Chapter 170 Beauty Picture

Both the Languo Plane and the Huaxiu Plane are now aroused by Su Jiu to be foodies, but the Sura Plane seems to have been indifferent. They are only interested in the weapons to deal with the demons, and the rest of the food and drink they can at most make up for. Lively, taste something new, don't take it to heart at all, this makes Su Jiu very worried.

Seeing Su Jiu's loss of appetite recently, Gu Ye was very distressed, and comforted him: "Take everything slowly, why are you in a hurry. I see that you have eaten less recently, and you have lost a lot of weight. If you continue like this No way."

Su Jiu also knew that he was in a hurry, so he could only sigh helplessly: "I know, but you can control your emotions if you don't know about some things." However, he has been too impatient recently, so he chased after someone Same.

"The Sura plane is too different from Blue Star. Many things on Blue Star are not attractive to them. Most of the things they are interested in need us to buy directly from Wanjie Mall. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. Let's Think of it as buying from Wanjie Mall." Gu Ye really thought it was no big deal, at most it was because the purchase price was high, but they still made money in the end by adding a layer, and because of the things in Wanjie Mall There are also many floors.

Su Jiu shook his head indifferently, and said, "Treasures such as blue gold honey and life spring water are still very marketable in the Sura plane, but I also need these treasures, how can I give them all."

Thinking of the barrage I saw recently, the demons have already started to attack the Sura planet on a small scale, and the Sura plane has suffered a lot of losses. This can be seen from the recent purchase of a large number of medium and high-grade magic plants. It's not that the losses were heavy, they would not have so many people place orders, after all, they still value merit.

The destructive power of the demon is extremely great, leaving no armor anywhere, just like locusts crossing the border.Although Su Jiu had never witnessed the evil and destructive power of the Heavenly Demon with her own eyes, she chatted privately with some acquaintances on the Sura plane, and found out that what Qiuqiu said before was really not a lie.

After watching some videos left by the video stone, Su Jiu could truly feel the despair of the people on the planet Sura. The Heavenly Demon deserves to be called the "Sky Demon", and it is really the most terrifying devil.They devoured everything that contained energy, demonic plants, demonic beasts, human beings... nothing remained, and it was no wonder that the people of Planet Sura would buy weapons to deal with demons in large quantities.

After thinking over and over for a long time, Su Jiu felt that the problem of Planet Sula was difficult to solve. Although she didn't know how many demons surrounded the planet Sura, there were definitely more natives than Planet Sula. Combat power, few people of the same class are opponents of the opponent. Leaving aside the low-level combat power, the people of the high-end combat power Sura Planet are not comparable to the demons. Once the protective formation outside the Sura Planet is completely destroyed, waiting for Sura The fate of the planet is to perish!

Yes, the planet Sura is going to perish!When he just learned that the Heavenly Demon devoured even the planet, Su Jiu was so frightened that he hurriedly asked Qiuqiu if there was a Heavenly Demon outside the Blue Star, but was told by Qiuqiu that the Blue Star’s level was too low, and the Heavenly Demon had seen a lot of them.Although he was rejected, Su Jiu felt that it was no big deal to be rejected.

After Blue Star's crisis was lifted, Su Jiu felt more and more headaches. What should be done on Planet Sula?
Gu Ye rubbed Su Jiu's hair helplessly, and said, "Didn't you say yes, take your time. Why are you worrying again?"

"If the matter is not resolved for a day, I feel like something is wrong in my heart, which is very uncomfortable." Su Jiu has such a temper, and she can't help it. Back then, her parents often had headaches because of this, and they corrected her over and over again. But when it comes to critical moments, she is still impatient.

Gu Ye: "..."

He himself also has this kind of personality, otherwise the Gu Corporation would not have grown and grown under his hands, like those domineering presidents in TV dramas who are always in love with true love, it is impossible for them to happen in real life. Always social animals.

Gu Ye thought for a while, and then simply suggested: "Didn't you learn painting recently? I saw that the picture of beauties you drew is not bad. Do you want to keep working hard and draw a few more?" This is really not his nonsense. Su Jiu's painting of beauties was praised even by his own grandfather.

Hearing that Su Jiu was really interested, he asked, "Which beauty do you think I should paint first?"

"To draw beauties, we should start with the four beauties of ancient times. The four ancient beauties, namely Xi Shi, Wang Zhaojun, Diao Chan, and Yang Yuhuan, enjoyed the reputation of 'the appearance of a fish falling into a wild goose, and the appearance of a closed moon shameful flower'." Of course, what Gu Ye didn't say was that There is another widely circulated saying that the four ancient beauties Baosi, Xishi, Daji, and Yang Yuhuan are also called: "Xiao Baosi is sick, Xishi is ruthless, Daji is drunk and Yang Fei is drunk".

Su Jiu pursed his lips and said, "But there are only written explanations about the four beauties in ancient times, and the rest of the paintings are all drawn by later generations, so they can't be taken as real. I don't have a reference—"

"The earliest woodcut New Year pictures unearthed in our country is the Southern Song Pingyang woodcut New Year picture "Sui Dynasty's Slim and Slender Face of the Country", also known as "Four Beauties". An ancient beauty. This year’s painting combines characters from the Han and Jin dynasties in one picture, with smooth and delicate carving lines and a plump and gorgeous composition. You can also draw these four, anyway, there are several sayings about the four beauties in ancient times.”

Su Jiu raised her eyebrows. She always thought that the Four Great Beauties in ancient times were Xi Shi, Wang Zhaojun, Diao Chan, and Yang Yuhuan, but she never thought that there were such words as Wang Zhaojun, Zhao Feiyan, Ban Ji, and Luzhu.

"Wang Zhaojun, Zhao Feiyan, and Ban Ji are relatively famous, and you may be familiar with them. As for the last Lvzhu, it is said that her original surname is Liang, and her stunning appearance is rare in the world. Hu got the green bead. The green bead is charming and considerate, like a fairy descending from the earth, especially with the song and meaning, so Shi Chong, among the many concubines, is the only one who has a special love for the green bead..."

Su Jiu looked at Gu Ye, who was beaming with excitement, and her eyelids twitched. She had been married for many years, and she really didn't know that Gu Ye still knew everything about ancient beauties. Fortunately, this beauty with green pearls has passed away, otherwise She even wondered if Gu Ye had empathized with someone else.

Seeing Su Jiu looking at him with weird eyes, Gu Ye's eyebrows twitched, he was wronged, didn't he just like to read unofficial history, as for the look of betraying his heart?

"Ahem, are you still listening?"


"Sun Xiu, who was attached to Zhao Wanglun, secretly admired Luzhu. In the past, because Shi Chong was powerful and powerful, he could only hope for and fall in love with Luzhu. Now that Shi Chong was dismissed, Sun Xiu blatantly sent someone to Shi Chong. Chong asked for the green pearl... Shi Chong insisted on not giving it to him, and Zhao Wanglun sent troops to kill Shi Chong. Shi Chong sighed to Luzhu, "I am now guilty because of you." Luzhu shed tears and said, "I wish to die before the king." Green Pearl He suddenly fell to his death, but Shi Chong wanted to pull him, but he couldn't do it in time."

(End of this chapter)

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