Chapter 461


Everyone followed the sound and saw that a soldier was caught out of the fighter plane by a tiger eagle.

The exclamation came from his mouth, he grabbed the tiger eagle's leg and was desperately struggling to fight back...

However, his counterattack obviously did not have much effect on this huge tiger eagle with a length of nearly two meters, including the bullets fired by other soldiers on the tiger eagle, which were also useless.

Because this is obviously a third-order early stage monster.

The physical strength of the third-level monster makes it hard to resist the damage of ordinary thermal weapons, unless it is a thermobaric power cannon nuclear bomb, which can cause damage to it, but these weapons are extremely expensive to manufacture, so basically they will not be used in critical situations. use.

This tiger eagle is obviously the leader of this group of tiger eagles.

It was hidden among a group of tiger eagles just now, so that no one noticed it at all.

Now it caught its prey quickly and ruthlessly, and immediately turned around and flew away without hesitation. The rest of the tiger eagles followed immediately, surrounded it to form a protective circle, and retreated into the distance in a dense manner.

This scene was very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, the eagles had already fled hundreds of meters away.

Just as this scene happened, Si Chengtian's voice came down steadily.

"Accelerate, chase."

The pilot obeyed immediately.

During the acceleration of the three-fold increase of the fighter plane, the other soldiers were no longer able to shoot accurately and well under the impact of the strong wind.

However, Quan Jiayun has no pressure on this.

She secretly used her spiritual power to stir up a shield, squinted her eyes, and continued to shoot mercilessly...

Following her shooting, the flock of eagles protecting the leader fell down like dumplings, whining and roaring, like a black firework in full bloom.

As soon as Quan Jiayun removed the outer protective circle, Si Chengtian immediately seized the opportunity.

He arched his back, like a war bow ready to go, and took advantage of the opportunity to jump with his feet.

Suddenly, under the violent shaking of the fighter plane, Si Chengtian's muscular body jumped a hundred meters away, and slashed at the head of the third-tier tiger eagle with a volley.

This scene is simply the perfect combination of power and beauty.

The hand raised the knife and fell, blood spattered.

The separation of body and beast caused the tiger eagle to die instantly.

Si Chengtian grabbed the falling eagle's body and the person on the eagle's claws, and his body flew hundreds of meters into the air before crashing to the ground.


Accompanied by astonishing loud noises, the low-level monsters nearby on the ground fled one after another.

Following the place where Si Chengtian fell, several fighter planes swept away at low altitude one after another.

When the fighter plane landed in the open space, everyone jumped out of the fighter plane to check the situation of the general.

In the dusty sky, Si Chengtian's tall figure was also revealed.

The figure who dragged the huge eagle carcass, shouldered a person, and stepped on the ice cracked like a spider's web, was like a shocking scene in a blockbuster movie when a hero returns.

The milky white moonlight shone on that handsome face stained with bright red blood, making Si Chengtian, who had always looked ascetic and cold, a bit more evil.

The dozen or so people here almost stared intently at the person walking out of the dust and smoke.

Seeing Si Chengtian like this, Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes slightly.

In an instant, she remembered the video she saw when she first came back to Earth.

At that time, Si Chengtian was also beheading a third-order monster, and he turned his head to look at the camera for the last time.

Then, Quan Jiayun curled his lips and smiled lightly.

If this scene is filmed and uploaded to Skynet, it will probably make Si Chengtian and those fans go crazy again, and then refresh the click rate of the video!

(End of this chapter)

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