Chapter 384 Follow me
General Si, how could he appear here at this moment.

Is he dazzled?

Li Ge blinked, but the tall figure still didn't disappear, but got closer to this side.

Looking at Si Chengtian who was led by the prison guards, Li Ge stopped in his tracks immediately, and Feiyang's mood dropped immediately.

At this time, why did General Si come here?

Seeing Li Ge stop, Quan Jiayun turned his steps and looked forward.

Dressed in a black military uniform, the tall and straight Si Chengtian immediately caught her eye.

Originally, when Quan Jiayun heard footsteps, he thought it was a prison guard.

Seeing that it was Si Chengtian, she was slightly surprised, and then subconsciously wanted to laugh, but when she twitched the corners of her mouth, Quan Jiayun suddenly remembered the last time she met Si Chengtian.

At the end of the meeting that day, she seemed to leave with a hurt expression on her face.

Following the setting she set for herself before, Quan Jiayun didn't smile anymore, but looked at Si Chengtian with a blank expression on his face, as if looking at a stranger.

When Si Chengtian came and saw Li Ge, his handsome face was expressionless.

When he saw the girl coming out from behind Li Ge and looking at him with a stranger's gaze, Si Chengtian's heart, which had always been calm, was hit by a stone.

Si Chengtian met the girl a few times, and in his impression she was always smiling brightly, as if she was not afraid to provoke him, and never cared what he said.

Now, she actually looked at him with the eyes of a stranger.

Did his words really hurt her last time?

In my mind, the face that was seven parts stubborn and three parts accepted resurfaced again.

On the surface, Si Chengtian is still expressionless and indifferent.

In the blink of an eye, he walked in front of the two of them.

Li Ge respectfully saluted the military, and then asked: "General, is there something urgent at this late hour?"

With an indifferent face, Si Chengtian glanced at the two of them, staring at Li Ge with obsidian eyes and said, "What are you guys going to do?"


The prison guard who brought Si Chengtian over heard this, and the corners of his mouth twitched suddenly. Why did he feel that the boss and the girl were caught and raped? The illusion must be his illusion.

Who is that general? He is a general who is notoriously unfeminine.

Li Ge was also a little embarrassed by the question.

Naturally, he couldn't say that he took her to take a bath with him, after all, it was selfish, and he could only tell a little lie.

"I just checked the room and found that she was not asleep. I wanted to ask her something, so I was planning to take her back to the interrogation room."

When Si Chengtian heard this, he suddenly thought of the previous vision. Could it be that Li Ge also discovered something to find her here?

Si Chengtian turned his eyes to Quan Jiayun.

Quan Jiayun looked away expressionlessly.

At this moment, Si Chengtian couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.

She was not there, big or small, pestering him with nonsense, this should be what he expected to see, but at this moment he didn't feel happy, but felt a feeling of tightness in his chest.

Is it because of her indifference?
But being ignored by others, before he became a general, when he was young, he suffered a lot.

At that time, there was no such feeling.

Could it be that after he became a general, he couldn't allow others to ignore him?

Si Chengtian pursed his lips, suppressed the tightness in his chest, and said coldly, "Everyone follow me."

Anyway, he thought, just get used to it.

Si Chengtian turned around and walked in front with big strides.

(End of this chapter)

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