Chapter 383

There was a flattering expression on his handsome face, and his light green eyes were staring at Quan Jiayun so intently and sincerely.

That appearance, that demeanor, is just like a large pet after making a small mistake, it's so pitiful that people can't bear to blame it.

If the other prisoners in the prison saw the living hell king, their eyeballs would definitely fall out of shock. The living hell king is the most vicious and vicious. They have never seen him treat others with such a flattering and obedient demeanor.

Now Gong Tianfeng is in this kind of cold mood, men are animals that really change their faces when they see a woman they like, they are simply two standard faces.

Seeing Li Ge like this, Quan Jiayun was not pleased, but the coldness in his eyes subsided.

She returned to her usual expression, looked at Li Ge and said: "The warden has not slept for half the night, what is he doing here in our cell? What, you still want to go back to the prison?"

Seeing that she was not there with that cold expression, Li Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

He did this kind of flattering and obedient things when he was young, but Li Ge didn't have any psychological pressure to do such things to his future daughter-in-law.

After all, in his view, a daughter-in-law is a favorite, and there is no need to save face in front of her.

He replied: "I came to check the room and saw that your situation was a little strange, so I stayed by the side."

"It's all right now, the warden, please go back, I want to take a bath and rest."

Quan Jiayun coldly issued the order to evict the guest.

Li Ge heard the word bathing, glanced at the environment in the cell, and subconsciously said: "It's not convenient to take a bath here, why don't you go to my place?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Ge realized that something was wrong.

How like some kind of invitation.

He hastily added: "I don't mean anything else, it's just that it's inconvenient to see here."

This is true. There is only such a small space in the cell, and there is no place to take a bath at all. They can only touch some water to wipe their bodies. Usually, prisoners take a bath in the big bathhouse when they are released in the afternoon.

Quan Jiayun was able to use the Cleansing Art to remove the dirt from his body.

However, when she heard his words, she couldn't help but move. She wanted to borrow a private space and enter the small world to soak in the spiritual spring. This was a very good thing for her who had just established her foundation.

"Okay, then thank the warden."

Quan Jiayun agreed immediately, and at the same time quietly put away the formation disk.

After Li Ge heard her promise, he was a little surprised. He opened his eyes and looked at her.

She agreed, really agreed?

At this moment, Quan Jiayun's lithe body had jumped off the ground. She was wearing shoes, looked sideways at Li Ge who was still sitting still, raised her eyebrows lightly, "Won't the warden lead the way? Has the warden repented?"

The agility in those eyes is so bright.

Li Ge suddenly became a little nervous, he touched his nose subconsciously and said: "No, let's go."

Li Ge jumped off the ground, and walked out of the cell in a few strides.

Quan Jiayun followed closely behind.

After leaving the cell, Li Ge closed the cell door, glanced at Quan Jiayun, and then took a step, Quan Jiayun naturally followed.

Hearing the light footsteps behind him, Li Ge couldn't help grinning a big smile.

What should I do? I'm so happy.

Just when Li Ge's heart was as sweet as eating honey, a figure in front of him entered his eyes. Seeing that person, the smile on Li Ge's face disappeared suddenly, and his eyes looked at that person in shock.

 first change

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(End of this chapter)

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