Chapter 438 Why

He family.

In fact, there was no need to wait for Mo Li's visit, at this moment He Jingzhou was tied up in the basement in a dejected state.

His face was somewhat similar to He Zhenghao's little white face, with an unshaven beard on his chin, messy hair, and a tattered blood-stained dress on his body.

The whole person looks so shrunken and embarrassed.

Compared with a few days ago, when he was going to attack the third-tier warrior, his vigorous appearance can be described as one in the sky and one in the bottom.

If those who knew him saw him, they would never believe it. This is the well-dressed and personable He Jingzhou at all times.

He Jingzhou sat there with dull eyes.

Until now he is still doubting life.

He actually fell into the hands of a woman, who he thought was just his accessory to He Jingzhou.

Until now, he still can't forget the scene two days ago.

That was probably the happiest peak of his life.

He has advanced to the third rank of warrior.

How proud and happy he is to be among the top hundreds in the world.

Under this kind of pride, as a man, he naturally pulled his beloved woman to have a hearty love immediately after leaving the customs.

This love was also the love that He Jingzhou regretted most in his life.

If life could be restarted, he must have slaughtered this woman Tu Wuyue when he was out of customs as an advanced third-rank warrior.

Because in that love affair, he lost the cultivation he was proud of, and fell from a third-tier warrior to a second-tier warrior.

It was too late when I found out that Tu Wuyue was actually absorbing his skills at the happiest time.

He was tied up, and he could only watch helplessly as the woman sucked away his cultivation.

Today's He Jingzhou is extremely unwilling to recall that scene.

Because that was the most failed moment of his life.

But that scene lingered in his mind all the time.


"Why? Am I not good enough for you?"

"I didn't even blame you for killing my son, why did you treat me like this?" That was He Jingzhou's angry roar as he stared at Tu Wuyue when his cultivation base was sucked away.

He never thought that this woman who had been with him for more than ten years would actually betray him at such a time.

He even didn't know when she learned this kind of evil method and was able to absorb his cultivation base.

Tu Wuyue, whose cultivation base has broken through from the middle stage of foundation establishment to the late stage, heard He Jingzhou's words, looked at He Jingzhou amusedly, curled her wavy hair with fingers covered in red nails, and said softly, "Why?"

When Tu Wuyue said these three words, she thought it was very funny, and there was a charming smile on her beautiful face.

"Ask me why?"

Tu Wuyue's slender fingers pointed to He Jingzhou's forehead, and then suddenly gave He Jingzhou a hard slap.

This slap was strong and ruthless, but it was not flirting like a gentle touch.

At that time, a red palm print appeared on He Jingzhou's face.

But this obviously couldn't satisfy Tu Wuyue.

After she slapped He Jingzhou several times, she suddenly leaned down and bit He Jingzhou's face with a bloody tooth mark.

He Jingzhou shuddered in pain.

The mouth full of blood made Tu Wuyue's plump lips more vivid.

She stuck out the tip of her tongue to lick the blood, stared at He Jingzhou with hatred in her eyes and said, "Old Dog He, you won't forget how you got me into bed back then, right?"

He Jingzhou's eyes suddenly widened upon hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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