Chapter 130 Zhuge Kongming
The Jinuo nationality society maintains the primitive, natural and simple morality.Everyone respects the old, loves the young, and unites and helps each other. They are hardworking, hospitable, and trustworthy, and traditional virtues have become common practice.

The Jinuo people's productivity is low, and they often lack clothing and food, but their food is stored on the edge of the field or in small grass sheds outside their houses, and they "do not close their doors at night and do not pick up leftovers on the road."This cannot be done in many rural areas. There are always some people in rural areas who like to get something for nothing and are keen to steal chickens and dogs. In this case, it would be good not to tie an iron general at the door of the house.

"The traditional handicraft industry of Jinuo men is bamboo weaving. The bamboo forests all over the mountains of Jinuo Mountain provide them with the necessary daily necessities. They live in bamboo houses and eat bamboo shoots; tables, chairs, boards, stools, beds, boxes It is made of bamboo, and the steamer, bowl, ladle, basin, and chopsticks are made of bamboo... From the small cigarette case to the large basket, all of them are the performance of the kino men's skills. They use two lifts and two pressures, three lifts and three pressures and Double-lifting and double-pressing methods are used to weave various production and daily necessities, and the shape is beautiful and generous.”

Su Jiu showed some utensils made of bamboo strips, and said: "These things are cheap to make, and the anchor will not put them on the shelves in the live broadcast room. After all, the shipping fee is not usually expensive. Friends who like it can choose to buy the book "Bamboo Strip Crafts". There are many kinds of bamboo strip crafting techniques, and the weaving techniques of Jino men are also introduced."

"Next, let's learn more about the traditional costumes of the Jino people. Jino men usually wear black and white checked linen and cloth jackets without collars and buttons. Women wear collarless and embroidered double-breasted variegated jackets. Short skirts with red borders and black front opening are also changed to long skirts. In the past, both men and women were barefoot, and they liked to chew betel nuts or stain their teeth with rosewood black juice. Both men and women had their ears pierced, with bamboo tubes and corks inside. The ear holes are big and beautiful."

"Modern people regard their teeth as white and flawless. Some of the anchors can't understand the habit of chewing betel nuts of the Jinuo people, and they even regard blackened teeth as beautiful. Moreover, this aesthetic is not the same as two minorities. You must know that the toothpaste used by black friends It’s whitening, are you looking for black teeth?” Even though Su Jiu is a supernatural being, in order to maintain her good teeth, Su Jiu never discounts his teeth brushing twice a day. Everything needs to be rinsed with mouthwash.

"The Jino people like sour, spicy, and salty tastes, especially sour. Sour bamboo shoots are the main home-cooked dish, but they have the same taste as many ethnic minorities. The anchor has prepared sour bamboo shoots in the live broadcast room. Friends who want to eat sour bamboo shoots can Just went to place an order."

"The Jinuo people have a necessary condiment for every meal. The method is very simple. It is to mash the Grillo fruit and add pepper and salt. Bamboo tube roasted rice, boiled dog meat with sour bamboo shoots, boiled beef with bitter thorn fruit, roasted flying ants, roasted Spiders, bamboo rat porridge, banana leaf roast meat, and gold bar meat are all the most distinctive delicacies of the Jino people. Of course, the empathetic anchor has also put these delicacies on the shelves in the live broadcast room, and think of the friends in the live broadcast room It’s been a long time since I’ve tasted Su’er’s craftsmanship, and the delicacies on the shelves this time are all made by Chef Su’er, are you happy?”

As soon as the voice fell, the barrage suddenly became a sea of ​​joy.

Su Jiu blinked a little guilty. In fact, these delicacies were fried by Su Er during his usual practice, and they were not specially prepared for them.Seeing that everyone was so happy, Su Jiu felt that she might be able to let Suer take the time to fry a batch specially for this group of lovely audiences, and then Su Jiu put the matter aside.

"The Jinuo people generally like to drink alcohol, and there is a folk saying that you can't live without alcohol for a day. Most of the wine you drink is brewed with rice or corn. During the brewing process, some plants such as plum leaves are usually added, and the wine is light green. , with the natural fragrance of a plant, it has the effect of invigorating the spleen and strengthening the body. Friends who know how to make wine can try to brew a batch of kino-style wine by themselves. Friends who don’t want to do it themselves don’t have to worry. We have prepared a batch of Jino-flavored fine wine, which has just been put on the shelves, and you can place your order now!"

"When learning about the food culture of the Jinuo nationality, the anchor accidentally learned a strange thing. Some Jinuo women even have a habit of eating local clay. Some elderly women have become addicted to eating soil. If you don’t eat, you will feel sick.”

At this point, Su Jiu deliberately paused for three seconds, and then continued: "You think they are just geophagia, no! Studies have shown that this kind of clay contains a small amount of copper, iron, calcium, and zinc necessary for the human body." and other elements. It’s just that people in modern society have researched a variety of nutritional products, which are rich in many nutritional elements necessary for the human body. If the audience in the live broadcast room needs it, please type '0' on the barrage ', the anchor counts, and if the quantity is good, the anchor will order a batch."

Many people in modern times shake their heads when they mention nutrition and health products, thinking that whoever buys them is being taken advantage of, but this is not the case.According to Su Jiu's knowledge, there are several health care products and nutrition products that contain very rich nutrients, and the effect of eating them is quite good for people who lack some nutrients in their bodies. Well, the most famous one is the one under the Gu Group. poppies etc.

Wang Xueyun from the Eternal Night Plane approached Su Jiu again, expressing that they wanted to order a batch of products containing certain trace elements.

After a little thought, Su Jiu understood that due to the lack of light, many elements in the body of people in the Yongye plane cannot be formed naturally, and can only be ingested from the outside. In this case, no matter whether it is nutrition or health care products, Indispensable to them all.

The second person who contacted her was Kangxi, a health expert. Su Jiu didn't even hesitate, and directly agreed, and it was considered as creating performance for Gu Ye's family business.

In addition, people from other planes also contacted Su Jiu one after another. The main reason was that they felt that the anchor's products were genuine, and they didn't engage in false propaganda, so they didn't have to worry about being cheated.

Su Jiu suddenly felt that the energy he had spent on maintaining a good reputation was not a waste of effort.However, it is precisely because the audience in the live broadcast room trusts her that she can't make mistakes. She must let Gu Ye do a good job in this product survey, and make sure that the audience who buy it feel that it is worth the money!
"Jinuo village likes to be built on a gentle and sunny hillside. The house is a 'dry column' bamboo building made of bamboo wood and thatch. It looks like a Kongming hat. It is said that the building style was taught by Zhuge Kongming. We don't know if it is true. Really, there is no way to verify it now anyway, but since there is such a statement, it must have something to do with Zhuge Kongming. In addition, the bamboo building is supported by a wooden frame, with thick wood as beams and columns, and tenons as the frame , without metal connections..."

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(End of this chapter)

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