The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 452 General, What Do You Want To Do?

Chapter 452 General, What Do You Want To Do?

As soon as school was over in the afternoon, Quan Jiayun received a notice that she didn't even have to attend evening classes.

Hearing this notice, Quan Jiayun smiled lightly.

It seems that he really wants to monitor her to the end.

Then, under the curious eyes of many students, Quan Jiayun walked out of the school alone. Before he walked out of the school gate, Quan Jiayun saw the pure black Hummer that picked her up last time.

She walked over and opened the car door, and then raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Because in the back seat of the car, the handsome and mighty admiral of the sixth district was sitting there.

Seeing her, Si Chengtian looked at her with eyes as deep as ink, and said two words.


Quan Jiayun sat up with a smile.

Then he closed the car door, looked sideways at Si Chengtian and said, "I didn't expect that I would have General Si come to pick me up on a special trip. This treatment is too good, General Si, are you sure you're really not interested in me?"

One word set off several waves.

Si Chengtian's paralyzed face: "..."

Wu Hailong, who was driving in front, shook his hand just as he was about to start the car, his eyes flickered with disbelief.

Although he came to pick up this girl last time and knew that she was crazy, he didn't expect that she would dare to talk to General Si like that.

The calmest person in the car is probably Han Shaoqin in the passenger seat.

After all, he was the one who had seen the girl forcefully kiss Si Chengtian.

Quan Jiayun didn't care what effect her words had on other people.

She leaned closer to Si Chengtian, and suddenly, a scent of Quan Jiayun's body penetrated into Si Chengtian's nose, and Si Chengtian moved aside calmly, regretting not taking the passenger seat just now.

It's a pity that Si Chengtian's displacement did not stop Quan Jiayun from making progress.

She then moved to the side, so Si Chengtian almost approached the car door on the right.

Si Chengtian lowered his eyebrows, looked sideways at the girl beside him and said coldly: "Stop making trouble."

Quan Jiayun had nothing to fear from his boss Cheng Tian's dark eyes.

"What's wrong with me? By the way, General Si, don't you think it's a bit cold today? Look at my hands."

As Quan Jiayun said, he quickly reached out to Si Chengtian.

Although Si Chengtian reacted quickly to block it, Quan Jiayun's cold hand still touched the back of his hand. Suddenly, the cold touch seemed to penetrate into Si Chengtian's heart.

This girl! !
One, two, and two, three, insisted on disturbing his mind.

He had to teach her a lesson.

Si Chengtian couldn't bear it anymore and grabbed Quan Jiayun's wrist, turned sideways, and trapped her between the back of the chair and his arms, completing a rather unusual car slap.

Quan Jiayun leaned lazily on the back of the chair, looking at the sculpted handsome face in front of her eyes.

His eyes swept over his pair of awe-inspiring sword eyebrows, those hidden sharp eyes, and finally stayed on that not too thick and not too thin lips, his eyes rolled around, with a smile.

"General Si, what are you trying to do?"

There was an indescribable flirtation in the slow tone.

As Quan Jiayun spoke, he raised his hand that was not caught, and reached towards Si Chengtian's face.

But halfway was stopped by Si Chengtian.

With both hands trapped, Quan Jiayun didn't show any fear of being trapped, but raised an eyebrow at Si Chengtian.

This raised eyebrow was harsh and arrogant, with a slightly provocative tone.

Si Chengtian's temper, which was always calm, was provoked by her at once. Does she look so sure that he dare not?
Si Chengtian suddenly bullied Quan Jiayun a little closer.

(End of this chapter)

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