Chapter 10

Su Jiu didn't expect that Su Youhui would have the face to let her attend Jin Yuxu and Liu Sisi's confession banquet. She remembered that the two families had completely torn their faces because of their grandparents. Where did Su Youhui have face?Every time Su Jiu thinks about Su Youcai and Su Youhui's two siblings, Su Jiu can't help wondering how his grandparents raised such children, is it because of a genetic mutation?

"Ms. Su, if I remember correctly, our two families have already severed ties. What does it matter to me if you recognize your daughter?" Su Jiu really doesn't like Su Youhui's way of saying that my daughter is promising, and ordinary people don't hurry up. Kneeling stupid.

Su Youhui was so angry that her chest heaved non-stop, she knew that this niece had been taught badly by her sister-in-law.Thinking of the inheritance left by her elder brother, Su Youhui felt an itchy heart. She was not Su Youcai, a fool who believed that he had no money. She calculated in private that the money left by her elder brother would definitely not be less than several million!

If Su Jiu knew about this, he would probably praise Su Youhui for being great, and give him another sentence that has nothing to do with you.

Thinking about the money in Su Jiu's hand, Su Youhui held back her temper, and said in a coy voice, "Look at what you said, now that the eldest brother and sister-in-law are gone, how can aunt leave you alone? Does the Jin family know? That's The most powerful and wealthy family in the capital, I raised you, Sisi, anyway, and I will ask Sisi to introduce you to a wealthy son-in-law..."

Su Jiu was too lazy to listen to her pimping, and interrupted impatiently: "No need, I have something to hang up first."

Seeing the hung up phone, Su Youhui was so angry that her hands trembled, and cursed: "Damn girl, she's as annoying as her mother!"

Liu Sisi was also unhappy. She didn't like Su Jiu as a cousin when she was young. She was younger than her but was admitted to university earlier than her. The most important thing is that Su Jiu is not only beautiful but also the kind of girl who makes people dare not be profane. Compared with her, her gorgeous appearance seemed too vulgar. Every time when her cousins ​​stood together, Liu Sisi always felt that she was set off by Su Jiu as a burning girl.

Hearing that her uncle and aunt passed away, Liu Sisi almost couldn't hold back her laughter. As for her adoptive mother's plan, she was not optimistic at the beginning. Although her cousin is not very old, her eyes are very powerful. She always has a feeling of being seen through her red and phoenix eyes. If it wasn't for showing off, she wouldn't let Su Jiu participate in her confession banquet.

No matter how the mother and daughter calculated, Su Jiu didn't intend to pay attention to it. Although she was a little curious about her cousin Jin Yuxu, she didn't want to provoke a pair of brown candies that she couldn't get rid of because of this curiosity. After thinking about it, she simply sent Su Youhui All calls with Su Youcai were blocked.

When Su Youhui called again, she found that she couldn't get through. Only then did she realize that she had been blackmailed by Su Jiula and was so angry that she broke her phone.

As for Su Jiu, she has completely forgotten about this pair of wonderful mother and daughter, and is embarking on her own trip to a foreign country. The first stop is California, a famous beef producing area in country M.

"Please deliver the goods directly to the warehouse, the address is Warehouse No. 12, Rose Street." Su Jiu looked at the list in his hand and said lightly.

She has been in country M for two months. The day before yesterday, the class monitor of the university, Tao Xingyi, called and hoped that she could attend the graduation party held by the class.Don't look at Su Jiu's obsession with studying during college, her relationship with her classmates is really good, even many senior seniors are in her friend list.

Tao Xingyi made a phone call in person, and she naturally had to find time to go there, not to mention that she planned to develop the business of Changqing Farm. These students were potential customers and must not be let go.

Seeing the stuffed food, meat, etc. in the backpack of the Wanjie live broadcast system, Su Jiu stepped on the plane back home contentedly, and Su Jiu's crazy purchases during this period caused a wave of "the end of the world is coming" in M ​​country. "The panic caused domestic food prices to rise wildly.

Standing on the land of Changqing Farm, Su Jiu felt the long-lost peace of mind, and she didn't plan to go abroad in a short time.

When she was leaving, the engineering team still had half of the project unfinished, but now most of it has been completed and it is entering the finishing work. Su Jiu looked at Wang Jianshe with eyes full of admiration: "Uncle Wang, you are so efficient, and there will be more in the future." I will still contact you."

Wang Jianshe laughed: "No problem."

Su Jiu didn't mean to be polite. She planned to completely renovate Changqing Farm when she came back this time. As the farmhouse opened to the outside world, the buildings inside would definitely not be enough.Wang Jianshe's engineering team is fast and high-quality, and Su Jiu will naturally not give up such an excellent partner.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Su Jiu opened the Myriad Realms live broadcast room again and still only connected to the last world plane: "Hi everyone, I'm Su Jiu."

"The Changqing live broadcast room has started the live broadcast again!" The momentarily silent end-time plane began to make noise!At this moment, countless people wept with joy, and everyone contacted relatives and friends one after another.In fact, the Changqing live broadcast room has not been opened for nearly two months, and they almost thought it was a dream of their own, but fortunately, all of this is real.

"Not much to say, let's go directly to the link." After Su Jiu finished speaking, he directly put all the products on the shelves in the background. Even though these links seem to be quite a lot, they are still like a drop of water falling into the ocean to the needs of the entire planet. Appears insignificant.

The members of the Sanqi team directly grabbed nearly half of the inventory by virtue of the back door opened by Su Jiu, and their eyes were red with excitement as they looked at the warehouses full of grain and meat.They have lived up to the trust of the organization, so much food will surely save more refugees.

Minister Zhang even smiled so that the corners of his eyes were full of wrinkles: "Xia Yu, isn't the anchor a wood-type supernatural being? We still have a lot of mutant flower seeds that we collected a while ago. You can ask the anchor if you need it." He remembered The anchor said that he wanted to open a farmhouse, and the Evergreen Farm planned to plant all kinds of flowers. The ordinary flowers were far inferior to the mutated flowers in terms of vitality and vividness. Maybe they could use this to build a relationship.

Not to mention that this batch of mutated flower seeds is a timely rain for Su Jiu, because most of the flowers in Changqing Farm have wilted due to her short absence!Thinking of the cost of these flowers, Su Jiu was so distressed that he wanted to vomit blood. In addition, she used mutated plants as the bodyguards of the farm in her previous life. With mutated plants, she didn't have to worry about the other party's betrayal and even saved money. She only needed to transport some wood every day. The ability of the system can make them conscientiously guard the house.

Thinking of the empty land on Changqing Farm, Su Jiu simply wanted all of them, and ordered another batch of mutated tree species with the Panax notoginseng team.

Seeing that the data on the commodity link in the background was cleared, Su Jiu wasn't surprised at all: "I still have a batch of green japonica rice, the nutritional value of which is much higher than the batch of ordinary rice noodles just now, and the price is also more expensive. In addition, these green japonica rice is only made of wood. It's crystal nucleus exchange." After speaking, it was put on the shelves directly.

No matter when there is no shortage of creatures like local tyrants, the Japonica rice that Su Jiu worked so hard to grow during this period sold out in less than ten seconds, and the consumption level of local tyrants is as high as ever.There are also those who dislike expensive and keep posting barrages hoping that Su Jiu can be cheaper. Su Jiu is too lazy to pay attention to these people. Her pricing is definitely worthy of conscience, not to mention that this kind of high-end food is originally for some high-consumption groups. I don't want to make it affordable for everyone.

Su Jiu looked at the ever-increasing merit points and smiled contentedly. Once he was in a good mood, he had time to chat with people from the last-day plane: "Everyone may know that I plan to open a farmhouse. I majored in biology and minored in artificial intelligence in college. I really don’t have much experience in running farmhouses. If you have good experience, you can private message me, and if I think it’s good, I’ll send you a small gift.”

Rao Su Jiu didn't expect that no matter how much she calculated, she would receive five private messages as soon as she got off the stage, all of which were detailed business plans for the farmhouse!
In fact, Su Jiu still underestimated his own value. Although the amount of food is limited, a little more food may save more people.The far-sighted Longxia government and some speculators with great vision began to sort out the business plan of the farmhouse as early as the first time they heard Su Jiu describe his plan, and only then came the plan that shocked Su Jiu.

The five plans are all excellent, and Su Jiu only felt enlightened after seeing them. These can save her a lot of detours, so she simply issued two bright gold peaches to each of the five accounts, and the provider of the plan that suits her best even Got an extra box of chocolates.

"One of the plans mentioned that traditional handicraft products can be operated. I think this is very good." It coincides with her original plan. It happens that there is enough cheap labor in the last days. Su Jiu thinks that they can cooperate: "Preliminary plan In the future, Changqing Farm will mainly be engaged in three traditional handicrafts: clay sculpture, embroidery and bamboo weaving. Of course, other exquisite handicraft anchors will also be purchased. If you are interested in some aspects, you can contact me by private message.”

The Sanqi team was the first to contact Su Jiu. I have to say that the government of Longxia Kingdom acted quickly. I have to say that this is very similar to country Z, and it has always been at the forefront.

(End of this chapter)

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