Chapter 16 A New Plane
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for extracting a new plane again!" Qiuqiu's cheerful voice came.

Even though Su Jiu experienced the baptism of this period, she still felt her heart beating faster at this moment, but her voice was still clear and sweet: "Qiaoqiu, what does the new plane look like?"

Perhaps because of the awakening of past life memories, her interest in the study of intelligent robots has become a lot colder now. Instead, it is the classical skills of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting that are quite popular with her.Su Jiu hoped that the plane this time would be the best ancient plane. She planned to find a master to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting in ancient times through the Wanjie live broadcast room, but she didn't know if she could achieve her wish.

"On the sixth day of October in the 28th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, the current situation is that the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, a generation of strong women, has passed away. The elder brother Yinti's eldest brother, Fujin Ergenjueluo, has given birth to two daughters, and the other princes have not yet married. Wife." Qiuqiu sighed that the timing was not very good, if it and the host were in the Yongzheng Dynasty, maybe it could help Yongzheng prolong his life and kick the scumbag Long Hongli from the throne.

Qiuqiu couldn't help sighing: "It would be great if Yongzheng had already ascended the throne at this time. Kangxi is a very powerful emperor who is headstrong. He was even more confused in the late period of his reign. It may not be easy for the host to persuade the other party." The most important thing is Kangxi The emperor has too many eyes, it feels that the host can't handle it.

"Qiaoqiu, you are wrong, this is a rare good opportunity. But, Qiuqiu, have you forgotten that there were no mobile phones to watch live broadcasts in the Qing Dynasty?" If possible, Su Jiu is very willing to help people from other planes Fans, after all, everyone gets what they need and no one is in a panic, but I'm afraid that a clever woman can't cook without rice. If there is no electronic equipment, the Wanjie Live Broadcasting System can't let myself pretend to be a ghost. Thinking of this, Su Jiu couldn't help but shudder. She doesn't want to Be a "female ghost".

"Special circumstances are treated specially. Our Myriad Realms live broadcast will be broadcast live in their sleep at night! The host doesn't have to worry, it happens to be daytime on our side at night."

Su Jiu always felt a little unreliable: "Qiuqiu, what if some timid person is scared to death?" Wouldn't it be her fault, and Su Jiu didn't feel that he was just thinking wildly. Everywhere, in the Black Star where she was born, there are still many people whose legs are trembling when they see the mecha. Those ordinary people in the feudal dynasty who have never been exposed to new things probably think she is a female ghost.

Even though Qiuqiu is an intelligent AI, he was also taken aback by the host. He said wait a moment and quickly sought help from the main system, but the main system said that it would not provide any help, and it almost jumped up in anger: "Host, How about we start with a small group of bold people?"

Su Jiu thought about it and felt that there is no other good way, but as the saying goes, "If you don't do anything wrong, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door": "Qiaoqiu, can you detect the merits of everyone in the red plane?" She has been studying merit since she got the Wanjie live broadcast room. If her prediction is correct, it is easier to get merit points for helping people with merit. On the contrary, helping evil people may also deduct merit points.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for discovering some of the merit calculation rules, and a special reward for a space upgrade."

The text that popped up from the live broadcast system indicated that Su Jiu's guess was completely correct, and even gave her a free upgrade to the Paradise of Paradise.Su Jiu entered the cave and found that the size of the space did not seem to have changed much, but the time flow in the brewing cave has accelerated, and now it can reach the taste of a year after being put in for a day, and the spiritual energy contained in the river has also increased. Not bad.

"Congratulations to the host!" Qiuqiu felt that he was too discerning, the host had touched the algorithm so quickly.

Su Jiu felt that the situation was not optimistic. She couldn't predict whether the people she saved would go astray in the future. If it was necessary to be responsible for the life of every person saved, she couldn't be responsible at all!
Bald!Su Jiu felt that he really thought of the Wanjie live broadcast system too simply: "Qiaoqiu, I can't guarantee that those rescued people will not make detours in the future."

"The host is very commendable for being able to recognize this problem," Qiuqiu felt that the host was amazing, and thought of this level so quickly, but the Wanjie live broadcast system was already prepared for this: "No one can be responsible for the lives of other lives, The Wanjie Live Broadcasting System agrees with this point, and the host can rest assured. The Wanjie Live Broadcasting System supports the host’s efforts to rescue the host. If the merits of the host’s rescue are greater than the merits or the merits and demerits are balanced, the judging standard here is what has happened. As for future events, no one will know Maybe, if the host can lead the other party to be good all his life, then the host will have a lot of merit."

Hearing this, Su Jiu felt a little relieved, and still asked worriedly: "What if the other party has a distorted personality and commits all kinds of evil? Is it really not my fault?"

"The host can rest assured that all the items transmitted through the Myriad Realms live broadcast system have special energy fluctuations. If the situation that the host said really happens, the Myriad Realms live broadcast system will directly kill the other party!"

Hearing the mechanical sound of Qiuqiu with no emotion at all, Su Jiu shivered suddenly, and her fear of Wanjie's live broadcast system became more and more intense. The live broadcast system is wrong, just like in the last days, many people might have died if it weren't for its help, so what is the future?

No matter what, Su Jiu felt that he should change the way of selling goods. He had to say the rules before the transaction, and try to lead the other party to be kind.The reason why she has received a lot of merit these few times is that it has helped her a lot.

As for the Qing Dynasty, Su Jiu focused on the Jiulong in Jiulong Seizing the Inheritance. Under the influence of her roommate He Xiaorong, she also read several Qing Chuan novels, so she specially studied some Qing history materials.Su Jiu always felt that Emperor Kangxi was good enough. If he worked together, he might not be able to avoid the tragedy at the end of the Qing Dynasty...

"Qiaoqiu, you first select a hundred people from all walks of life in the Qing Dynasty to connect to the Wanjie live broadcast room, and I will try the water first." Su Jiu was still unclear about people's acceptance of high-tech things in that era. But he didn't dare to play too big, and finally told him worriedly: "Qiaoqiu, if you detect that someone's blood pressure is too high, immediately kick them out of the live broadcast room."

"No problem!" Qiuqiu didn't want anything to happen, the host's first live broadcast in Daqing must go smoothly.

"Hi everyone, I'm Su Jiu, the anchor from Blue Star. Friends from the Qing Dynasty, hello!" Su Jiu took the lead in telling her background, and these people in the province really regarded her as a female ghost.

Speaking of which, Kangxi has a lot of merits, but Su Jiu really disliked the other party's style of raising Gu, and directly let Qiu Qiu block the other party.The prince of Kowloon was pulled in. Prince Yinreng was much more courageous than other people. Although he was very curious about his situation, he was not very afraid, unlike some ordinary people who were just pulled in. He fainted from fright and didn't even wait for the ball to kick someone, which made Su Jiu dumbfounded for a while.

The young Prince Lang didn't even frown: "Anchor, where is this place?"

Su Jiu secretly said that it is worthy of being the perfect prince, and his brain is easy to use: "Hello, this is the virtual world provided by the Wanjie live broadcast room. It is a data space constructed by high-tech technology. With your current technological level, it is estimated that there will be more It can be achieved after 3000 years of development." Qiuqiu's laughter came from beside his ear, and Su Jiu just pretended not to know.

Hearing that everyone who hadn't left the studio took a deep breath, thousands of years, how long is this!
Without giving these people too much time to digest, Su Jiu continued: "After the test of the Wanjie live broadcast system, Blue Star is more than 500 years ahead of your plane. I think we can cooperate with each other. I can provide you with the information you need. food and the like, and I need merit.”

Prince Yinreng straightened up even more when he heard about this, but he was still able to hold his ground: "You mean we can spend our merits to buy good seeds from you?"

Su Jiu was questioned by the prince, she never thought of making a deal with the other party through merit, thinking of a certain possibility, Su Jiu was suddenly excited, and hurriedly asked Qiuqiu in his heart if he could pay directly with merit.

Qiuqiu did not expect Prince Yinreng to provide the host with such an idea, but the Wanjie live broadcast system really allowed it: "Host, I think you should exchange shipping costs with other equivalents, at least for the part of the live broadcast system. equivalent."

"Thank you." Su Jiu didn't think there was anything wrong with Qiuqiu not talking about it before. She and Qiuqiu were one. If Qiuqiu didn't say anything, it was probably not allowed by the rules of the live broadcast system, and Prince Yinfeng was obviously not controlled by the live broadcast system.

Su Jiu looked at Prince Yinreng with affection in his eyes. Don't get me wrong, she is just grateful for the good transaction method proposed by the other party: "Yes, but part of the shipping fee needs to be paid for gold and other items."

Prince Yinfeng thinks that he has accumulated some merits after following Huang Ama these years, which can just be used to exchange for good seeds. Yes, he directly set his sights on good seeds. If he has good seeds, he is afraid that he will not be able to grow food. After all No one knows when this live broadcast room will disappear.

(End of this chapter)

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