Chapter 17 Merit Trading
After listening to Prince Yinreng's request, Su Jiu felt more and more that Kangxi was a very bad old man. Prince Yinreng was talented and dedicated to serving the people, and he was a perfect heir.The former lord on the black star was too black-hearted. Su Jiu was almost drained of his last drop of blood in order to board the spaceship. As a result, the first thing she did when she arrived on the main star was to find a job.

Looking at the merit points calculated by Qiuqiu, Su Jiu was envious, thinking that she has the Wanjie Live Broadcasting System, a cheating device, and she failed to win the crown prince's merits. "Perfect prince" is not bad at all, otherwise he would not be able to accumulate so much merit.However, their transaction is different from the transaction between Su Jiu and Wanjie Mall. This is a real way to reduce the merits of the body, and of course the merits are really valuable.

The Qing Dynasty is now the season for sowing rice, and Prince Yinreng directly traded a thousand catties of rice seeds.The number is not large. After all, Prince Yinfeng felt a little uneasy when he met Su Jiu for the first time. Of course, the main reason is that he does not have so many fields under his name, but the Hesheli family does have them, but the temptation of high-quality rice seeds It was too big, and he was worried that something might go wrong with Suo'etu.

Su Jiu directly gave the super hybrid rice with a yield of 1200 kg per mu, and packed and sent the planting method and other videos and written materials together. Of course, she did not hide the fact that the good varieties are not hereditary.

Prince Yinfeng expressed his shock and regret at this. The prince taught by Kangxi is naturally not unworldly. Nowadays, it is already very good to have a production capacity of four to five hundred catties per mu in this world. kilos of rice?How does this not shock him, and at the same time he understands that the good breed is only a one-time thing.

"I don't know how this super hybrid rice was developed? If the anchor has the recipe, I'm willing to pay a high price!" Prince Yinfeng asked unwillingly.

Su Jiu lamented that Prince Yinreng's mind was spinning really fast: "I happen to have books on hybrid rice in my hand that I can sell to you, but researching hybrid rice is not a one-day job, Your Highness needs to be clear about this."

"That's natural." Prince Yinreng nodded. The anchor said so, and he would feel more at ease. If good seeds were easy to get, there would not be so many people who starved to death since ancient times.

The more Su Jiu watched it, the more he liked it, and he felt more and more uncomfortable with Prince Yinreng's tragic ending. He pursed his lips and said, "Want to watch a drama? I have a copy of "The Secret History of the Crown Prince" here."

Hearing the word "Crown Prince", Yinreng's eyes flickered, and he replied calmly: "Thank you!" But he didn't know if this "Secret History of the Crown Prince" had anything to do with him.

Su Jiu consciously solved a troublesome matter, and felt a lot more relieved, and didn't care about Prince Yinreng's departure to continue his live broadcast journey.

An honest old farmer accidentally clicked on the video call, and Su Jiu didn't care and connected directly: "Hello, old man."

The old man Wu was so frightened that his shoulders shrank, but when he thought of his grandson who was about to die of illness, he insisted on puffing out his chest and asked loudly: "Does the little girl have antipyretics? It's the kind for six-year-old children. Look at my hand." Is the piece of white jade on the table enough to pay for the medicine?"

Taking a look at Su Jiu, he knew that it was not some worthless white jade but a valuable mutton jade, and he didn't know where the old man got it, but Su Jiu didn't care about these: "I'll give you twelve grains with special effects to reduce fever. Medicine, the method of taking is three times a day, one pill at a time. In addition, I will give you ten cans of milk powder, and you give your child a little every day."

"Thank you, thank you—" Old man Wu didn't expect that a piece of inedible jade could be exchanged for so many things. He was very grateful to Su Jiu in his heart, and regretted that he didn't choose more pieces when the family separated.

Old man Wu woke up from his sleep and looked at the milk powder and special antipyretics on the kang before he was sure that he was not dreaming just now and really met a fairy!Thinking of his grandson who had a high fever, old man Wu hurriedly got up and got dressed, and the old lady next to him was woken up and looked at the things on the kang, almost screaming in fright, but fortunately, old man Wu covered him Mouth.

"Don't make a sound, I just met a fairy in my dream, and I traded these things with that piece of white jade. Old lady, go and wake up everyone, and I will pour hot water on the little stone to reduce the fever. medicine!"

Although Mrs. Wu didn't know exactly what happened, those ten cans of milk powder were rare and good things.So, Mrs. Wu got up lightly, went to the east room and knocked on the door of the eldest son's house. Even if she paid attention to it, the whole family would be woken up.

Wu Dazhuang was startled when he saw his old lady knocking on the door in the middle of the night, and hurriedly opened the door and asked, "Mother, what's the matter?"

"Little Shitou is saved, get up and feed the medicine."

As soon as he listened to the medicine, Wu Dazhuang didn't bother to ask questions, and quickly welcomed his mother and father in, and gave his son the medicine with warm water.

The efficacy of special antipyretics is not superficial, but within ten minutes, Xiaoshi, who had been having a high fever, subsided, and even woke up, and was fed a bowl of milk powder before falling asleep.

The gloom on Wu Dazhuang's face finally dissipated, and he also wanted to ask his father where he got the antipyretic medicine. Xiaoshitou's high fever persisted, and the family went to the county to see a doctor, but the bitter medicine soup still didn't work after taking a lot of it. , will the medicine be effective this time?
The old man Wu beckoned and brought his three sons into the main room, smoked a cigarette, and said, "The fairy in the dream sold it to me, so I exchanged that piece of white jade for these antipyretics and ten cans of milk powder." He patted the milk powder on his side with his hands.

Wu Erzhuang's eyes widened when he heard the words: "I remember that the uncle next door also has a similar piece of jade, should we..."

"Shut up! People in our family can't do that heartless thing, that's your cousin, your father's cousin." Old man Wu gave his second son a hard look.

Wu Erzhuang twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Where is my dear father, what I mean is that we help my uncle to exchange food. The life of the uncle's house next door is not easy. I heard that now he has started to eat thin meals a day. If this goes on like this, it’s okay for the adults to say, but the children will definitely be starved to death.”

The old man Wu put down his cigarette in embarrassment: "According to the fairy, those who can enter are those who have great merit and virtue. Our Wu family ancestors were also rich. Back then, the ancestors donated food and money when there was no income due to drought and geography."

Wu Dazhuang's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Father, let's do more good things in the future."

Wu Sanzhuang also nodded fiercely: "Good people are rewarded with good rewards. If it weren't for the good deeds of our ancestors, Xiao Shitou would be in trouble this time."

Everyone in the old Wu family has firmly determined in their hearts to do good deeds. After many years, the old Wu family has become a well-known family of good deeds.

(End of this chapter)

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