Chapter 13
Su Jiu spread his hands together: "I said it's okay, do you believe it?"

"Do not believe!"

This is really unanimous!
Su Jiu felt that in order to avoid trouble, it is better to explain her relationship with these people clearly: "My father has a younger sister named Su Youhui, who is the adoptive mother of the real daughter Liu Sisi, but because Su Youhui was treated as a mistress back then, my grandfather died of anger. Grandma, my father broke off the relationship with the other party."

As Su Jiu's roommate, He Xiaorong had naturally met Su's parents, and he was very surprised when he heard this: "How could Uncle Su have such a younger sister?"

"I'm also quite puzzled, not only my aunt is incomprehensible, but the remaining uncle is also very snobbish. If it wasn't for the fact that the two of them look like my grandma, I would have thought it was a mistake." Mr. Su Jiu I feel that these two people are like brown candy that can't be torn off: "I received a call from my dear aunt just before the monitor called me and wanted me to participate in the recognition banquet. She is not ashamed! Gu Hongping That's when I heard the name."

A group of elite students looked at each other in blank dismay. They never thought that the world is so small, and the protagonist of their gossip is actually related to their classmates!

Tao Xingyi sighed: "Uncle Su did the right thing, you'd better not meddle in Jiujiu's affairs."

He Xiaorong feared that Su Jiu would contact them without knowing the relationship, so he hurriedly added: "The squad leader has good intentions, you don't know that the Jin family has a lot of troubles, and their family made a fortune by digging graves. My father said that their family It may be that he has done too many immoral things, and none of the future generations will succeed."

Seeing that He Xiaorong mentioned the Jin family, Tao Xingyi went on to say: "The Gu family has more problems than the Jin family. Gu Hongping's branch is not a direct branch. The reason why it is prominent in the capital is because the heir of the Gu family's direct branch has become a vegetable."

"Oh, this Gu family——" Yuan Zichao said mysteriously: "I heard that Gu Hongping and his branch were responsible for the car accident of the heir of the Gu family! It's just that there is no evidence, otherwise the descendants of the direct branch would have already died. Then send them to prison." Gu Hongping dared to think about his family's property like this, and the direct descendants are not out of their minds!

He Xiaorong really didn't know about this: "Then why is Gu Hongping so arrogant?"

Yuan Zichao curled his lips in disdain: "I think I'm so smart, no one else knows!"

Su Jiu felt more and more that his decisive move to block the blacklist was too correct, this is simply a devil's den!However, why did the matter of the Gu family's direct line sound so familiar: "Yuan Zichao, do you know the name of the heir who had the accident?"

"Gu Ye. I think the other party was a well-known young genius like you back then. He was only 15 years old when the accident happened. He has been in a coma for more than five years. It is said that the chance of waking up is not high." Speaking of Gu Ye, Yuan Zichao still feels embarrassed.When Gu Ye was born out of nowhere, they had no room to breathe for their generation, but unfortunately, heaven is jealous of talents.

It's confirmed, this is really the senior I know.Although Gu Ye has already left the School of Artificial Intelligence, there are still legends about him in the world, especially Su Jiu is always lamented by the professors as another Gu Ye because of his young age.

"We are Gu Ye on the honor list!" Yan Junong felt that his experience today could no longer be described as magical.

The students in the artificial intelligence class were suddenly in an uproar. Their Senior Gu is not an ordinary person. He entered the artificial intelligence department at the age of 12 with the top score in the college entrance examination. It only took three years to complete the undergraduate and master's degree. The graduate thesis is intelligent AI structure.According to their professors, if Senior Gu hadn't had an accident, he would definitely be able to create the most advanced artificial intelligence machine in the world.

Everyone was talking about the loud noise below, but this time everyone didn't find it annoying but a little curious. They already knew about the previous situation, but the follow-up development was still unclear——

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and you all want people to go down to eavesdrop on the specific situation, but in the end, He Xiaorong, who loves gossip, sneaks down with her best friend Tong Xiaomei.

Su Jiu took the opportunity to distribute the Brilliant Jintao he brought to everyone: "This is a new variety of Brilliant Jintao from Changqing Farm, everyone have a taste."

Yuan Zichao's eyes lit up when he looked at the big golden peach, he took a mouthful of Taozi in his hand, and yelled vaguely: "Delicious!"

Seeing this, other people who hadn't planned to eat on the spot also started to eat. For a while, everyone in the box was engrossed in eating.

Bajibajizui, Yuan Zichao felt completely unsatisfied after eating a peach, sat down beside Su Jiu, and asked affectionately: "Xiao Jiujiu, do you still have bright golden peaches? My grandma will celebrate her 60th birthday in three days. I want to order a batch of peaches with you. Your bright golden peaches are much more delicious than the golden peaches that my uncle and the others got from abroad, and they are also big, so they will look good on the table." Maybe his grandma If you are happy, reward him with a big red envelope.

"There are many more, how much do you want? Let's agree on five hundred ones without bargaining." Su Jiu planted a mountain with bright gold peach trees early in the morning with a large number of merit points from the plane of the end of the world, and of course she didn't I think Yuan Zichao will bargain, mainly because this guy is not cheap.

Yuan Zichao liked Su Jiu's attitude. Ever since he was a child, he was afraid that his "friend" would tell him that he would not earn his money.There are usually two kinds of situations: one is earning money and deliberately saying that he did not earn it; the other is really not earning but trying to please him.

Being in the wealthy circle, Yuan Zichao is a sincere friend who is not short of money: "Jiu Jiu, you sold it cheap, and the golden peach that my uncle bought is far worse than this, and it is 999!"

The other students from ordinary backgrounds were reluctant to eat the bright golden peaches one by one. Forgive them for being so rare. They have never eaten such a precious peach. They only thought it tasted good, but now every bite is gold!

"Currently, the Brilliant Golden Peach is in the promotion stage, and it is sold at half price. In the future, it will be restored to 999 yuan each." Su Jiu's positioning of the Brilliant Golden Peach is the high-end market, and even if Yuan Zichao doesn't mention her, the price will increase in the future.

Yuan Zichao became more satisfied when he heard the words: "Jiujiu, don't worry, I will definitely give you a lot of publicity." He is now more interested in Changqing Farm, and he must live there for a while after Changqing Farm opens.

"Thank you."

The two were chatting, and He Xiaorong and He Xiaorong came back with their eyes shining, and the excitement on their faces made it clear to tell everyone that there is melon!

Without waiting for everyone to ask, He Xiaorong said in a crackling voice: "Liu Sisi's nemesis in the entertainment industry, Zhao Danna, came here with a shocking melon!"

Tong Xiaomei's eyes lit up and she followed her closely: "It is rumored in the entertainment industry that Zhao Danna has a financial backer and that good things are coming soon, but in the end Liu Sisi pried away the corner of the wall, and you will never think of who this pryed out financial backer is!"

"Jin Xingrong?" Qiu Ning, who was always silent and once made his classmates mistake him for an autistic patient, threw down a thunderbolt.

Who is Jin Xingrong?
The head of the Jin family!
Fuck!None of them obeyed Qiu Ning, Niu was still the Niu of their school committee!
Tong Xiaomei was choked to death by Qiu Ning: "No! That benefactor is Jin Tianzhi, the illegitimate son of the Jin family."

"And Liu Sisi is pregnant!!!" He Xiaorong immediately added.

Yuan Zichao looked at the pair of good girlfriends in front of him with some inexplicable words, and said numbly: "This is not much better than being the head of the Jin family!" He thought the child belonged to Jin Tianzhi.

"The problem came, and Gu Hongping stood up excitedly on the spot and said, 'I'm happy to be a father. It belonged to Gu Hongping. Liu Sisi is very shrewd, I guess she robbed Zhao Danna's benefactor just to use Jin Tianzhi as a springboard, and she didn't intend to be with him at all."

"That is to say, Liu Sisi, a green tea whore, has two legs, and one of them is her own half-brother. Anyway, unless the child in Liu Sisi's womb is very similar to Gu Hongping, there will be a lot of rumors about this child in the future." Tong Xiaomei counted the time and felt that Liu Sisi definitely got mixed up with Gu Hongping before he was admitted back to the Jin family.

What Tong Xiaomei could think of, Su Jiu and the others also thought of it. For a moment, they all looked at the fake daughter with pity in their hearts. There was already a grassland above the poor baby's head.

(End of this chapter)

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