Chapter 392

When talking, Lu Tongtong's big eyes were still blinking, and with that cute round face, he was even more cute.

If this is at school, outside, many boys may eat this set.

But this is a prison.

Seeing her like this, the man swept his wanton eyes straight at her.

"Okay, but what good can you do for us?"

"Advantages? Let me think about it." Lu Tongtong pouted, put her fingers on her lips and tilted her head cutely.

The next second, the moment the man reached out to her, she kicked him suddenly.

This is a second-tier and third-tier martial artist, and his reaction is not weak. He immediately blocked it with his arm, but at this moment, the girl smiled and said, "Brother, you blocked it wrong!"

Accompanied by the lovely Luo Li sound, the man was kicked heavily in the crotch.

Injury to this part is not an ordinary pain.

In an instant, the man let out a howl, clutching his crotch and fell heavily on the iron table next to him.

The other prisoners changed color instantly.

Lu Tongtong looked at the discolored prisoners, turning their toes on the ground, and said with a smile: "Is this good enough? If it's not enough, I'll make up for it."

The male prisoner stood up, looked at Lu Tongtong, weighed it up, and finally held back his breath.

Seeing that everyone was staring at her in surprise.

Lu Tongtong's smile became even sweeter, ah, that's the feeling, she likes to be the focus of attention everywhere, how much did she lose to that Quan Jiayun?
Out of the corner of Lu Tongtong's eyes, she glanced at Quan Jiayun at the table over there. She didn't take a second look at these ugly prisoners, and walked happily to the front.

This time, no one reached out to stop this little girl who looked as sweet as a Barbie doll.

All the prisoners looked at this scene, and there was only one thought in their hearts, one devil hadn't left yet, so another devil came again?

Lu Tongtong went straight to the front, and said to the first male prisoner who was about to fight, "Brother, let me fight first."

The winking look is as cute as ever.

But after the scene just now, the male prisoner got goosebumps when he saw it, he hurriedly took a big step back and gave up his seat.

"Thank you brother."

Lu Tongtong thanked her sweetly, and started cooking with the plate.

Regarding the commotion here, Quan Jiayun just glanced at it and ignored it.

Lu Tongtong turned around after lunch, seeing Quan Jiayun's empty table, his eyes flickered slightly.

This Quan Jiayun didn't seem to be easy to get close to, if she went at this time, it would probably embarrass her.

However, it is also a good time to test how capable this surname Quan is, and whether it is worth her troubles.

Lu Tongtong made up her mind, so she took the dinner plate and walked to the long empty seat next to Quan Jiayun.

The other prisoners looked at this scene with excitement in their eyes.

Oh, there is a good show to watch.

The new little devil has provoked another devil. Which of the two little witches is better?

Lu Tongtong put the dinner plate on the iron table, tilted her head and smiled sweetly at Quan Jiayun: "Sister, let me sit here with you, the other tables are full of stinky men, I really hate them."

Quan Jiayun replied without raising his head: "Not good."

When these two words were spoken, Gong Tianfeng got up aggressively and punched Lu Tongtong.

A contemptuous smile curled up on the corner of Lu Tongtong's mouth, even a little bugger dared to show off in front of her!It is courting death.

(End of this chapter)

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