Chapter 385 Questioning
Quan Jiayun looked at Si Chengtian's back, with a fox-like smile on the corner of his mouth.

Generally speaking, when a person treats you enthusiastically every time, and then suddenly cools down every day, everyone will feel a little bit of a gap. I don't know if Si Chengtian will feel that?
In the next second, Quan Jiayun couldn't help but think of a question as if his conscience had been aroused.

Isn't it a little unkind for her to do this!

She doesn't care about feelings, isn't it a bit bad to keep teasing others like this?

But this thought of conscience only flashed for a second and then disappeared.

A person like Si Chengtian would not be easily emotional.

Besides, the relationship between men and women is a game in itself, just like fighting.

He is emotional, that is because he is too weak.

She was just teasing her a little, to refresh her body and mind, even if the other party was emotional, what did it matter to her?

There was a cold smile on Quan Jiayun's lips, he was thinking about nothing, it could be said that he was extremely cold-hearted.

Seeing her staring at Si Chengtian's back, Li Ge was a little unhappy at first, but when he saw her cold, emotionless smile on her lips, he was immediately happy again.

It seemed that she had no special feelings for the general either.

Seeing Li Ge's eyes, Quan Jiayun's cool eyes fell on Li Ge, and Li Ge's happy mood disappeared again.

Because he realizes that she obviously does the same to him.

But Li Ge's depressed mood could not last for a few seconds, he soon smiled freely, anyway, it was still early, now that warriors have such a long lifespan, who knows what the future holds.

Now she doesn't like it.

It doesn't mean she won't like him in the future either!

Feelings always have to be cultivated slowly, and it is normal to have no feelings after a short time of acquaintance.

A group of people arrived at the office in silence.

Si Chengtian ordered in a cold voice: "Li Ge is waiting outside, Quan Jiayun will come with me."

Quan Jiayun walked in without objection.

Li Ge stood still and watched the door close.

After entering the door, Si Chengtian turned his head, his deep eyes fell on Quan Jiayun's face, and he looked at it from head to toe.

Now Quan Jiayun is wearing a prison uniform, and there is nothing dirty on his face.

The dirt all over his body was evaporated quietly by Quan Jiayun when he was walking just now.

So Si Chengtian couldn't see anything wrong.

However, this did not delay Si Chengtian's questioning.

He stared at her and asked, "Are you practicing just now?"

Quan Jiayun neither admitted nor denied, and looked at Si Chengtian lightly and said, "General, do I need to answer this kind of personal question?"


Si Chengtian was choked up by the question, and then said in a deep voice: "Just now there was a vision outside, and all the surrounding spiritual energy gathered here in the prison."

Hearing this, Quan Jiayun was not surprised, she naturally knew the vision she caused, but it was not her intention to cause such a commotion, and Quan Jiayun would not admit it.

Quan Jiayun said coolly: "What does the general want to say, I am in the cell and I can't see outside, so I don't know if you ask me."

Si Chengtian looked at her as if he didn't know what he was talking about, and knew that he couldn't ask anything.

At this time, Si Chengcai realized that he was impulsive.

How could she answer honestly when he came to ask her so much.

The few times we met before, he should know that this girl is not an obedient person.

Si Chengtian stared at Quan Jiayun with serious eyes, and Quan Jiayun just looked back at him indifferently.

 Those who don't accept the three views of the heroine should leave quietly and don't scold.

(End of this chapter)

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