I became popular in Wanjie live broadcast

Chapter 9 True and False Gold

Chapter 9
"Qiaoqiu, what do you think of this one?" Su Jiu looked at Qiuqiu with piercing eyes, with "choose this one" written in his eyes.

Qiuqiu can choose a sunflower smiling face as his own image, and he likes the kawaii thing very much. He is very satisfied with the body selected by the host, and keeps nodding: "It's so cute! The host waits for me to save enough in the future." Buy this one for merit.”

Su Jiu became more and more happy. As for the merit point of 100 million, he didn't care about it. It will be a matter of time if there is a plane of the end of the world with 100 million. Let you buy a body."

"No, no, there is a rule in the Wanjie live broadcast system that the purchase of a body must be paid with a commission." Although the host has no way to help with the payment, Qiuqiu is still very grateful for the host's kindness.

"Is this encouraging our hosts to work harder to earn merit points?" If this is the case, then it must be said that the hosts of the Wanjie live broadcast system will desperately accumulate merit points, because only when they are rich will they not be reluctant to spend.

What Wanjie Mall sells is the optimized variety of Bijaponica rice in the history of country Z. According to reports, not only the yield is much higher than that of hybrid rice on the market, but it is also more delicious and nutritious.Xie Yong wrote in "Food Taste Miscellaneous Songs": "Jingmi, which is grown near Beijing, is collectively referred to as Jingmi, and the one produced in Yutian County is the best. The grain is slender, slightly green, and fragrant when cooking. It is short and large. If the color is white but not green, it is not a real jade field." Su Jiu was really tempted this time, and Japonica rice can not only be grown for sale but also eaten by himself.

Heartbeat is not as good as action, Su Jiu has become more and more potential workaholic under Qiuqiu's flickering...

In order to increase the survival rate of the green japonica rice, Su Jiu had to hold the wood-type crystal nucleus to absorb it while releasing the ability.Looking around, green rice seedlings emerged from the place Su Jiu passed by, which made people feel very happy.

With such a high-intensity use of abilities, the barrier that broke through the ninth level and tenth level collapsed unconsciously. In an instant, the rice seedlings on the ten thousand hectares of fertile fields quickly matured, and the whole cave was filled with a fresh aroma of rice...

Suddenly, Su Jiu's eyes lit up. Just by smelling it, he knew that the rice was not bad. Maybe it was a trace left over from the previous life. Even if she didn't recover her memory before, she still loved to eat it since she was a child.Su's mother used to tease her that she would be cheated by men with delicious food in the future. Hearing this, Su's father worried that his daughter would be tricked by a brat in the future, so he took his daughter out for tooth festivals every three days. After a long time, Su Jiu became a A gluttonous existence.

As soon as the ability broke through, Su Jiu's body instantly recovered to its peak, but because of the huge energy consumption, his stomach started to growl.Those who were thinking of taking a rest did not take a rest. Under the strong recommendation of Qiuqiu, they bought a delicious rice cooker and made a big pot of Japonica rice directly from Wanjie Mall for 1 point of merit.

"Boom" the wooden spoon touched the bottom of the pot. Su Jiu touched her nose. Ever since she found out about Su's father and Su's mother's accident, her appetite hadn't been very good. This time, she directly killed a pot of rice because every time she broke through, she would lose her appetite. It is not surprising that he needs to replenish energy in time. Su Jiu even felt that he ate a lot less this time than before. It seems that the introduction of the products in Wanjie Mall is quite true.

After rubbing his round belly, Su Jiu left Dongtian Paradise directly: "Qiaoqiu, I'm going to sleep. Good night!"

"Good night--"

"Carve flowers in your hands, and the blade turns into a painting..." The phone rang!
Although Su Jiu was surprised that someone called her during this period of time, the movements of his hands were not slow. Seeing the three big characters "Su Youhui" displayed on the screen of the orange phone, Su Jiu didn't know what expression to put on.When she was awakened by the car accident and was busy with her parents' funeral, she even forgot to tell her relatives and friends about her parents' accident. Could it be that Su Youcai told them about her parents?
Su Jiu never thought that he would face a big pot of blood...

Su Youhui, the aunt of the Su family, loved vanity and became a lover of Liu Qingtan, the family boss in college. She returned to her hometown with a big belly during the holidays.Grandpa Su and Grandma Su wanted face all her life, but her daughter shamelessly made a fool of others, and the two elders were so angry that they kicked her out of the house.Why!What he didn't expect was that his younger uncle Su Youcai plotted against Su's father and almost caused Su's father to be expelled.

The daughter acts as a mistress, and the youngest son schemes against his brother. A series of incidents directly hit the two old people.The old man had been a soldier when he was young, and his temperament was the most upright. He was very heartbroken and cold-hearted about what he did to his children. With his sick body, he found the patriarch and drove the two children out of the house and made a will. Come back to the grave!

Grandma Su felt that she had failed to teach her daughter and youngest son well, and was sorry for the ancestors of the Su family. She felt so guilty that she passed away within a few months after being ill.

Grandpa Su had been in the army when he was young and rarely went home, but his relationship with the old woman was really good.As soon as Grandma Su left, Grandpa Su lost all energy and followed suit.

Su's father resented his younger brother and sister for killing his parents, and his relationship with them has always been bad.This time Su's father and Su's mother had an accident, Su Jiu didn't think of this aunt whom he didn't see very often for a while, but she felt that Su's father and Su's mother might not be willing to have this bad brother and sister attend her funeral.

"Hey! Su Jiu, I heard that your parents are gone, so my condolences will change." A pretentious voice interrupted Su Jiu's memory.

"Yeah." Su Jiu really didn't bother to pay attention to this aunt.

"Do you know that Sisi was wrongly hugged..." In short, the other party was a bunch of blah blah blah.

After so many years, her aunt is still worshiping money as always. If you hear me right, the daughter the Liu family has raised for many years is not the real daughter of the wealthy Jin family in the capital, and Jin Yuxu of the Jin family is the real daughter of the Liu family, Su. My dear cousin.But Su Jiu has been listening to Su Youhui for a long time to show off Liu Sisi, but he didn't mention Jin Yuxu much. Liu Sisi is really not a fuel-efficient lamp as Su's mother said, and Su Youhui is so selfish, she doesn't even care about her parents Master, but now she is so coaxed by her that she forgets that her own daughter is only thinking about her.

Even if she only saw a few faces of Liu Sisi's personality, Su Jiu felt that Liu Sisi's personality was almost the same, that is, a fake Bailian pretends to be weak all day long, but Su Youhui's blind couple thinks that each other is very good, tsk tsk...

The index finger of his right hand was wrapped around the mirror chain twice, and Su Jiu suddenly became interested in that cousin whom he had never met before. It might be a good character if he didn't get along with Su Youhui, anyway, there are few people with good views who get along with Su Youhui.

Jin Yuxu, who is being missed by his cousin Su Jiu, is having a hard time these days.

The high-ranking wealthy daughter was reduced to a "thief", an illegitimate daughter, and the daughter of a nouveau riche overnight. In addition, the parents of the Jin family didn't have much affection for Jin Yuxu, the adopted daughter. Marriage is easy to use. Now that Jin Yuxu's real life experience is exposed, her value has plummeted. The originally planned marriage has also been blown away. Naturally, Jin's parents don't want to see her.

Jin Yuxu looked at the intimate family of five in the living room, and her heart was full of disappointment. She always thought that her parents were patriarchal, but now seeing Liu Sisi getting along with her parents intimately, she felt very sad, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. Not patriarchal just don't like her as a fake.

Seeing the "girlfriends" in the WeChat girlfriend group crazily taking pictures of herself, she can hardly hide her gloating energy. Jin Yuxu just feels chilled. Many of these people have followed behind her to please her and even some of them are herself. My good girlfriends, but those are the ones who crazily belittle themselves in the group.

Before she knew it, she had already burst into tears, and Jin Yuxu was disheartened by the faces of the people around her, until she met her cousin Su Jiu at the confession banquet...

(End of this chapter)

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