Chapter 18
"Hello, anchor." In the video, Meng Shuguang, whose eyes were tired, twitched at Su Jiu, "You said that everyone who can enter this live broadcast room has great merit, since our family has merit, why the hell? Let's have something like this..."

Su Jiu looked at the middle-aged man in blue with gentle eyes, and slowly waited for him to calm down.

"Everyone said that Meng Jiashiro was a Wenqu star who came to the world. He became a Jinshi at the age of 25. He was young and aggressive and offended Suo Xiang, who was in the sky. Not only was he dismissed from office, but his family was also hurt... Why did I end up in such a state with nothing to do? Suo'er Trying to do a lot of evil but get away with it..." At the end Meng Shuguang broke down in tears, he was really wronged in his heart!
"Shuguang, don't cry, everything will pass." Soon there was another family member in the video, and it was a gray-haired grandmother who was talking.

"Hello!" Su Jiu reckoned that this old lady was Meng Shuguang's grandmother, and the white hair could not hide the old man's elegance: "Everything will pass, and these sufferings will eventually make your tomorrow. You must firmly believe that good people have Good news, Mr. Meng, you just met me."

Qiuqiu couldn't help saying in Su Jiu's mind: "Host, this is a family of good deeds, you must help them and prevent them from going to destruction." .

Good House?Su Jiu watched the video with three generations of people, the old, the middle and the young, feeling deeply moved. Except for the children, the whole family is a family of great meritorious deeds. It is no wonder that this kind of good family suffered such a disaster. Tao, said: "I gave these bright golden peaches to you, and you don't have to refuse, you deserve it." She didn't want to let such people feel cold.

Meng Shuguang stayed where he was. Ever since the incident happened in their family, people around him have separated their ties, and some even took advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of it. The anchor was the first to express kindness to them: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Fortunately, it was a private chat, and other people in the live broadcast room could only see Su Jiu comforting others, but they didn't know who was on the other side, otherwise Meng Shuguang's face...

Grandma Meng was very relieved to see her youngest son. In life, there are always ups and downs. She believes that their family will be able to overcome the difficulties: "Anchor, I don't know if we have anything you need here." , look at what you can exchange for some food. To be honest, our family now eats a pot of sticky rice every day, and we can’t get enough to eat, and the children are so hungry that they can’t sleep.” Fierce light, Suo'etu was too ruthless, he not only dismissed his youngest son from office, but even smashed up the private school that their family had run for several generations, not to mention that all four of her sons were interrupted leg, the medical expenses alone have consumed all of the family's savings...

This family has been persecuted to such an extent that they probably don't have much gold and jewelry in their hands. The most valuable thing is their merits, so Su Jiu immediately told the other party his thoughts.

Ever since the accident, the juniors in the family have been aggrieved. Hearing Su Jiu's words, they never imagined that the accumulated merits of their ancestors could be exchanged for food!Shocked face!

Grandma Meng felt that she was worthy enough to live to this age, so she was the first to stand up and express her merits in exchange for food despite the obstruction of the younger generation in her family.

Su Jiu thought of Su's father and Su's mother who always stood in front of him to protect him from the wind and rain of the outside world, and looked at this harmonious and friendly family with gentle eyes: "Merits are very valuable. A little bit of merit can be exchanged for your one-month rations, and there is no harm to those who give merit."

"Did you hear me? There's no danger! Host, do it. I want to exchange fifty catties of rice and fifty catties of white flour." Grandma Meng said firmly, pushing her four sons behind her with a slap.

Su Jiu didn't intend to bully Jishan's family, she gave the same price as Prince Yinreng, and also gave three catties of pork belly and a roast chicken as gifts.

Grandma Meng's family got up and looked at the pile of food in front of them, covering their mouths in disbelief. This is true...

"Mother, the anchor gave some more things." Meng Xiaohong choked up a little. At this moment, she finally believed that her parents' insistence was right. Some people in this world abandon their humanity and conscience for the sake of fame and fortune, but there are also some people who are willing to help.

"Grandma, there is some meat to eat!" Meng Zhixing, the little grandson of the Meng family, grinned.

"My dear grandson is awake." Grandma Meng wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, turned to her eldest daughter-in-law and said, "Master, you go and copy a catty of meat, and cook a pot of rice. Boss, you go and ask the Jiang who is next to you." The master came over to eat together."

The eldest daughter-in-law Zhao Xiu happily responded, carefully cut a piece of pork belly and went to the small kitchen.

Meng Shuren quickly knocked on the door of the room next door, only to see Master Jiang walking out with a roast chicken in his hand.It seems that the other party also has the same opportunity, and they look at each other with a smile, full of relief.

"Let's go, I'll go to your house to rub a meal. Let's have a good meal today!" Jiang Fuzi held his head high and looked excited.

Meng Shuren understands Jiang Fuzi's feelings very well, because everyone is a fallen person in the world.

"You also have roast chicken! Come on, sit down." Grandpa Meng was overjoyed when he saw the old man bringing a roast chicken.

"Haha." Jiang Fuzi let out a hearty laugh, "Our days like this may be over soon." But when he saw the barrage of Prince Yinreng in the live broadcast room, at first he thought it was the same name and surname I didn't expect it to be that person.

"That's right. I heard that His Royal Highness is an upright person. If we can all contact each other, maybe we can wash away our grievances." Grandpa Meng was really worried that he would die before his son's injustice was cleared up. Then he would really die with regret up.

Meng Shuguang suddenly raised his head and looked at the two old men and asked, "Father, Uncle Jiang, are you saying that we will be rehabilitated soon? How is this possible?" Those who have taken over the Meng family's property will not allow them to get up again. Yes, if it wasn't for some conscientious students who went out of the private school to help them secretly, maybe their family would have starved to death long ago.

Grandma Meng looked at her youngest son and sighed, "You, you are really stupid for reading!"

Meng Shuguang looked at his mother unconvinced, he is not a nerd.

"You are still not convinced, you ask your elder brother if they have thought of this a long time ago?" Grandma Meng sighed helplessly. Her little son was spoiled too much, and he was so innocent at such an age. No wonder he would give up at the beginning. He confronted Suo'etu without hesitation.

The three Meng Shuren brothers nodded one after another, expressing that they and others had thought of it.

"Why?" Meng Shuguang couldn't believe that he was the stupidest one in the family.

As the eldest brother, Meng Shuren could only helplessly explain to the younger brother: "The anchor said at the beginning of the broadcast that we are all people with great merit. If this is the case, how can we be corrupt officials! I don't know if you have noticed that we Everyone's bullet screen has their current location and name on them, if we ask the crown prince for help, he won't stand by, so will the chance for us people to turn around be far behind?"

Meng Shuguang was skeptical of life after talking about it. At that time, he was only concerned with venting his dissatisfaction, so why would he pay attention to these things.

At the same time, there were several families in Qing Dynasty crying bitterly, and they were all lucky enough to enter the Changqing live broadcast room...

(End of this chapter)

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