Chapter 15 Farm Propaganda
"Hello everyone, I'm the anchor Su Jiu." Su Jiu rarely opened the live broadcast channel of this plane, "The Changqing Farm has been remodeled a while ago, and it will officially open in three days. Interested friends can come to Zhuxi Town After visiting the Green Farm, I will lead everyone to visit the Changqing Farm after the renovation.”

Evergreen Farm presents the unique charm of classical architecture as a whole, and walking on the forest path will instantly bring you into a peaceful kingdom.A batch of mutated flower seeds purchased from the end of the world have already bloomed bright flowers under the cultivation of Su Jiu, and the original flowers and plants are also in bloom under the care of the mutated flowers. Fans seem to be able to smell the fragrance of flowers across the screen.

The fans in the live broadcast room kept sending out amazed barrages. When the camera came to the three stores, the fans were even more amazed, wishing they could fly over right away.

[The cute Xiaotuanzi flipped his fingers: "Anchor, go back, I want to watch Empress Nuwa! Ahhh——"

The fish-loving cat followed closely behind: "Anchor, how much is Nuwa Empress? I bought it!"

"Wow! Local tyrants are surprised upstairs!"

"If I have money, I want to buy it too, it's so beautiful!"]


Just as Su Jiu expected, the clay sculpture hall really caused a sensation: "Nuwa Empress is not for sale, and the clay sculptures in this area are not for sale. If you like clay sculptures, you can choose other clay sculptures to buy."

There was a burst of wailing on the screen, which shows that everyone really likes Empress Nuwa.

As cold as she is, of course she was unmoved. Su Jiu watched the fans acting coquettishly and cutely on the barrage: "Because the anchor doesn't like to be too noisy, all the stores in Changqing Farm adopt the latest technology unmanned shopping mall model .In order to make it easier for everyone to shop, I will give you a demonstration..." Then she explained it to the fans in the live broadcast room again according to the process she had explored.

As time went by, there were more and more bullet screens, and even many inheritors of traditional handicrafts entered the live broadcast room to explain to other fans the origin of the items in the three shops in Changqing Farm.

Seeing more and more questions about clay sculptures on the barrage, Su Jiu explained in a soft voice with crooked eyebrows: "Clay sculpture art is a kind of Chinese folk art. Folk artists use natural or cheap materials to make exquisite and exquisite sculptures. The handicrafts have won the love of the people."

[Marshal Clay Sculpture went on to explain directly on the barrage: "After the Ming and Qing Dynasties, folk colored sculptures won the favor of the common people, among which the most famous ones are the 'Clay Figurine Zhang' in Tianjin and the Huishan Clay Figurine in Wuxi."】

"The Marshal of Clay Sculpture is very right." Seeing this, Su Jiu interacted with the other party, "Clay Sculpture has already gone abroad and become a messenger of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. It has traveled far and wide and has been accepted by more and more countries and people. and love. Although clay sculpture is not technical, it does add a new dimension to your life."

On the other side of the computer, the man who named himself Marshal Clay Sculpture blushed his ears. He didn’t think there was anything wrong with taking such a screen name as Secondary School at such a young and ignorant age. Now that he was called by the crisp voice of the anchor, he only felt ashamed of his toes. All bent.

"Jingle ding bell..."

Hearing the ringing of the phone, the man hurriedly picked up the phone: "Grandpa."

"Brat, is that clay figure Marshal you? I didn't expect that you haven't changed your screen name--" the old man's tone was full of surprise, he really didn't expect that his sullen grandson would keep such a second grade username.

The man, Du Qingsen, felt even more ashamed: "Grandpa, I haven't played live broadcasts for many years." He really forgot that he used to have such a screen name as Secondary School.

The old man directly threatened me as if I didn't listen and I didn't care: "Hey! I don't care, you accompany me to Changqing Farm, or I will put your screen name in the WeChat group."

"All right, as long as you take your medicine well, I'll take you there, otherwise nothing will be discussed."

The old man felt sick when he thought of the strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine, but his grandson was obviously not one to compromise. It was not easy for him to catch his grandson this time, so he had to reluctantly express his knowledge in the end.

Su Jiu still doesn't know that the farm will welcome an old urchin in the near future, and she is explaining hard at the moment: "Clay sculpture is also very challenging in terms of collection time, and it is also valuable for collection. That is to say, each work is unique. It is handmade and unique in the world. There is no counterfeiting, copying, piracy and other infringements, and it is different from oil painting, paper-cutting, relief and other forms of art..."

Following Su Jiu's explanation, the fans in the live broadcast room have a certain understanding of clay sculpture, embroidery, bamboo weaving and other items, and their curiosity about Changqing Farm has gradually risen. Some fans who have money and leisure even said on the spot that they have I booked a flight ticket to Dongfeng City to go on the opening day.

Looking at the bullet screens that said they would come to play, Su Jiu was slightly relieved. She was not doing it to make money, but was worried that Su's father and Su's mother's life's hard work would be ruined by her, especially when Su's father was dying. Regarding the transformation of the farm, fortunately, the fans are still cheering.

According to the fans' feedback, Su Jiu ordered another batch of goods from the plane of the last days.

The Doomsday Plane was naturally overjoyed, and settled the wages of the hired craftsmen on the spot.The skinny craftsmen cried bitterly holding the rice bags. They no longer have to worry about being starved to death, and the skills they learned were not in vain!
The leader looked at the scene in front of him with tears in his eyes. It's so good that everyone doesn't have to starve to death...

All of a sudden, every household was lit with cooking smoke, and the air above the base was filled with the fragrance of food. One after another, the desperate refugees had a rare full meal.

The stagnant merit points on Su Jiu's backstage surged again like a spout, two digits, three digits, four digits...

"Ding! The host's accumulated merit points break through 99999 points for the first time, and you can spend [-] merit points to get a chance to draw a lucky draw!"

Su Jiu couldn't care less about continuing to chat with Blue Star's fans, and he emphasized the opening time again before downloading the broadcast.

"Qiaoqiu, this time is the same as last time, but why do we need to spend merit points this time?" Now that Su Jiu has tasted the sweetness of opening a plane, he naturally doesn't mind opening a new plane, but what about free?

"Host, although the Wanjie live broadcast system encourages human beings to be kind, it is not for charity." Qiuqiu felt that it was necessary to talk to the host again: "The host uses merit points to buy products in Wanjie Mall. It is lost at a ratio of one in ten thousand, and those lost merit points flow to the Wanjie live broadcast system, as for how to operate it afterwards, it is not the host's concern." Keke, the key point is not clear.

In other words, when she spends merit points, the accumulated merits on her body will decrease. Su Jiu guessed that the Wanjie live broadcast system must need a lot of merits. With the convenience of the world live broadcast room, the merits she has obtained are more objective. She hopes that this time she can still draw a plane where it is easy to obtain merit points: "Thank you Qiuqiu, you can buckle it."

Qiuqiu unceremoniously crossed out a lot of merit, and a familiar turntable appeared on the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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