Chapter 437
Naturally, Huang Jianbo did not explain this matter.

He is actually not good at speaking beautiful words, otherwise he wouldn't have practiced provocatively for so long in advance, he just deeply remembered this matter, and decided to follow Quan Jiayun to the death.

In fact, he was deeply impressed by Quan Jiayun's demeanor in the cafeteria that day.

But at the time in that situation he had no choice.

Now that he can survive, this life belongs to Quan Jiayun for him.

He soon left with his family.

As soon as Huang Jianbo left, Quan Jiayun and Principal Zhang also parted ways.

After all, it was still class time, and Zhang Kang'an had other things to do.

Quan Jiayun followed Quan Zhengcheng into the car.

After getting in the car, Chu Yihan looked at Quan Jiayun and asked curiously, "Xiaoyun, what have you done to others, how can he remember your great kindness?"

Quan Jiayun smiled lightly and said: "He framed me like this, and I just forgave him after falling like this, isn't that a great kindness?"

Chu Yihan: "..."

Does this work too?
Although Chu Yihan felt that the truth was not like this, he couldn't force the little cousin to say it.

Naturally, Quan Jiayun would not tell them the truth, that was her secret.

In fact, this matter is also very simple to say.

When she was taken to the medical room by Instructor Zhou that day, Huang Jianbo only died for a while.

After death, if there is no particularly deep obsession, the three souls and six souls will melt into the world within half an hour.

So when she went, with her spiritual eyes, she saw Huang Jianbo's soul not far from the corpse.

With her ability, she could have brought Huang Jianbo back to life and cleared her innocence.

After all, as long as the body is revived and the soul is still there, it is not difficult to forcibly beat the soul back with a secret method.

But she didn't.

Some things were done at that time, but the effect was not there.

At that time, when she was looking at Huang Jianbo's body, she grabbed Huang Jianbo's soul in her hand and collected it.

Afterwards, people from the Security Bureau came to arrest her, and she gave Zhang Kang'an the Da Huan Pill, and asked Zhang Kang'an to help her get Huang Jianbo's body back at that time and give him the pill, and bring his body back after the court hearing.

After getting into the car of the Security Bureau, her spiritual sense sneaked into the small world and found An Shenmu.

Anshen wood is a rare spiritual wood. This kind of wood can calm the nerves, and you can also use this wood to send souls, which can ensure that the soul body will not dissipate within four or nine days.

It just so happened that there was such a plant in her small world.

So after finding it, she beat Huang Jianbo's soul body into the An Shenmu.

After that, she handcuffed and questioned Huang Jianbo.

Huang Jianbo didn't expect that she would have such a means, and quickly explained the matter clearly, which was what he explained in court before.

Originally, when Quan Jiayun first collected her soul, she didn't think about making Huang Jianbo come back to life properly. For her, to prove her innocence, Huang Jianbo only needs to be alive.

The fool is also alive.

But in the end, he thought of his filial piety, and he was indeed not a vicious person, so Quan Jiayun gave the other party a chance.

After that, she taught the other party those words, put the credit for his resurrection on the means of holding his breath and suspended animation, and completely extracted herself.

That's the whole truth.

very simple.

It's just that others can't think of it.

Because no one knew that she would have something like An Shenmu.

With her white and beautiful fingers resting between her brows, Quan Jiayun's mouth curled into a wicked and playful smile. I don't know what expression He Jingzhou will have when facing the security bureau's door, it must be quite exciting!

(End of this chapter)

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