Chapter 393

Lu Tongtong used his left foot as the center of gravity of the front axis, turned his ankle 180 degrees slightly, and kicked Gong Tianfeng's throat with a tricky and swift kick.

If Gong Tianfeng had never been instructed by Quan Jiayun, then this kick might have caught her by surprise.

However, it is different now.

Gong Tianfeng, who was taught by Quan Jiayun, is not at the same level as a few days ago. When people have experienced more advanced fists, their knowledge will naturally increase.

Therefore, Lu Tongtong's kick was flawed in Gong Tianfeng's eyes.

She lifted her right arm up and down, and her left hand quickly clasped Lu Tongtong's leg.

Seeing this, Lu Tongtong was slightly startled, she didn't expect the opponent's reaction to be so fast, she bent her legs, and immediately changed to the next combo technique, Gong Tianfeng confronted fearlessly.

In an instant, the two of them were within a small area between the tables, and you and I went through dozens of tricks.

The other prisoners stood away one after another, for fear of being affected.

Only Quan Jiayun was still sitting there without moving, she turned sideways, watching while eating, as if this fierce fight was a meal.

Seeing that she couldn't take Gong Tianfeng down for a long time, Lu Tongtong's face turned dark.

Although she only has the tenth level of Qi refining, and the first level and ninth level of body training, she has never paid attention to warriors below the second level, eighth level and ninth level in the secular world.

This time, she thought that ten moves would be enough to deal with the opponent.

As a result, the more he beat her, the more frightened she became. The other party's skills were not inferior to hers at all, not the lame skills of others at all.

After dozens of moves, she didn't have the upper hand at all. On the contrary, because the opponent's strength was much stronger than her, she was still at a disadvantage.

This has never happened to Lu Tongtong.

She was angry and startled.

A mere mortal in the secular world, how can he have such a good skill! !
Just at Lu Tongtong's masterful effort, Gong Tianfeng seized the opportunity and used a false move to hit Lu Tongtong's abdomen heavily with his left fist.

Although Lu Tongtong used spiritual power to bless herself with a spiritual light shield to resist most of the power when the opponent hit, but the remaining power still made her knock back several steps.

Gong Tianfeng didn't catch up any more, she threw Lu Tongtong's dinner plate to the table next to her, and then glanced sideways at Lu Tongtong.

The meaning of that look is obvious, one word, get out.

Lu Tongtong steadied his footsteps, staring at the ugly woman with a murderous look in his eyes.

She's going to chop up this ugly woman.

Subconsciously, Lu Tongtong wanted to use magic weapons to attack.

At this moment, a mocking sneer sounded in the quiet space.

Lu Tongtong turned her head abruptly, and saw a handsome young man of unidentifiable age standing at the door of the cafeteria, his eyes full of disdain and sneer.

That look seemed to be saying that even a mere Tier [-] warrior couldn't handle it.

Seeing this person, Lu Tongtong's pupils shrank slightly.

It wasn't that she knew this person, but by looking at this person's spiritual pressure, she could tell right away that the other person was a cultivator at the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Is this also for Quan Jiayun?
In the depths of Lu Tongtong's eyes, there was an uncertain flicker, and finally she clenched her fists and decided to hold back the breath for the time being.

Now that there is a Foundation Establishment cultivator, let's use this person to test Quan Jiayun.

Thinking of this, Lu Tongtong snorted softly, raised her round chin, looked at the young man and smiled and said, "Brother, what do you mean by smiling like that? This sister is so capable, it's normal for me to lose to her." , I am also very convinced, if you are not convinced, you can go up, but I believe that with my sister's ability, I can still easily abuse you."

(End of this chapter)

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