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Chapter 12 Classmates Reunion

Chapter 12 Classmates Reunion
"Our little genius is here, hurry up and greet him!" Yuan Zichao, the most cramped in the class, yelled when he saw Su Jiu.

After the sixth level of the wood-type ability, the spirit-type ability will be derived. Although this derived ability is not as good as the orthodox spirit-type ability user, it is much stronger than ordinary people.Su Jiu has the ability of never forgetting with the help of her psychic ability, and she can skip grades from childhood to adult. The youngest of her classmates are all 25 and 28, and the older ones are all [-] and [-]. It is precisely because of his young age that all the students in the class, regardless of gender, treat Su Jiu as a little sister.

Su Jiu sat down beside Tao Xingyi, the squad leader, unceremoniously: "You are so well organized!"

"Everyone is here." Tao Xingyi smiled and said, "Jiujiu, how is your family going?"

The other students hurriedly calmed down and stared at Su Jiu. Su Jiu knew that everyone had good intentions, and was moved: "It's all settled. I plan to transform my family's farm into an evergreen farm. You can do it when you are free in the future." Come and play."

Everyone responded one after another: "Definitely."

Tao Xingyi looked at Su Jiu with some pity, and asked after a long while: "Jiu Jiu, you don't plan to continue doing research? I just think you are very talented. It would be a pity if you gave up like this." For Su Jiu they This time, I specially held a reunion with the artificial intelligence class. If Su Jiu really gave up, not only he would feel sorry, but the students in the artificial intelligence class would also feel sorry.

"Although I really don't plan to continue to take the entrance exam, I will continue to study biology and artificial intelligence." Su Jiu knew that Tao Xingyi had good intentions, and he was willing to patiently explain his questions, "I will set up an experiment at Changqing Farm. Room, maybe I will need your help in the future."

"Private research institute? All right, Jiujiu has ideas." Yuan Zichao's family is not short of money, and he himself has no intention of entering a national research institute. He will enter the laboratory of his own group next month. For Su Jiu's Thoughts express understanding.

"I have developed a special plant inducer that can cause plants to mutate. There are many mutated plants in Evergreen Farm. If you are interested, you can go to my laboratory to take a look." This inducer It is a counterfeit researched by Su Jiu based on the inducer in Wanjie Mall. Although the effect is not as good as that in Wanjie Mall, it is cheaper to make.

As soon as the voice was finished, the famous Bai Fumei He Xiaorong said that he would follow Su Jiu to have a look. He Xiaorong's family runs the largest supermarket chain in country Z - Shengyu Supermarket. He studied biology mainly because he likes it, and because he has inheritance at home The eldest brother of the family business is here, and the He family's parents really don't have any requirements for He Xiaorong, a daughter, so she doesn't need to consider any external conditions and directly follows Su Jiu.

There are still a few students in the class who are interested in this, but they have too many factors to consider, and they can't make up their minds for a while. After all, the inducer was developed by Su Jiu.Although Su Jiu expressed that he didn't mind, they couldn't make progress. Unless they decided to enter Su Jiu's laboratory, they wouldn't touch the secrets of Evergreen Farm at will.

Su Jiu cherishes this precious classmate friendship very much: "I welcome everyone to come anytime..."

Suddenly, a fierce quarrel interrupted Su Jiu's words. Yan Junong, the monitor of the artificial intelligence class, looked down and asked the waiter, "What's the matter? Didn't your Taiyue Hotel say that loud noises are not allowed? Is this different treatment?" She chose the meeting place this time, but something happened at the beginning of the meeting, which shows that she is not capable.

The waiter hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, the family recognition banquet is held by the Jin family downstairs, it might be noisy, I'll go and stop it."

Hearing this, Su Jiu suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, it couldn't be the banquet that Su Youhui and the others wanted to go by themselves, right?Before she could figure it out, Tao Xingyi's words confirmed her guess.

"The Jin family? It can't be the Jin family in the capital who recently made jokes about real and fake daughters?" Tao Xingyi looked down on the Jin family's style of work, and he was not allowed to associate with the Jin family.

He Xiaorong gloated and said, "I also know about this. Their family has made a lot of jokes in recent months."

"What's going on?" Several students asked for a while, and they had to say that the truth of human beings is gossip.

He Xiaorong pulled her broken hair behind her ears, and began to share the melons she ate in a serious manner: "It is said that the Patriarch of the Jin family was very romantic when he was young, and he had too many lovers to count on his hands. Naturally, there are gold worshipers, but there are also He was deceived by the head of the Jin family because of his good looks. Wang Lieqin was the one who was deceived. The other party finally passed the exam from the mountains, and the reputation of the Jin family and his wife was ruined in the end, tsk tsk..."

"Speaking of it, it was Madam Jin's own fault. She clearly knew the truth of the matter, but she pinched the persimmons and pointed all the blame at the victim, Wang Lieqin. This Wang Lieqin was able to climb out of the mountain itself. She will not be deceived by Patriarch Jin's good looks. The Jin family and his wife ruined Wang Lieqin's life, so she will naturally not let it go. Rumors say that she joined hands with Patriarch Jin's ambitious lover to directly kill the twins born by Madam Jin. All changed!"

Now even Su Jiu, who already knew a part of the inside story, was stunned. She thought it was just a story about a real and a fake daughter, but she never expected that there was a story about a real and a fake prince hidden in it!Not to mention the others, they kept urging He Xiaorong with their eyes after hearing the plots in the novel.

He Xiaorong lived up to everyone's expectations and told an even more shocking inside story: "Everyone in the Jin family thinks that twins are a good omen, and Mrs. Jin herself firmly believes that she cares more about the youngest son than the eldest son. In the end, it proved that the youngest son she loves so much was born to her mistress, and the eldest son is her own, but unfortunately, Mrs. Jin has done too much these days and almost wiped out the eldest son's affection."

"That mistress is also ruthless. After changing the children, she directly threw Mrs. Jin's son into a remote orphanage. That person didn't even go to high school. He is a well-known local gangster." He Xiaorong drank saliva, moistened his throat and continued. Said: "That girl was replaced by Liu Qingtan's illegitimate daughter, named Liu Sisi. Speaking of which, you may also know this person, she is the popular little girl uploaded on the Internet."

"Oh! That fake white lotus is really green tea—" Yan Junong's exclamation immediately made everyone laugh. Everyone is doing research and is not sensitive to creatures like green tea whores.

"Don't underestimate the green tea whore, this real daughter is quite powerful in combat." Thinking of the news he heard, He Xiaorong still felt very embarrassed, "The Jin family couple who coaxed the little green tea back to the Jin family smiled happily, not only did they raise each other The adopted daughter who has been adopted for many years turned a blind eye and kicked people out of the house. I think the Jin family is quite scary. After all, the daughter who has been raised for many years has no feelings at all. Mrs. Jin is also confused, leaving the illegitimate child in the Jin family and leaving the adopted daughter Get away!"

Tao Xingyi explained: "This is also normal. No matter how illegitimate a child is, he has the blood of the Jin family on his body. The head of the Jin family will not let Mrs. Jin drive him out of the house. But Jin Yuxu is different. It doesn't matter whether her biological mother is successful or not, she won't be able to take off the hats of fake daughter and illegitimate daughter in this life, if she can't take off these two hats, it means that she has no chance to marry into a wealthy family."

"Wow—" Most of the students are from ordinary families. Although they also think that the names of illegitimate daughters are ugly, they really don't understand these unspoken rules.

"This is not the most bloody thing!" He Xiaorong was not angry when he was interrupted, but became more enthusiastic: "Jin Yuxu originally had a childhood sweetheart fiancé, but it turned out that not long after Zhenqian King Kong returned to Jin's house, the other party shouted, 'The engagement is a The real daughter, they don't recognize the fake daughter', this matter is very serious, I guess it was because of this matter just now. It was rumored that Jin Yuxu was infatuated with this fiancé, but the other party turned his face and refused to recognize him, even if I have some I can't get used to Jin Yuxu's noble demeanor, but it's still the Gu family's fault."

"This is too shameless. I don't like Jin Yuxu. Why didn't I see him before? Doesn't this make people's situation more difficult now? It's really not a thing." I can't see it.

"It's really not a thing!" Everyone echoed Yan Junong in their hearts.

"Actually, I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing. It would be troublesome if someone like Gu Hongping really married him." Su Jiu really felt that people like Gu Hongping could only share wealth but not suffering. It is hard to say whether you will encounter difficulties in your life.

"Jiujiu, something is wrong with you—" He Xiaorong smirked, "How did you know the name of this fiancé?"

(End of this chapter)

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