I became popular in Wanjie live broadcast

Chapter 131 De'ang Tribe

There are rich myths and legends, stories, poems, riddles and proverbs among the Jinuo people.Folktales include "Two Young Boys" which reflects pure love, "Bamboo Sword and Bamboo Flute" which reflects good and evil are rewarded, and "Avi's Story" with witty characters. There are kind-hearted "Bai Lajie and Bai La Che", "Shaqie and Snake Lang" which is hardworking, brave, noble, and self-sacrificing to save others, and the satirical story "Yubo Shell and the Wild Cat".

Su Jiu deliberately selected a collection of Jino myths and put them on the shelves in the live broadcast room. In addition to the stories she mentioned above, there are many lesser-known legends.

Among the traditional festivals of the Jinuo people, "Temaoke" is the grandest and grandest. "Temaoke" means New Year, which means "strike the big iron", and is a festival held by the Jinuo people to commemorate the creation and use of ironware.Different from the Spring Festival of the Han nationality, the "Temaoke" of the Jino nationality has no unified time. It is usually decided by "Zhuoba" around the twelfth lunar month. Once the "Zhuoba" beats the big drum, it means that the festival has begun .In fact, there is nothing surprising about this. Many ethnic minority festivals do not have fixed dates.

Su Jiu flipped through the barrage for a while, saw that there was nothing special, and continued the live broadcast: "The funeral customs of the Jino people are quite shocking. Anyway, in the eyes of the Han people, they are a little unethical. Let's just listen to the anchor's explanation."

"After the Jinuo people died, they dug a single log as a coffin and buried them in a public cemetery without leaving a grave. These are nothing, but then the Jino people's show operation shocked the anchor. A few years later, in order to bury the deceased , not only can the original thatched house be demolished, but also the bones of the coffins that have been buried before can be dug up and scattered in the mountains. The bones of the coffin, the Jino tribe is so good, there is almost no one who will not be disturbed by them..."

Looking at the "Wow——" in the barrage, Su Jiu also felt that she couldn't understand it, otherwise she wouldn't be able to say anything because of this kind of funeral custom.What's more, people's death is like a lamp going out, why bother so much, modern people are still cremated, just like a cross talk said, people can't die with a kick of their legs and a handful of loess——

Tsk tsk, Su Jiu feels that he has gained a lot of knowledge during the period of understanding various ethnic minorities: "Let's stop here about the story of the Jinuo ethnic group. The ethnic minority we will explain next is the De'ang ethnic group."

The De'ang people originated from the Pu people in ancient times and are closely related to "Ailao".Before the Qing Dynasty, relevant records collectively referred to the De'ang, Blang, Wa and other ethnic groups of the Austro-Asian language family in Yunnan as "Pu people", "Pu" or "Puman". "Pu people" lived on both sides of the Nu River as early as the 2nd century BC. They entered this area earlier than the Achang, Jingpo and other ethnic groups. They were the earliest ethnic groups to develop Baoshan and Dehong...

"The beliefs of the De'ang people are also very special. They don't believe in many sects like many ethnic groups. The whole De'ang people believe in Buddhism. The De'ang people in some areas believe in the strict Theravada sect of mountain Buddhism, which prohibits killing or harming all living things. In addition, the De'ang people worship heaven and hate hell. They believe that good people can go to heaven after death and can be transformed into human beings; They all recognize the so-called reincarnation of cause and effect.”

"Therefore, in the place where the De'ang people live, the society is stable, the nation is peaceful, hardworking and thrifty, and it is common practice. Therefore, the anchor said that believing in religion is not a bad thing. After all, the teachings of many religions are full of humanistic spirit. If people who believe in these religions can strictly follow the teachings It’s a good thing to do.”

The social atmosphere of the De'ang people is really good. Sometimes Su Jiu feels miraculous. There are not a few ethnic groups who believe in Buddhism, but there are not many people who have as much influence as the De'ang people: "Friends who like Buddhism can buy some Buddhist scriptures to read. , maybe one day you will be able to realize it. The buildings of the De'ang people are famous for their bamboo buildings. Regarding its origin, there is such a touching story among the people of the De'ang people, and this story is still related to the famous Zhuge Liang. I have to say Zhuge Liang is really a god-man. There are legends about him everywhere. This is not the first nation to make him a myth. Sima Qian once said: People are mortal, and death is either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. Zhuge Liang’s death is obviously It belongs to the latter, it can be said that people live to this extent, Zhuge Liang probably has nothing to regret."

"This story is like this: Zhuge Liang led his troops to march south and came to the De'ang mountain stronghold. One day he was attacked suddenly and was injured and was in danger. Fortunately, the brave and kind girl Anuo from De'ang rescued him and turned the danger into safety. After a short contact During the movie, the two developed feelings. When Zhuge Liang, who had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, had to say goodbye to his sweetheart, he left his hat to Arnold as a token. The infatuated Arnold waited for 18 years, but what he waited for was the death of his sweetheart From then on, A Nuo, who was heartbroken, did not eat or sleep, and stood at the head of the village every day, watching the way his sweetheart was going east. On the 33rd day, there was a sudden thunderstorm and heavy rain. After the rain, A Nuo disappeared. But where she stood, there was a house exactly like Zhuge Liang's hat, which was the bamboo house where the De'ang people later lived."

"Tsk tsk, it's another story about an infatuated and resentful girl. I really don't know what to praise? If the anchor understands well, Zhuge Liang plays a treacherous scumbag in the story, right?" Su Jiu really couldn't appreciate Qiong Yao. The male protagonists are all weird and scumbags.

Seeing that someone was curious about the Qiong Yao-style male lead, Su Jiu thought for a while and said, "Anyway, the anchor can't enjoy it, but if everyone is interested, the anchor will show you two Qiong Yao romance dramas in time. By the way, there are also related books, which you want to buy You can also leave a message, and the host will prepare later.”

Back when she watched Qiongyao drama, her mother Su cried so much, Su Jiu’s forehead was full of bags, and her face was speechless, because she was complained by Su’s mother that she had no EQ, so she wondered if watching a TV series could be related to EQ relation.But now it's useless for her to think about Su's mother's nagging, Su Jiu's mood suddenly fell three points, her mother has left her forever.

"Through Zhuge Liang's presence and disappearance, we can see that some stories in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" are widely circulated among the De'ang people. In addition, there are "Eqin and Sangge" by the Dai people and "Liang Shanbo and Sange" by the Han people. "Zhu Yingtai" is widely spread among the De'ang people. Of course, this does not mean that the De'ang people do not have their own literary works. Among the folk songs of the De'ang people, love songs are relatively developed, such as "Lusheng Elegy"; Educating People", "Heavenly King and Earth Mother", "Dragon Woman Ancestor" and so on."

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