Chapter 453 Seriously
When Si Chengtian was bullying Quan Jiayun, the adjutant Han Shaoqin Han in front, very responsible and witty, raised the baffle under Wu Hailong's shocked eyes.

So when Si Chengtian was in action, the space in the back seat was completely cut off.

On impulse, Si Chengtian wanted to do something to her severely.

Teach this girl a lesson and tell her not to provoke men indiscriminately.

But after being bullied for a while, looking at her still somewhat immature face, Si Chengtian's self-denying nature in his bones made him pause again.

He couldn't do such a mess.

As a result, the distance between the two stayed at close range.

Quan Jiayun blinked his eyes, looked at Si Chengtian's enlarged handsome face in the light sandalwood in his breath, and said with a drawn-out smile: "General Si, what on earth are you trying to do! Do you want to relive that scene?" A late old dream?"

At this time, the two were already very close, and when Quan Jiayun spoke, his warm breath was blown onto Si Chengtian's face...

Coupled with the hints in her words, the scene of that night suddenly appeared in Si Chengtian's mind.

Si Chengtian's body froze suddenly, and then he stared at her deeply.

Seeing his suddenly cold eyes, Quan Jiayun was not afraid, and still said with a smile: "General, do you want to answer me, what do you mean by suppressing me all this time?"

Si Chengtian looked at the smile in her eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Is it interesting to keep messing around like this?"

Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows when he heard his words.

"Why am I messing around? I said at the beginning that I like the general. So if I like the general, I can't help but want to get close to the general. Is there any problem?"


Looking at her open eyes, Si Chengtian's chest and abdomen heaved, Ru Mo's eyes stared at her, and his voice was low.

"You are still young, so you may do whatever you want, and do it as soon as you think of it, but I don't like your behavior, especially this kind of thing. If you are not serious, don't talk nonsense to anyone."

Quan Jiayun looked at Si Chengtian's serious and paralyzed face, and said with a smile: "I'm serious, who said I'm not serious anymore."

She teases very seriously.

Of course I like it seriously.

After all, she likes anyone who pleases her.

Speaking of which, Quan Jiayun leaned forward maliciously, and lightly touched Si Chengtian's cold lips.

Because the two were too close, and because Si Chengtian was stunned for a moment when she emphasized her seriousness.

So, Si Chengtian couldn't avoid this superficial kiss.

Si Chengtian's body stiffened in an instant, and he suddenly opened his eyes wide. He opened his eyes and looked at the smiling girl in front of him in disbelief.

The dumbfounded expression on the cold and paralyzed face pleased Quan Jiayun.

She chuckled.

Si Chengtian looked at her completely undisturbed appearance, and was simply annoyed and annoyed.


Before the words "simply ridiculous" came out of his mouth, Quan Jiayun smiled and leaned forward to kiss him again.


When Si Chengtian touched Quan Jiayun's lips again, he suddenly let go of her hand, and dodged to the side in a little embarrassment, as if taking refuge...

If you look closely, you can see that Si Chengtian's ears are completely red.

Seeing his innocent boy's reaction, Quan Jiayun burst out laughing unceremoniously.

This Si Chengtian is really interesting.

Hearing the laughter, Si Chengtian closed his eyes, calmed down his emotions, then stared at Quan Jiayun coldly and said, "Quan Jiayun, don't challenge my tolerance one or two times."

(End of this chapter)

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