Chapter 462
Looking at the cracked ground, the other soldiers secretly swallowed, adoring and excited at the same time. .

Although it was not the first time that he came out to hunt animals with General Si, every time he saw such a scene, he would be shocked.

This is the power of a Tier [-] warrior.

It can cut off the head of a monster beast at the beginning of the third level with a single blow.

When will they be able to break through the shackles of the second level and enter the third level!
Amidst the inner sighs of other soldiers, Si Chengtian looked at the crowd standing here, his handsome expression did not change much.

Only when he saw that particularly conspicuous and bright smiling face among the crowd, his eyes flickered slightly.

Especially when that girl's eyes were filled with bright smiles and she was running towards him enthusiastically.

Si Chengtian pursed his lips, and his heart couldn't help but constrict.

What does she want to do?
Quan Jiayun rushed in front of Si Chengtian, but did not jump on Si Chengtian.

She just poked the eagle corpse in Si Chengtian's hand with her finger, and said with a smile: "General Si, you are able to hunt and kill this monster, I must be credited for it!"

When Si Chengtian heard her words, he didn't know whether he was relieved or a little disappointed.

He replied blankly: "Yes."

When the others saw that the girl was the first to rush forward to claim credit, no one dared to question anything. After all, everyone had seen the different interaction between the two before setting off, so who dared to question in front of General Si.

And they, who were supposed to step forward to pick up the wounded immediately, hesitated looking at this scene.

Quan Jiayun received Si Chengtian's response and said again: "So, the demon pill inside is at least half cheaper for me!"

Si Chengtian glanced at her.

I thought to myself, it turns out that this is why she came here so enthusiastically.

Si Chengtian replied blankly again.

Quan Jiayun stretched out his hand, "Come on, let me take pills from its belly."

When the other soldiers nearby heard this, they looked at Quan Jiayun in surprise.

They were surprised because...

Although warriors are prevalent now, girls will come out to hunt monsters, but when it comes to disposing of corpses, many girls are too dirty and disgusting to do it themselves.

A person like her who looks tender and fresh, and who looks like a young lady at first glance, actually asks to take pills from her belly, which naturally makes these male soldiers look sideways.

If these people had seen the cruel scene of Quan Jiayun attacking people, they probably wouldn't be so surprised.

Si Chengtian did not refuse Quan Jiayun's request.

As soon as he let go, he put the eagle corpse on the ground, and let Quan Jiayun go to get the demon pill and materials.

Then carefully put down the man with severe injuries to his shoulders, back and neck.

The military doctor accompanying the army immediately stepped forward to deal with him.

Si Chengtian gave instructions to the other soldiers: "I don't want the eagle's corpse, and I'll take some important materials away."


Regarding Si Chengtian's order, the other soldiers never questioned it, and everyone immediately took action.

But even if the eagle carcass was not needed, it would take a little effort to deal with it, because there were nearly a thousand eagles in this group, and there were less than twenty people in their group, and there was a wounded patient and a military doctor who couldn't move.

Fortunately, this group of soldiers are at the peak level of the second-order ninth-layer, and they move quickly.

After an hour, most of the eagle carcasses were disposed of except for some falcon carcasses in the corners that were not disposed of.

After the eagle's corpse was disposed of, a fighter plane returned first with the wounded, and the other group continued to go deep into the wilderness area.

(End of this chapter)

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