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Chapter 171 Hearing the Good News

Chapter 171 Hearing the Good News
After hearing the ending of Luzhu, Su Jiu felt a little angry. Shi Chong really wasn't a thing, she didn't believe that he was attacked just because of a mere beauty, why did he end up like this, it was because of Luzhu, really shameless.

Although Shi Chong was killed because of the Green Pearl, it has a long history.At that time, Shi Chong was Jingzhou's envoy and killed merchants; during the banquet, he beheaded the wine beauty for no reason.There is a good old saying: "There is no way to misfortune or good fortune, but what people call." Shi Chong killed people at every turn, how could he have a good end?Even if there is no green pearl, Shi Chong's actions will not end well.

It's just that with the existence of such a beauty, it seems that she can blame all the mistakes on the other party.Throughout history, how many beauties have been misinterpreted, and some people have even endured thousands of years of abuse because of unscrupulous politicians, such as Su Daji, Baosi, Yang Yuhuan, Zhao Feiyan...

Among them, Su Jiu thinks that Yang Yuhuan is the most pitiful among them. Yang Yuhuan has a gentle personality, a beautiful appearance, is good at singing and dancing, and knows the rhythm.Married to the longevity king Li Wei as a concubine, but was taken a fancy to by her father-in-law, and was forced to become a monk as a female Taoist priest. Later, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty ordered Yang Yuhuan to return to vulgarity and enter the palace, and was officially canonized as a noble concubine.After An Lushan launched a rebellion, he followed Tang Xuanzong Li Longji into exile in Shu, and passed by Mawei Post. The soldiers mutinied and died with hatred.

Longevity King Li Wei himself is young and handsome, with extraordinary bearing, and he is also a popular candidate for the heir to the throne. Two lovely children.

As a result, Yang Yuhuan was unluckily urged by his father-in-law Tang Xuanzong to take a fancy to him. Her husband changed from a young man to an old man. Su Jiu felt that if she were Yang Yuhuan, she would never give up on the birthday king Li Wei, so some History said that Yang Yuhuan seduced her father-in-law.

Moreover, Yang Yuhuan has been favored by Tang Xuanzong for more than ten years and has not been pregnant. Su Jiu seriously suspects that Yang Yuhuan does not want to have a baby. After all, Emperor Kangxi is over 60 and still has children. There is no reason why Tang Xuanzong, who is well maintained, can't .

It's no wonder that such a beautiful woman made Tang Xuanzong fall in love with her.However, because of this, she bears the accusation and slander of the ages.In feudal dynasties, beauty was sometimes a sin.

Su Jiu said to Gu Ye: "I decided to draw a portrait of Yang Guifei first, and wait until I think the painting is good before drawing other beauties."

Hearing that Su Jiu complained for Yang Yuhuan, Gu Ye guessed that Su Jiu would choose to paint Yang Yuhuan's portrait first, but it's not a big deal to paint someone else first, Gu Ye said he didn't mind at all, but he He still suggested: "Jiu Jiu, since your pictures of beauties are so beautiful, why don't you take the time to study how to draw pictures of beauties?" At that time, also draw a portrait of him.

Su Jiu twitched his lips and didn't answer his words: "I still think beautiful women are better-looking, but there are too few beautiful men."

She wasn't talking nonsense, Su Jiu really looked at every man with two feelings: unattractive and ordinary. Of course, Gu Ye was an out-and-out handsome man in her eyes.As for the robots in Dongtian Paradise, because someone is stingy and jealous, they all choose above-average looks, and they don't grow up to look like Pan An at all.

Gu Ye was choked, her little wife did have a selective face control, she only liked her own face when it came to men's looks, as for other people, she really didn't have much feeling, but, on the contrary, she had a lot of feelings for her face. The appreciation level of beautiful women is not low.Sometimes when Gu Ye watched his little wife staring at the beauties in the movie, he felt speechless. Isn't this aesthetically normal? Why do you always feel that other men look average?

Gu Ye absolutely does not admit that he enjoys it, but the idea of ​​asking Su Jiu to help draw a portrait probably cannot be realized.

Suddenly Su Jiu's eyes lit up, he smiled at Gu Ye, and said, "I'll help you draw a picture of a beautiful woman."

Gu Ye waved his hands again and again, please believe him, although he likes to read unofficial history anecdotes, but he really only likes his little wife, and he really doesn't like other beauties, and he thinks that few women are more beautiful than Su Jiu.

Su Jiu pretended to be mysterious with a smile, and said, "It's okay, just treat it as my birthday present to you."

Seeing Su Jiu's resolute attitude, Gu Ye felt that he might have misunderstood. After all, Su Jiu was no less jealous than himself. How could such a jealous little wife give him a portrait of another woman? Gu Ye It is guessed that the beauties in this "Picture of Beauties" are [-]% Su Jiu himself.

Gu Ye still underestimated Su Jiu's bad taste. Su Jiu didn't paint himself. She softened Gu Ye's face, and painted a high bun, beautiful Hanfu, just like a female version of Gu Ye. Ye!

When Gu Ye got the portrait sent by Su Jiu, he felt bad all over, and wanted to destroy the portrait in shame and indignation, but was stopped by Su Jiu.

Su Jiu didn't care about Gu Ye's black face at all, and said with a smile: "You should see the portrait of your future daughter in advance." She thought it might be a bit weird for Gu Ye to dress up as a woman, but she changed it slightly. A top-notch beauty, on par with herself.

Gu Ye was furious at first, but suddenly thought of something and froze on the spot.

After a while, Gu Ye looked at Su Jiu and asked excitedly, "Have you not had your period for several months?" When he thought of some possibility, he wanted to turn around excitedly.

Su Jiu looked at the bright eyes, and was stunned. Recently, several planes have successfully counterattacked. The two of them were busy going around, and she really forgot about menstruation.Doing the math, she hadn't had her period for two months.Li Sujiu takes good care of his body on weekdays, and his menstruation is very punctual, but this time his menstruation is delayed, maybe he is really pregnant.

Seeing what Su Jiu's expression didn't understand, Gu Ye laughed happily, hugged Su Jiu tightly, took a deep breath, and said, "I thought the two of us would have children at least ten years later. Oh, I didn't expect this child to come so early."

Su Jiu rotated the wood-type ability for a circle, and found an abnormality in the uterus. When she touched it, she felt a kindness, which made the corners of her mouth involuntarily turn up slightly.

However, compared to Gu Ye's crazy newbie father, Su Jiu was still calm: "Let's go to the hospital for a checkup." Although she felt that she couldn't make a mistake, she still had to go to the hospital for a checkup just in case.

(End of this chapter)

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