Chapter 14
At a class reunion, everyone was so busy eating the big melons from the Jin family that there was no time to be sentimental. This is really sacrificing a Jin family for the benefit of you and me!In fact, everyone is not used to what happened to the Jin family, but this does not affect their eating melons.

This is the first time that Su Jiu, a classmate of hers, knows that the hobby of her group of elite classmates is to eat melons. He Xiaorong has the most right to speak about this: how boring and boring they are doing research and writing papers all day long, don’t they need to gossip Come to ease the irritability and stimulate creativity.As far as she knows, there are several familiar online names who are die-hard fans in the eating melon group!
Su Jiu thought that after eating the melon, she would have nothing to do with herself, but she never expected to meet Su Youhui again when she went downstairs.Su Youhui didn't feel ashamed, and regardless of Su Jiu's wishes, she dragged Su Jiu to identify relatives, and almost didn't kill Su Jiu.

Feeling the sparkling eyes of the classmates behind her, Su Jiu's head was covered with black lines. This is really her good classmate eating melons on her, and she is waiting for her...

Su Youhui commanded arrogantly: "Su Jiu, this is your cousin Jin Yuxu, call someone quickly."

Su Jiu felt that Su Youhui didn't know that she knew the love and hatred between Jin Yuxu and Liu Sisi, otherwise why would she be so thick-skinned? She came out: "No need. Ms. Su, if I remember correctly, our two families have already broken up." After speaking, he turned and left without giving Su Youhui time to react.

Su Youhui didn't expect Su Jiu to be so shameless, so she froze on the spot.

Su Jiu looked at the students who hadn't gone far, and his face darkened: "Why do you want to see me laughing?"

A group of students shook their heads quickly, they didn't dare to provoke Su Jiu, at most they just wanted to see the Jin family's joke again, yes, that's what happened.

Su Jiu twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, and invited them to eat peaches, but they still wanted to eat their own melons, and they were blind to their own good things.

Leaving aside Su Jiu's laughing and joking fight with his old classmates, the Apocalyptic Plane is in full swing because of the large amount of rice noodles and meat provided by Su Jiu.

Because of Su Jiu's large number of orders, the Huaxia government quickly organized personnel to complete related orders such as embroidery, bamboo weaving, and clay sculpture.When this news came out, tears filled the eyes of many women and elderly people whose physical strength was far inferior to that of adult men after the end of the world.

The end of the world is approaching, and these physically weak groups are forced to have no room to survive. If the government has not been willing to give up on them, the grass on their graves is now taller than people, but even if there is relief food distributed by the government, they will not have it in their hearts. The hope of life.Some of them may not understand the truth, but Su Jiu’s live broadcast room gave them the opportunity to support themselves. They put 100% of their hearts into Su Jiu’s order. In the end, the government personnel did not find a single substandard item during the inspection. The products even far exceed their expectations.

Su Jiu didn't stay idle after receiving the goods from the end-time plane. After returning to Changqing Farm, she bought a set of automated artificial intelligence equipment for Xiulou from Wanjie Mall. She thought she would have to wait for a long time. The Wanjie Live Broadcasting System will arrange personnel to come and install it. She never expected that a team of installers would come in the afternoon when she placed the order, and everything was done in just two hours!
Wang Jianshe, who happened to be looking for Su Jiu, was stunned by that set of smooth and flowing movements: "Boss Xiao Su, where did you find this person? The efficiency is really high." It is not uncommon for him to travel all over the world in these years. The things, but all of them took the old cow's nose to work, and I have never seen such a quick one.

"Is Uncle Wang here for something?" Su Jiu couldn't say that the order was placed in Wanjie Mall, so he simply changed the subject.

"The engineering team has completed all the work, you can see what is inappropriate and we will change it."

Su Jiu has been paying attention to their work progress. Originally, she guessed that the work would be finished early tomorrow morning, but unexpectedly they finished it early.Wang Jianshe's engineering team worked hard, and the sanitation was also very clean. Naturally, Su Jiu was not dissatisfied: "No need, we just settle the final payment."

Wang Jianshe was immediately happy when he heard that. They like to work with such a straightforward person as Boss Xiaosu, unlike some people who clearly follow the design drawings but still say that this and that are unqualified. All in all, they want to give less money.Boss Xiaosu was very happy, and he couldn't help but say: "The remaining payment is 2477688 yuan. Let's make up the whole Boss Xiaosu and give another 2477000 yuan."

Su Jiu didn't care about the 688 yuan. The price was clearly marked and agreed upon by both parties, so even if it wasn't cheap, it should be.It is his business that Wang Jianshe is willing to charge less money, but Su Jiu is unwilling to take advantage of it. After all, those who engage in engineering are really earning hard-earned money, and she is not short of this money. Make payment.

The members of the engineering team were very enthusiastic when they heard about this, and took away all the garbage in Changqing Farm before leaving.

As soon as the engineering team left, the entire Changqing Farm fell silent, and Su Jiu walked alone in the embroidery building to experience the automated services.

There is a small electronic tablet next to each piece of embroidery, on which is written a brief introduction about the manufacturing process and meaning of the embroidery.Customers who want to buy this product only need to insert the universal card issued by Changqing Farm to pay and take it away directly. The operation is simple and convenient.In order to prevent customers from buying too many items and it is inconvenient to hold them by hand, there will be small bamboo baskets at intervals as shopping baskets. Of course, if you like bamboo baskets, you can also buy them.

Su Jiu experienced them one by one. Personally, she prefers this kind of unmanned shopping mall, but the follow-up improvement needs to be discussed after entertaining customers.

Satisfied, Su Jiu simply installed the same equipment in the other two shops, and immediately bottomed out the original rich merit points. It has to be said that the research fees paid for purchasing high-tech items that exceed the technological level of the plane are too high Yes, Su Jiu felt that it was necessary for her to invite Senior Sister Yan Junong over.

In the last days, besides the items that Su Jiu called for, they also sent a lot of exquisite small items such as oil-paper umbrellas, kites, and wood carvings. Su Jiu thought they were all pretty good, so he put them in the same shop as the ordered bamboo weaving and sold them at a lower price. Referring to the price list given by the Sanqi Group, after all, if the end of the world is not coming, the prices over there are actually similar to those of Blue Star. Besides, there is a national agency behind them. It's much better to fiddle with yourself.

Compared with the clay sculptures sent by other apocalyptic planes, it really opened her eyes. In Su Jiu's impression, clay sculptures are small clay doll toys. I didn't expect clay sculptures to be works of art, especially one of the large ones. Su Jiu, the clay figure of Nuwa, was reluctant to sell it.

The messy and thick long hair fell down on the back of the chest, covering almost the entire body, covering most of the exposed skin, and a little bit of pink skin could be peeped between the gaps in the hair.Nu Wa hovered her body along the pipe, and her beautiful white snake tail was wrapped around the pipe, with dark lines looming, miscellaneous but not chaotic, and the overall look was gorgeous and charming.

Su Jiu looked at the Nuwa clay sculpture obsessively, and had a new idea about the rejected plan. Maybe she could set up a not-for-sale area in the clay sculpture museum to display some representative clay sculptures.

Just doing what he said, Su Jiu took out his notebook and started to change part of the plan. The adjusted plan became more and more distinctive. It can be predicted how many customers this part of the characteristic will bring to Changqing Farm in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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