chengtian didn't follow him, but just looked at him and asked plainly.

"Come back to life?"

If it weren't for Si Chengtian's eyes looking this way, Quan Zhengcheng couldn't believe that Si Chengtian was talking to him.

Facing this powerful man who was much younger than him but very powerful, Quan Zhengcheng was always in awe when he was in front of him, and he replied a little flattered: "Yes, I just completed a mission. return."

Si Chengtian didn't say anything, but said to the young soldiers inside: "Show me the records of this year."

Was it an account check?

Everyone understood at once, only the corner of Han Shaoqin's mouth twitched.

The soldiers inside immediately handed over this year's resource records to Si Chengtian. These accounts were first recorded on the computer, and then printed and sorted out. They were kept in two copies to prevent any accidents.

Si Chengtian flipped through the account book, and after 2 minutes, he seemed to think of something again, raised his eyelids, and looked up at Quan Zhengcheng who was about to leave after completing the formalities.

"Colonel Quan, do you know about your daughter?"

A faint voice resounded in the space, as if asking something that came to mind suddenly.


Quan Zhengcheng didn't expect the general to ask about this, but he immediately remembered that Si Chengtian had summoned his daughter once, and it is said that he went to award the daughter a military medal two days ago.

Therefore, it is not so strange for General Si to ask this question.

Quan Zhengcheng looked back at Si Chengtian and replied: "General, I understand, but I don't believe that my daughter would blatantly kill a student in a place like the school. There must be something strange about this matter."

Quan Zhengcheng didn't need to say anything about the strangeness, Si Chengtian had already seen it.

Last night, he watched the video of Quan Jiayun beating the student several times by himself. After slow playback and repeated analysis, he was convinced that Quan Jiayun's strength was indeed not enough to kill a first-level and fifth-level warrior.

At that time, he can also use the data to testify in court.

Of course, Si Chengtian didn't mean to say this to Quan Zhengcheng, he just said: "The court is a fair place, if there is anything strange, no one will be wronged, you don't have to worry about it."

Quan Zhengcheng felt a little relieved when he heard the words "general don't worry".

It seems that the general is very optimistic about his daughter, so he said this to him, Quan Zhengcheng replied gratefully: "Thank you, general, for your concern."

Si Chengtian looked at Quan Zhengcheng, his handsome face remained expressionless as before, and he said indifferently as if ordering business: "Besides, your daughter is fine in prison now, please rest assured."

 The general you want, there are two more later

(End of this chapter)

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